Original Douay Rheims Bible (1582 & 1610)



1. ANᴅ Iacob lifting vp his eyes, saw Esau coming, and with him foure hundred men: and he diuided the children of Lia and of Rachel, and of the two handmaides: 2. and he put both the handmaids & their children foremost: and Lia, and her children in the second place: and Rachel, and Ioseph last. 3. And himselfe going foreward adored prostrate to the grownd seuen times, vntil his brother came nere. 4. Esau therfore running to mete his brother, embraced him: and clasping him fast about the necke, and kissing him wept. 5. And casting vp his eyes, he saw the wemen and their litle ones, and said: What meane these? And do they perteyne to thee? He answered: They are the litle ones which God hath geuen to me thy seruant. 6. And the handmaides and their children coming nere, bowed themselues. 7. Lia also with her children came nere: and when they had adored in like maner, last Ioseph and Rachel adored. 8. And Esau said: What are the troupes that I did mete? He answered: That I might find grace before my lord. 9. But he said: I haue plentie, my brother, be thy things to thy selfe. 10. And Iacob said: Do not so I besech thee, but if I haue found grace in thin eyes, take a litle present at my hands: for so haue I seene thy face, as if I should haue seene the countenance of God: be gracious to me, 11. and take the blessing, which I haue brought thee, and which God hath geuen me, who geueth al thinges. Scarse at his brothers great instance, taking it, 12. he said: Let vs march on together; and I wil accompanie thee in thy iourney. 13. And Iacob said: My lord thou knowest that I haue with me litle ones, and sheepe, and kine with young: which if I cause to ouerlaboure themselues in going, in one day al the flockes wil die. 14. It may please my lord to goe before his seruant: and I wil folow softly after him, as I shal see my litle ones to be able, vntil I come to my lord in Seir. 15. Esau answered: I besech thee, that of my people at the leastwise, which is with me, there may remaine some to accompanie thee in the way. It is not needful, said he, this only I haue nede of, that I may finde grace (my lord) in thy sight. 16. Esau therfore returned that day the same way, that he came into Seir. 17. And Iacob cometh into Socoth: where hauing built a house, and pitched his tents, he called the name of that place Socoth, that is, Tabernacles. 18. And he passed into Salem a citie of the Sichimites, which is in the land of Chanaan, after he returned from Mesopotamia of Siria: and he dwelt beside the towne. 19. And he bought that part of the field, wherin he had pitched his tents, of the children of Hemor, the father fo Sichem for an hundred lambes. 20. And erecting an altar there, on it he called vpon the most mightie God of Israel.