Original Douay Rheims Bible (1582 & 1610)


Gods workes meruelous.
the 2. key.
The Psalmist inuiteth himself and others to praise God, for his meruelous workes in the heauens, 5. the earth, and water, 9. limiting their bondes, producing al thinges necessarie for al liuing creatures, in conuenient seasons. 27. with continual prouidence of al.
1 To Dauid him self. MY soule blesse thou our Lord: ô Lord my God thou art magnified excedingly.
2 Thou hast put on confession and beautie: being clothed with light as with a garment: Stretching out the heauen as a skinne:
3 which couerest the higher partes therof with waters. Which makest the cloude for thee to ascend on: which walkest vpon the winges of windes.
4 Which makest spirites thine Angels: and thy ministers a burning fyre.
5 Which hast founded the earth vpon the stabilitie therof: it shal not be inclined for euer and euer:
6 The depth, as a garment, is his clothing: vpon the mountaines shal waters stand.
7 At thy reprehention they shal flee: at the voice of thy thunder they shal feare.
8 The mountaines ascend: and the plaine fildes descend into the place, which thou hast founded for them.
9 Thou hast set a bound, which they shal not passe ouer: neither shal they returne to couer the earth.
10 Which sendestforth fontaines in the valles: betwen the middest of mountaines shal waters passe.
11 Al the beastes of the filde shal drinke: the wilde asses shal expect in their thirst.
12 Ouer them shal the foules of the ayre inhabite: out of the middes of rockes they shal geueforth voices.
13 Watering the mountaines from his higher places: of the fruite of thy worke shal the earth be filled:
14 Bringing forth grasse for beastes, and herbe for the seruice of men. That thou mayst bring forth bread out of the earth:
15 and wine may make the hart of man ioyful: That he may make the face chereful with oile: and bread may confirme the hart of man.
16 The trees of the filde shal be filled, and the ceders of Libanus, which he hath planted:
17 there sparowes shal make their nest. The house of the hearne is the leader of them:
18 the high mountaines for hartes: the rocke a refuge for the Irchins.
19 He made the moone for seasons: the sunne knoweth his going downe.
20 Thou didst appoint darkenes, and night was made: in it shal al the beastes of the wood passe.
21 The whelpes of lions roaring, to rauen, and to seeke of God meate for themselues.
22 The sunne is risen, and they are gathered together: and in their couches they shal be placed.
23 Man shal goe forth to his worke: and to his working vntil euening.
24 How magnified are thy workes ô Lord! thou hast made al thinges in wisefom: the earth is filled with thy possession.
25 This great sea, and very large, there are creeping beastes, wherof there is no number. Litle beastes with great:
26 there shippes shal passe. This dragon, whom thou madest to delude:
27 al expect of thee that thou geue them meate in season.
28 Thou geuing vnto them, they shal gather it: thou opening thy hand, al shal be filled with bountie.
29 But thou turning away the face, they shal be trubled: thou shalt take away their spirite, and they shal faile, and shal returne into their dust.
30 Thou shalt sendforth thy spirit, and they shal be created: and thou shalt renewe the face of the earth.
31 Be the glorie of our Lord for euer: our Lord wil reioice in his workes:
32 Who looketh vpon the earth, & maketh it to tremble: who toucheth the mountaines, and they smoke.
33 I wil chaunte to our Lord in my life: I wil sing to my God as long as I am.
34 Let my speach be acceptable to him: but I wil take delight in our Lord.
35 Let sinners faile from the earth, and the vniust, so that they be not: my soule blesse thou our Lord.