Original Douay Rheims Bible (1582 & 1610)


The state of the Church in the first and last times of Christ.
The 6. key.
The Prophet describeth the paucity of iust men, and abundanc of wicked, both at Christs first coming in flesh, and second in maiestie, in the end of the world.
1 Vnto the end for the octaue, the Psalme of Dauid.
2 SAVE me Lord, because the holy hath fayled because verities are diminished from among the children of men.
3 They haue spoken vaine thinges euerie one to his neighbour, deiceitful lippes, they haue spoken in hart and hart.
4 Our Lord destroy al deceitful lippes, & the tongue that speaketh great thinges
5 Which haue said: We wil magnifie our tongue, our lippes are of vs, who is our Lord?
6 For the miserie of the needie, and mourning of the poore, now wil I arise, saith our Lord: I wil put in a saluation: I wil do confidently in him.
7 Wordes of our Lord, be chaist wordes: siluer examined by fire, tryed from the earth, purged seuen fold.
8 Thou Lord wilt preserue vs: and keepe vs from this generation for euer.
9 The impious walke round about: according to thy highnes thou hast multiplied the children of men.