Original Douay Rheims Bible (1582 & 1610)



1. ANᴅ Dina the daughter of Lia went forth to see the wemen of that countrie. 2. Whom when Sichem had seene the sonne of Hemor the Heuite, the prince of that land, he was in loue with her: and he tooke her away, and lay with her, by force rauishing the virgin. 3. And his soule was fast kint vnto her, and wheras she was sad, he comforted her with sweete wordes. 4. And going to Hemor his father, he said: Take me this wench to be my wife. 5. Which when Iacob had heard, his sonnes being absent, and occupied in feeding of the cattle, he held his peace til they returned. 6. And when Hemor Sichems father was come forth to speake vnto Iacob, 7. behold his sonnes came out of the field: and hearing what had passed, they were passing wrath, because he had done a foule thing in Israel, and committed an vnlawful fact, in rauishing Iacobs daughter 8. Hemor therfore spake to them: The soule of my sonne Sichem is fastned to your daughter: Geue her vnto him to wife: 9. and let vs contract mariages one with an other: geue vs your daughters, and take you our daughters. 10. And dwel with vs: the land is at your commandement, tille, occupie, and possesse it. 11. Yea and Sichem also said to her father and to her brethren: Let me finde grace in your sight: and what soeuer you shal appointe I wil geue: 12. raise the dowrie, and require giftes, and I shal gladly geue, what you shal demande: only geue me this wench to wife. 13. Iacobs sonnes answered Sichem & his father in guile, being wrath for the deflouring of their sister: 14. We can not doe that which you demande, nor geue our sister to an vncircumcised person: which with vs is an vnlawful & abhominable thing. 15 But in this order we may be confederate, if you wil be like to vs, and al the man sex among you be circumcised: 16. then wil we geue and take mutually your daughters, and ours: and we wil dwel with you, and wil be one people: 17. but if you wil not be circumcised, we wil take our daughter, and depart. 18. The offer pleased Hemor, and Sichem his sonne: 19. neither did the young man make delay, but forthwith fulfilled that which was demanded: for he loued the wench exceedingly, and he was the greatest man in al his fathers house. 20. And going into the gate of the citie, they spake to the people: 21. These men are men of peace, and are willing to dwel with vs: let them occupie in the land, and til it, which being large and wide doth lacke men to tille it: their daughters we shal take to wife, and ours we wil geue to them. 22. One thing there is for the which so great a good is differred: If we circumcise our men sexe, folowing the rite of the nation. 23. And their substance, and cattle, and al things that they possesse, shal be ours: only in this let vs condescend, and dwelling togeather, we shal make one people. 24. And they al assented, and circumcised al the man sex. 25. And behold the third day, when the griefe of the woundes is most paineful: Iacobs two sonnes, Simeon and Leui the brothers of Dina, taking their swordes, entred into the citie boldly: and killing al the man sex, 26. murdred withal Hemor and Sichem, taking away Dina their sister out of Sichems house. 27. When they were gone forth, the other sonnes of Iacob ranne in vpon them that were slaine: and spoiled the citie in reuenge of the rape. 28. And wasting al things that were in their houses, and fildes, their sheepe and heardes, and asses, 28. their little ones also, and their wiues they led away captiue. 30. Which things when they had boldly atcheiued, Iacob said to Simeon and Leui: You haue trubled me, and made me odious to the Chananites, and Pherezites the inhabiters of this land, we are few: they being gethered together wil strike me; and I, and my house shal be destroyed. 31. They answered: What should they abuse our sister as a strumpet?