Original Douay Rheims Bible (1582 & 1610)



1. VVHɪᴄʜ Ioseph seeing, fel vpon his fathers face weeping and kissing him. 2. And he commanded his seruantes the physitians, that they should embawme his father with spices. 3. Who fufilling his commandements, there passed fourtie dayes: for this was the maner of corses embawmed, and Ægypt mourned him seuentie daies. 4. And the mourning time being expired, Ioseph spake to the familie of Pharao: If I haue found grace in your sight, speake in the eares of Pharao: 5. for so much as my father did adiure me, saing: Behold I die, in my sepulchre which I digged for my selfe in the land of Chanaan, thou shalt burie me. I wil goe vp therfore, and burie my father, and returne. 6. And Pharao said to him: Goe vp and burie thy father as thou wast adiured. 7. Who going vp, there went with him al the ancients of Pharaos house, and al the elders of the Land of Ægypt: 8. the house of Ioseph with his brethren, sauing their little ones, and the flockes and heards, which they had left in the Land of Gessen. 9. He had also in his traine chariotts and horsemen: and it became no smal multitude. 10. And they came to the floore of Atad, which is situate beyond Iordaine: where celebrating the exequies with great and vehement mourning, they spent ful seuen dayes. 11. Which when the Inhabiters of the Land of Chanaan had seene, they said: This is a great mourning vnto the Ægyptians. And therfore the name of that place was called, The mourning of Ægypt. 12. Therfore the sonnes of Iacob did as he commanded them: 13. and carying him into the Land of Chanaan, they buried him in the duble caue, which Abraham had bought with the field for a possession to burie in of Ephron the Hethite against Mambre. 14. And Ioseph returned into Ægypt with his brethren, and with al the traine, his father being buried. 15. After whose death, his brethren fearing, and talking one with an other: Lest perhaps he be mindful of the iniurie which he suffered, and requite vs al the euil that we haue done, 16. they aduertised him saing: Thy father commanded vs before he died, 17. that we should say thus much to thee in his wordes: I besech that thou forget the wicked fact of thy brethren, and the sinne & malice which they haue exercised against thee: we also desire thee, that to the seruants of the God of thy father thou remit this iniquitie. Whom when Ioseph had heard he wept. 18. And his brethren came to him: and adoring prostrate on the ground they said: We are thy seruantes. 19. To whom he answered: Feare not: can we resist the wil of God? 20. You thought euil against me: but God turned that into good, that he might exalt me, as presently you see, and might saue many peoples. 21. Feare not: I wil feed you & your litle ones, and he comforted them, and spake gently & mildly. 22. And he dwelt in Ægypt, wih al his fathers house: and liued an hundred and tenne yeares. And he sawe the children of Ephraim vnto the third generation. Also the children of Machir the sonne of Manasses were borne in Iosephs knees. 23. Which thinges being done, he spake to his brethren: After my death God wil visite you, and wil make you goe vp out of this land, to the land which he sware to Abraham, Isaac, and Iacob. 24. And when he had adiured them and said: God wil visite you, carie my bones with you out of this place: 25. he died, being an hundred and tenne yeares old. And being embawmed with spices, was put in a coffin in Ægypt.