Original Douay Rheims Bible (1582 & 1610)


Christs coming to restore man.
the 5. key.
The Psalmist earnestly prayeth God to geue him leaue, & to shew him where, to build a Temple. But more especially prayeth for, and prophecieth the coming of Christ, the promised Sonne of Dauid, 14. signifying Gods promise therof, and of establishing his Church.
1 A gradual Canticle. REMEMBER Dauid ô Lord, and al his meekenes:
2 As he sware to our Lord, vowed a vowe to the God of Iacob.
3 If I shal enter into the tabernacle of my house, if I shal ascend into the bed of my couch.
4 If I shal geue sleepe to mine eies, and slumbering to mine eie liddes:
5 And rest to my temples: vntil I finde a place for our Lord, a tabernacle for the God of Iacob.
6 Behold we haue heard of it in Ephrata: we haue found it in the fildes of the wood.
7 We wil enter into his tabernacle: we wil adore in the place where his feete stood.
8 Arise Lord into thy rest, thou and the arke of thy sanctification.
9 Let thy Priestes be clothed with iustice: & let thy sainctes reioyce.
10 For Dauid thy seruants sake, turne not away the face of thy Christ.
11 Our Lord hath sworne truth to Dauid, and he wil not disapoint it: Of the fruite of thy wombe I wil set vpon thy seate.
12 If thy children shal keepe my testament, and these my testimonies which I wil teach them: Their children also euen for euer, shal sit vpon thy seate.
13 Because our Lord hath chosen Sion: he hath chosen it for an habitation to himself.
14 This is my rest for euer and euer: here wil I dwel because I haue chosen it.
15 Blessing I wil blesse her widow: her poore I wil fil with breades.
16 Her Priestes I wil clothe with saluation: and her sainctes shal reioyce with ioyfulnes.
17 Thither wil I bring forth a horne to Dauid, I haue prepared a lampe to my Christ.
18 His enemies I wil clothe with confusion: but vpon him shal my sanctification flourish.