Original Douay Rheims Bible (1582 & 1610)



1. Tʜᴇʀꜰᴏʀᴇ Ioseph was brought into Ægypt, and Putiphar an Eunuch of Pharao, prince of his armie, a man of Ægypt bought him, at the hand of the Ismaelites, by whom he was brought. 2. And our Lord was with him, and he was a man, that in al things did prosperously: and he dwelt in his maisters house, 3. who knewe verie wel that our Lord was with him, and that al thinges which he did, were directed by him in his hand. 4. And Ioseph found grace before his maister, and ministred to him: by whom being made ruler ouer al his thinges, he gouerned the house committed to him, and al thinges that were deliuered vnto him: 5. and our Lord blessed the house of the Ægyptian for Iosephes sake, and multiplied as wel in houses, as in landes al his substance. 7. Neither knew he any other thing, but the bread which he did eate. And Ioseph was of beautiful countenance, and comely fauored to behold. 8. After manie dayes therfore his maistresse cast her eyes on Ioseph, and said: Sleepe with me. 9. Who in no wise assenting to that wicked act, said to her: Behold, my maister hauing deliuered al thinges vnto me, knoweth not what he hath in his owne house: 10. neither is there any thing which is not in my power, or that he hath not deliuered to me, beside thee, that art his wife: how therfore can I do this wicked thing, and sinne against my God? 11. With these kinde of wordes day by day both the woman was importune vpon the young man: and he refused the aduoutrie. 12. And it chanced on a certaine day, that Ioseph went into the house, and did some businesse without anie man with him: 13. and she catching the skirte of his garment, said: Sleepe with me. who leauing the cloke in her hand, fled, and went forth abroad. 14. And when the woman sawe the garment in her handes, and her selfe to be contemned, 15. she called to her the men of her house, and said to them: See he hath brought in an Hebrew, to delude vs: he came vpon me, for to lie with me: and when I had cried out, 16. and he heard my voice, he left the cloake that I held, and fled forth. 17. For an argument therfore of her credite, she reserued the cloake, and shewed it to her husband returning home, 18. and said: There came vnto me the Hebrew seruant, whom thou didest bring hither, for to delude me: 19. and when he heard me crie, he left the cloke which I held, and fled forth. 20. His maister hearing these thinges, and geuing ouer light credite to his wiues wordes, was very wrath: 21. and deliuered Ioseph into prison, where the kinges prisoners were kept, and he was there shut vp. 22. And our Lord was with Ioseph, and hauing mercie vpon him gaue him grace in the sight of the chiefe of the prison. 23. Who deliuered in his hand al the prisoners that were kept in custodie: and whatsoeuer was done, was vnder him. 24. Neyther did himselfe knowe any thing, hauing committed al things to him: for our Lord was with him, and directed al his workes.