Original Douay Rheims Bible (1582 & 1610)


The seuenth penitential Psalme.
the 7. key.
King Dauid (or anie other) in spiritual or temporal tribulation, not trusting in his owne iustice; layeth open his calamitie, 5. considering Gods benignitie, 6. prayeth to be spedely deliuered; 11. and confidently assureth himselfe therof.
1 A Psalme of Dauid, when Absalom his sonne persecuted him.
LORD heare my prayer: with thine eares receiue my petition in thy truth: heare me in thy iustice.
2 And enter not into iudgement with thy seruant: because no man liuing shal be iustified in thy sight.
3 Because the enemie hath persecuted my soule: he hath humbled my life in the earth.
He hath set me in obscure places as the dead of the world:
4 and my spirit is in anguish vpon me, within me my hart is trubled.
5 I was mindful of old dayes, I haue meditated in al thy workes: in the factes of thy handes did I meditate.
6 I haue stretched forth thy handes to thee: my soule is as earth without water vnto thee.
7 Heare me quickly ô Lord: my spirite hath faynted.
Turne not away thy face from me: and I shal be like to them that descend into the lake.
8 Make me heare thy mercie in the morning: because I haue hoped in thee.
Make the way knowen to me, wherein I may walke: because I haue lifted vp my soule to thee.
9 Deliuer me from mine enemies ô Lord, to thee I haue fled:
10 teach me to doe thy wil, because thou art my God.
11 Thy good spirite wil conduct me into the right way: for thy name sake ô Lord thou wilt quicken me, in thine equitie.
12 Thou wilt bring forth my soule out of tribulation: and in thy mercie thou wilt destroy mine enemies.
And thou wilt destroy al, that afflict my soule: because I am thy seruant.