Original Douay Rheims Bible (1582 & 1610)


Christ most excellently indowing his Church.
The 6. key.
Dauid singularly moued in hart and tongue, 3. prophecieth Christs excellencie, indowing his Church with most worthie dowries. 11. by way of exhortation forshewing her internal and external beautie. 17. with perpetual succession of Pastors feeding the flock euen to the worlds end.
1 Vnto the end, for them, that shal be changed, to the sonnes of Core, for vnderstanding, a Canticle for the beloued.
2 MY hart hath vttered a good word: I tel my workes to the king.
My tongue is the penne of a scribe, that writeth swiftly.
3 Goodly of beautie aboue the sonnes of men, grace is powred abrode in thy lippes: therfore hath God blessed thee for euer.
4 Be girded with thy sword vpon thy thigh, ô most mightie.
5 With thy beautie and fayrnesse intend, procede prosperousely, and reigne.
Because of truth, and mildenesse, and iustice: and thy right hand shal conduct thee meruelously.
6 Thy sharpe arrowes, the peoples vnderneth thee shal fal into the hartes of the kings enemies.
7 Thy seate ô God for euer and euer: a rod of direction the rod of thy kingdom.
8 Thou hast loued iustice, and hast hated iniquitie: therfore God, thy God, hath annoynted thee with the oile of gladnes aboue thy felowes.
9 Myrrhe, and Aloes, and Cassia from thy garmentes, from houses of yuorie; out of the which 10 the daughter of kinges haue delighted thee in thy honour.
11 The Queene stood on thy right hand in golden rayment: compassed with varietie.
Heare daughter, and see, and incline thyne eare: and forget thy people, and the house of thy father.
12 And the king wil couet thy beautie: because he is the Lord thy God, and they shal adore him.
13 And the daughters of Tyre with giftes, al the rich of the people shal besech thy countenance.
14 Al the glorie of that daughter of the king is within, in borders of gold 15 clothed round about with varieties.
Virgins shal be brought to the king after her: her neighbours shal be brought to thee.
16 They shal be brought in ioy and exultation: they shal be brought into the temple of the king.
17 For thy fathers there are borne sonnes to thee: thou shalt make them princes ouer al the earth.
18 They shal be mindeful of thy name in al generation and generation.
Therefore shal peoples confesse to thee for euer: and for euer and euer.