Most vnderstand al this of Heretikes.
The fifth Angel sounding the trompet, a starre falleth. 3. The issuing forth of locustes from
the smoke of the deep pitte to vexe men, 7. and the description of them. 13. The sixt Angel
sounding, foure Angels are let loose, 18. which with a great troup of horsemen doe murder the third
part of men.
1. AND the fifth Angel sounded with the trompet, & I saw
The fal if an Arch-heretike, as Arius, Luther, Caluin, out of the Church of God which
haue the key of Hel to open & bring forth al the old condemned heresies buried before
in the depth.
a starre to haue fallen from
heauen vpon the earth, and there as giuen to him the key of the pit of bottomles depth.
2. And he openeth the pit of the bottomles depth: and the smoke of the pit ascended,
as the smoke of a great fornace: and the sunne was darkned and the aier with the smoke of the pit.
3. And from the smoke of the pit there issued forth
Innumerable pety heretikes following their Maisters after the opening & the smoke of the
bottomlesse pit.
locusts into the earth. And power
was giuen to them, as the scorpions of the earth haue power:
4. and it was commanded them that should not hurt the grasse of the earth nor any green
things, nor any tree: but only men which haue not the signe of God in their foreheads.
5. And it was giuen vnto them that they should not kil them: but that they should be
tormented fiue moneths: and their tormnents as the tormnents of a scorpion when he striketh a man.
6. And
Apoc. 6,16.
in those daies men shal seek for death, and shal not find it: and they shal
desire to die, & death shal fly from them.
7. And the similitudes of the locusts, like to horses prepared into battel: and vpon
their heads as it were crownes like to gold: and their faces as the faces of men.
8. And they had haire as the haire of women; & their teeth were as Lions.
9. And they had
coats of male, or other coats of fence.
habbergoins as habbergoins of yron, and the voice of their wings as
the voice of the chariots of many horses running into battel.
10. And they had tailes like to scorpions, and stings were in their tailes: and their
power was to hurt men fiue months.
The cheefe Maister of heretikes.
And they had ouer them a King, the Angel of the bottomless depth, whose name in
Hebrew is
Abaddon, and in Greek
ἀπολλύων, In English Destroier.
Apollyon: in Latin hauing the name Exterminans.
12. One woe is gone, & behold two woes come yet after these.
13. And the sixt Angel sounded with the trompet: and I heard one voice from the foure
hornes of the golden altar, which is before the eyes of God,
14. saying to the sixt Angel which had the trompet: Loose the foure Angels which are
bound in the great riuer Euphrates.
15. And the foure Angels were loosed, who were prepared for an houre, & a day, and a
moneth, and a yeare: that they might kil the third part of men.
16. And the number of the armie of horse-men was twentie thousand times ten thousand.
And I heard the number of them.
17. And so I saw the horses in the vision: and they that sate vpon them, had habbergoins
of fire and of hyacinth and brimstone, and the heads of the horses were as it were the heads of
Lions: and from their mouth proceedeth fire, and smoke, and brimstone.
18. And by these three plagues was slaine the third part of men, of the fire and of
the smoke and of the brimstone, which proceeded from their mouth.
19. For the power of the horses is in their mouth, and in their tailes. For, their
tailes be like to serpents, hauing heads: and in these they hurt.
Pagans, Infidels, and sinful impenitent Catholikes must be condemned also.
And the rest of men which were not slaine with these plagues, neither
This phrase being the like both in Greek and Latin, signifieth such sorowful &
penal repentance as causeth a man to forsake his former sinnes and depart from them.
ὀυ μετενὸησαν ἐκ τῶν ἔργων.
See the same phrase: c. 2,21. 22. & Act. 8. v. 22.
haue done
penance from the workes of their hands, not to adore Diuels and Idols of gold and siluer and brasse
and stone and wood, which neither can see, nor heare, nor walke,
21. and haue not done penance from their murders, nor from their sorceries, nor from
their fornication, nor from their thefts.
Cʜᴀᴘ. IX.
4. Nor any greene thing.)
The Heretikes neuer hurt or seduce the greene tree, that is, such as haue a liuing faith working
by charitie, but commonly they corrupt him in faith who should otherwise haue perished for il
life, and him that is reprobate, that hath neither the signe of the Crosse (which is Gods marke)
in the forehead of his body, nor the note of election in his soule.
7. Prepared into battel.)
Heretikes being euer ready to contend, do pretend victorie, and counterfeit gold: in shape as men, as
smothe and delicate as women, their tongues and pennes ful of gall and venim: their hartes obdurate:
ful of noise and shuffling: their doctrine as pestiserous and ful of poison, as the taile and sting of
a scorpion, but they endure for a litle season.
20. Idols of gold.)
Here againe the new Translatours abuse the people, for idols saying images: the place being plainely
against the pourtiates of the Heathen Gods, which are here and in the Psalme 95 called, damenia, Diuels.