Original Douay Rheims Bible (1582 & 1610)



1. THᴇꜱᴇ thinges being so done, it chanced that two Eunuches, the cupbearer of the king of Ægypt, and his baker, offended against their lord. 2. And Pharao being wrath against them (for the one was chiefe of the cupbearers, the other chiefe baker) 3. he sent them into the prison of the captaine of the souldiers, in the which Ioseph also was prisoner. 4. But the keeper of the prison deliuered them to Ioseph, who also ministred to them: some litle time was passed, and they were kept in custodie. 5. And they sawe ech of them both a dreame in one night, according to an interpretation agreing to them selues: 6. to whom when Ioseph was entred in the morning, and saw them sad, 7. he asked them, saying: Why is your countenance sadder to day then it was woont? 8. Who answered: We haue seene a dreame, & there is no bodie to interprete it to vs. And Ioseph said to them: Why doth not interpretation belong to God? Tel me what you haue seene. 9. The chiefe of the cupbearers first told his dreame: I saw before me a vine, 10. wherin were three branches, growing by litle and litle into buddes, and after the blossomes the grapes waxed ripe: 11. and the cup of Pharao in my hand: and I tooke the grapes, and wrong them into the cup which I held, and I gaue the cup to Pharao. 12. Ioseph answered: This is the interpretation of the dreame: The three branches, are yet three dayes: 13. after the which Pharao wil remember thy seruice, and wil restore thee to thy old degree: and thou shalt geue him the cup according to thyne office, as before thou haddest wont to doe. 14. Only remember me, when it shal be wel with thee, and doe me this mercie: to put Pharao in mind that he take me out of this prison: 15. because I was taken away by stealth, out of the land of the hebrewes, and here an innocent was I cast into the lake. 16. The maister of the bakers seing that he had wisely resolued the dreame, he said: And I also saw a dreame, That I had three baskettes of meale vpon my head: 17. and that in one basket that was the higher, I caried al meates that are made by the art of baking, and that the birds did eate out of it. 18. Ioseph answered: This is the interpretation of the dreame: The three basketts, are yet three dayes: 19. after the which Pharao wil take thy head from thee, and hang thee on the crosse, and the soules shal teare thy flesh. 20. The third day after this was the birth day of Pharao: who making a great feast to his seruantes, at the banket he remembred the maister of the cupbearers, and the chiefe of the bakers. 21. And he restored the one into his place, to reach him the cuppe; 22. the other he hanged on a gibbet, that the truth of the interpreter might be approued. 23. And yet notwithstanding the chiefe of the cupbearers, prosperous thinges succeeding, forgat his interpreter.