Original Douay Rheims Bible (1582 & 1610)



1. IOꜱᴇᴘʜ could no longer refrayne manie standing by in presence: wherupon he commanded that al should goe forth, and no stranger should be present at their acknowledging one of another. 2. And he lifted vp his voice with weeping, which the Ægyptians heard, and al the house of Pharao. 3. And he said to his Brethren: I am Ioseph: is my father yet liuing? His brethren could not answer him being teribly astonyed out of measure. 4. To whom gently he said: Come hither to me. And when they were come nere him, I am, quoth he, Ioseph, your brother, whom you solde into Ægypt. 5. Be not affraid, neither let it seeme to you a hard case that you did sel me into these countries: for God sent me before you into Ægypt for your preseruation. 6. For it is two yeares since the famin begain to be vpon the earth, and yet fiue yeares remaine, wherin there can be neither caring nor reaping. 7. And God sent me before, that you may be preserued vpon the earth, and may haue victuals to liue. 8. Not by your counsail, but by the wil of God was I sent hither: who hath made me as it were a father to Pharao, and lord of his whole house, and prince in al the land of Ægypt. 9. Make hast and get ye vp to my father, and you shal say to him: Thy sonne Ioseph willeth thus: God hath made me lord of the whole land of Ægypt: come downe to me, tary not. 10. And thou shalt dwel in the land of Gessen: and thou shalt be nere me thou and thy sonnes, and thy sonnes children, thy shepe, and thy heardes. and al things that thou dost possesse. 11. And there I wil fede thee (for yet there are fiue yeares of famine remayning) lest both thou perish, and thy house, & al things that thou dost possesse. 12. Behold, your eyes, and the eyes of my brother Beniamin doe see, that it is my mouth that speaketh vnto you. 13. Report to my father my whole glorie and al things that you haue seene in Ægypt: make hast, and bring him to me. 14. And falling vpon the neck of his brother Beniamin, embracing him he wept: he also in like maner weeping vpon his neck. 15. And Ioseph kissed al his brethren, and wept vpon euerie one: after which things they were bold to speake vnto him. 16. And it was heard of, and very famously reported abrode in the kings courte: The brethren of Ioseph are come: and Pharao was glad, and al his familie. 17. And he spake to Ioseph that he should command his brethren, saying: Loading your beasts goe into the Land of Chanaan, 18. and take thence your father and kinne, and come to me: and I wil geue you al the good things of Ægypt, that you may eate the marow of the land. 19. Geue commandment also that they take waynes out of the land of Ægypt, for the carage of their litle ones and wyues: and say: Take vp your father, and make hast to come with al spede. 20. Neither doe you leaue any thing of your houshould stuffe: for al the riches of Ægypt, shal be yours. 21. And the sonnes of Israel did as it was commanded them. To whom Ioseph gaue waynes according to Pharaos commandment: and victuals for the way. 22. He bad also to be brought vp for euery one two robes: but to Beniamin he gaue three hundred peeces of siluer with fiue robes of the best: 23. sending to his father as much money and rayment, adding besides them he asses that should carie of al the riches of Ægypt, and as many shee asses, carying wheat for the iourney and bread. 24. Therfore he dismissed his brethren, and when they were departing he said to them: Be not angrie in the way. 25. Who going vp out of Ægypt, came into the land of Chanaan to their father Iacob. 26. And they told him saying: Ioseph thy sonne is liuing: and he ruleth in al the Land of Ægypt. Which when Iacob heard, awaking as it were out of a heauie sleepe, notwithstanding did not beleeue them. 27. They on the contrarie side reported the whole order of the thing. And when he sawe the waynes and al things that he had sent, his spirit reuiued, 28. and he said: It sufficeth me if Ioseph my sonne be liuing yet: I wil goe, and see him before I dye.