Original Douay Rheims Bible (1582 & 1610)



1. ANᴅ these are the generations of Esau, the same is Edom. 2. Esau tooke wiues of the daughters of Chanaan: Ada the daughter of Elon the Hetheite, and Oolibama the daughter of Ana daughter of Sebeon the Heueite: 3. Basemath also the daughter of Ismael sister of Nabaioth. 4. And Ada bare Eliphaz: Basemath bare Rahuel: 5. Oolibama bare Iehus and Ihelon and Coree. these are the sonnes of Esau, that were borne to him in the land of Chanaan. 6. And Esau tooke his wiues and sonnes and daughters, and euerie soule of his house, and his substance, and catle, and al that he could haue in the land of Chanaan: and he went into an other countrie, and departed from his brother Iacob. 7. For they were exceding rich, and could not dwel together: neither was the land of their peregrination able to beare them, for the multitude of flockes. 8. And Esau dwelt in Mount Seir, he is Edom. 9. And these are the generations of Esau the father of Edom in mount Seir, 10. and these are the names of his sonnes: Eliphaz the sonne of Ada the wife of Esau: Rahuel also the sonne of Basemath his wife. 11. And Eliphas had sonnes: Theman, Omar, Sepho, and Gathan, and Cenes. 12. And Thamna was the concubine of Eliphas the sonne of Esau: which bare to him Amalech. these are the sonnes of Ada the wife of Esau. 13. And the sonnes of Rahuel: were Nahath & Zara, Samma and Meza. these were the sonnes of Basemath the wife of Esau. 14. These also were the sonnes of Oolibama, the daughter of Ana, the daughter of Sebeon, the wife of Esau, which she bare to him, Iehus, and Ihelon, and Coree. 15. These were dukes of the sonnes of Esau: the sonnes of Eliphaz the first-begotten of Esau: duke Theman, duke Omar, duke Sepho, duke Cenes, 16. duke Coree, duke Gatham, duke Amalech, these are the sonnes of Eliphaz in the land of Edom, and these are the sonnes of Ada. 17. These also were the sonnes of Rahuel, the sonne of Esau: duke Nahath, duke Zara, duke Zamma, duke Meza. and these are be the dukes of Rahuel, in the Land of Edom: these be the sonnes of Basemath the wife of Esau. 18. And these were the sonnes of Oolibama the wife of Esau: duke Iehus, duke Ihelon, euke Coree. these be the dukes of Oolibama, the daughter of Ana, and wife of Esau. 19. These are the sonnes of Esau, and these are the dukes of them: the same is Edom. 20. These are the sonnes of Seir the horreite, the inhabiters of the land: Lotan, and Sobal, and Sebeon, and Ana, 21. and Dison, and Eser, and Disan. These are dukes of the Horreite, the sonnes of Seir in the Land of Edom. 22. And Lotan had sonnes: Hori and Heman: and the sister of Lotan, was Thamna. 23. And these were the sonnes of Sobal: Aluan and Manahat, and Ebal, and Sepho and Onam. 24. And these were the sonnes of Sebeon: Aia and Ana. This is Ana that found the hot waters in the wildernes, when he fed the asses of Sebeon his father: 25. and he had a sonne Dison, and a daughter Oolibama. 26. And these were the sonnes of Dison: Hamdan, and Eseban, and Iethram, and Charan. 27. These also were the sonnes of Eser: Balaan, and Zauan, and Acan. 28. And Disan had sonnes: Hus, and Aram. 29. These were dukes of the Horreites: duke Lotan, duke Sobal, duke Sebeon, duke Ana, 30. duke Dison, duke Eser, duke Disan: these were dukes of the Horreites that ruled in the Land Seir. 31. And the Kinges that ruled in the land of Edom, before that the children of Israel had a king, were these: 32. Bela the sonne of Beor, and the name of his citie Denaba. 33. And Bela died, and Iobab the sonnne of Zara of Bosra reigned in his steed. 34. And when Iobab was dead, Husam of the land of the Themans reigned in his steed. 35. He also being dead, there reigned in his steed Adad the sonne of Badad, that stroke Madian in the countrie of Moab: and the name of his citie was Auith. 36. And when Adad was dead, there reigned for him Semla of Masreca. 37. He also being dead, Saul of the riuer Rohoboth, reigned in his steed. 38. And when he also was dead, Balanan the sonne of Achobor succeeded into the kingdome. 39. This man also being dead Adar reigned in his place, and the name of his citie was Phau: and his wife was called Meetabel, the daughter of Matred, daughter of Mezaab. 40. These therfore be the names of the dukes of Esau in their kinreds, and places, and callings: duke Thamna, duke Alua, duke Ietheth, 41. duke Oolibama, duke Ela, duke Phinon,. 42. duke Cenez, duke Theman, duke Mabser, 43. duke Magdiel, duke Hiram: these are the dukes of Edom dwelling in the land of their empire, the same is Esau the father of the Idumeians.