1. Aɴᴅ Abraham maried an other wife named Cethura:
2. which bare him Zamran, and Iecsan, and Madan, and Madian, and Iesboc, and Sue.
3. Iecsan also begat Saba and Dadan. The Children of Dadan were Assurim, and Latusim,
and Loomim.
4. But also of Madian was borne Epha, and Opher, and Henoch, and Abida, and Eldaa: al
these were the children of Cetura.
5. And Abraham gaue al his possessions to Isaac:
6. and to the children of his concubines he gaue gifts, and separated them from Isaac his
sonne, whilest himselfe yet liued, to the east countrie.
7. And the days of Abrahams life were a hundred seuentie and fiue yeares.
8. And decaying dyed in a good old age, and hauing liued a great time, and being
ful of days: and was gethered to his people.
9. And there buried him Isaac and Ismael his sonnes in the duble caue, which was situated
in the field of Ephron the sonne of Seor the Hethite, ouer against Mambre,
10. which he had bought of the children of Heth: there was he buried, and Sara his wife.
11. And after his death God blessed Isaac his sonne, who dwelled beside the wel of the
Liuing and seing so named.
12. These are the generations of Ismael the sonne of Abraham, whom Agar the Ægyptian
bare him, Saraes seruant: and
13. these are the names of his children according to their calling and generations. The
first begotten of Ismael Nabaioth, then Cedar, and Adbeel, and Mabsam,
14. Masma also, and Duma, and Massa,
15. Hadar, and Thema, and Iethur, and Naphis, and Cedma.
16. These are the sonnes of Ismael: and these are their names by their castles and townes,
twelue princes of their tribes.
17. And the yeares of Ismaels life came to an hundred thirtie seauen, and decaying died,
and was put vnto his people.
18. And he dwelt from Heuila euen to Sur, which looketh towards Ægypt, as they enter to
the Assirians, before the face of al his bretheren died he.
19. These also are the generations of Isaac the sonne of Abraham: Abraham begat Isaac:
20. who when he was fortie yeares old, tooke to wife Rebecca the daughter of Bathuel the
Syrian of Mesopotamia, sister to Laban.
21. And Isaac besought our Lord for his wife, because she was barren: who heard him, and
made Rebecca to conceaue.
22. But the little ones strugled in her wombe; who said: If it should be so with me, what
nede was there to conceaue? And she went to consult our Lord.
23. Who answering said: Two nations are in thy wombe, and two peoples shal be diuided out
of thy wombe, and one people shal ouercome the other, and the elder shal serue the younger.
24. Now her time was come to be deliuered, and behold twinnes were found in her wombe.
25. He that came forth first, was read, and al hearie in manner of a skinne: and his name
was called Esau. Immediatly the other coming forth, held his brothers plant in his hand: and
therfore he called him Iacob.
26. Threescore yeares old was Isaac, when the litle ones were borne vnto him.
27. Who being growne vp, Esau became a man cunning in hunting, and a husband man: but
Iacob a plaine man dwelled in tents.
28. Isaac loued Esau, because he did eate of his hunting: and Rebecca loued Iacob.
29. And Iacob boyled broth: to whom Esau being come faynt out of the field,
30. said: Geue me of this read broth, because I am exceding faint. For which cause his
name was called Edom.
31. To whom Iacob said: Sel me thy first-birth-right.
32. He answered, Loe I dye, what wil the first birth right auaile me?
33. Iacob said: Sweare therfore to me. Esau sware to him, and sould his first-birth-right.
34. And so taking bread and the rice broth, did eate, and drinke, and went his way;
little esteeming that he had sold his first birth right.