Original Douay Rheims Bible (1582 & 1610)



1. IN ᴛʜᴇ meane time God spake to Iacob: Arise, and goe vp to Bethel, and dwel there, and make an altar to God that appeared to thee when thou diddest flie from Esau thy brother. 2. And Iacob hauing called together al his house, said: Cast away the strange goddes that are among you, and be clensed and change your garments. 3. Arise, and let vs goe vp into Bethel, that we may make there an altar vnto God: who heard me in the day of my tribulation, and accompained me in my iourney. 4. They gaue to him therfore al the strange goddes that they had, and the earelets which were in their eares: but he buried them vnder the 330.4 terebinth, that is behind the citie of Sichem. 5. And when they were departed, the terror of God inuaded al the cities rounde about, and they durst not pursew them going away. 6. And Iacob came to Luza, which is in the land of Chanaan, surnamed Bethel: he and al the people that was with him. 7. And he builded there an altar, and called the name of that place, The house of God: for there God appeared to him when he fled from his brother. 8. The same time died Debora the nurse of Rebecca, and was buried at the foote of Bethel vnder an oke: and the name of that place was called, The oke of weeping. 9. And God appeared again to Iacob after he returned from Mesopotamia of Siria, and he blessed him, 10. saying: Thou shalt not be called any more Iacob, but Israel shal be thy name. And he called him Israel, 11. and said to him: I am God almightie, encrease thou and multiplie: Of thee shal be nations and peoples of nations, kinges shal come forth of thy loynes. 12. And the land which I gaue to Abraham and Isaac, I wil geue to thee, and to thy seede after thee. 13. And he departed from him. 14. But he erected a title of stone, in the place where God had spoken vnto him: offering vpon it liquide offeringes, and powring oile on it: 15. and calling the name of that place, Bethel. 16. And being gone forth from thence, he came in the spring time to the land which leadeth to Ephrata: wherin when Rachel was in trauaile, 17. because of difficultie in her trauaile, she beganne to be in danger, and the midwife said vnto her: Feare not, for thou shalt haue also this a sonne. 18. And her soule departing for paine, and death now at hand, she called the name of her sonne Benoni, that is the sonne of my paine: but his father called him Beniamin, that is the sonne of the right hand. 19. Rachel therfore died, and was buried in the hye way that leadeth to Ephrata, this same is Bethleem. 20. And Iacob erected a title ouer her sepulchre: This is the litle of Rachels monument, vntil this present day. 21. Departing thence, he pitched his tent beyond the Flocke tower. 22. And when he dwelt in that countrie: Ruben went, and slept with Bala his fathers concubine: which thing he was not ignorant of. And the sonnes of Iacob were twelue. 23. The sonnes of Lia: Ruben the first begotten, and Simeon, and Leui, and Iudas, and Issachar, and Zabulon. 24. The sonnes of Rachel: Ioseph and Beniamin. 25. The sonnes of Bala Rachels handmaid: Dan and Nepthali. 26. The sonnes of Zelpha Lias handmaid: Gad and Aser: these are the sonnes of Iacob, that were borne to him in Mesopotamia of Siria. 27. He came also to Isaac his father in Mambre, the citie of Arbee, this is Hebron: wherin Abraham and Isaac soiourned. 28. And the dayes of Isaac were complete an hundred eyghtie yeares. 29. And spent With age he died, and was put to his people, being old and ful of dayes: and Esau and Iacob his sonnes buryed him.