The 4. Vision.
1. The seuenth seal being opened, there appeare Angels with trompets: 6. and when
an other Angel powred out fire taken from the altar, vpon the earth, there follow diuers tempestes.
7. In like manner, whiles foure Angels of the seuen sound their trompets, there fal sundrie
1. AND when he had opened the seuenth seal, there was made silence in heauen, as it were
half an houre.
2. And I saw seuen Angels standing in the sight of God: and there were giuen to them
seuen trompets.
3. And another Angel came and stood
The Priest standing at the altar praying & offering for the people in the time of the high
mysteries, Christ himself also being present vpon the altar, is a figure of this thing, &
thereunto he alludeth.
before the altar, hauing a golden censar: and there
were giuen to him many incenses that he should giue of the praiers of al Saints vpon the altar of
gold, which is before the throne of God.
4. And the smoke of the incenses
If this be S. Michael or any Angel, and not Christ himself, as some take it, Angels offer
vp the praiers of the faithful, as the 24. Elders did c. 5. for this word, Saints,
is taken here for the holy persons on earth, as often in the Scripture: though it be not
against the Scriptures, that the inferiour Saint or Angel in heauen should offer their
praiers to God by their superiours there. But hereby we conclude against the Protestants,
that it derogateth not from Christ, that Angels or Saints offer our praiers to God, as
also it is plaine of Raphael Tob. 12,12.
of the praiers of the Saints ascended from the hand
of the Angel before God.
5. And the Angel tooke the censar, & filled it of the fire of the altar, and cast it
on the great earth-quake.
6. And the seuen Angels which had the seuen trompets, prepared themselues to sound with
the trompet.
7. And the first Angel sounded with the trompet, and there was made haile and fire,
mingled in bloud, and it was cast on the earth, and the third part of the earth was burnt, & the
third part of trees was burnt, and al green graffe was burnt.
8. And the second Angel sounded with the trumpet: and as it were a great mountaine
burning with fire, was cast into the sea, & the third part of the sea was made bloud:
9. and the third part of those creatures died, which had liues in the sea, and the
third part of the ships perished.
10. And the third Angel sounded with the trompet, and a great starre fel from heauen,
burning as it were a torch, and it fel on the third part of the flouds, and on the fountaines of
11. and the name of the starre is called worme-wood. And the third part of the waters
was made into worme-wood: and many men died of the waters, because they were made bitter.
12. And the fourth Angel sounded with the trumpet, and the third part of the sunne
was smitten, and the third part of the moon, and the third part of the starres, so that the third
part of them darkned, and of the day there shined not the third part, and of the night in like
13. And I looked, and heard the voice of one egle flying through the middes of
heauen, saying with a loud voice: Woe, woe, woe to the inhabiters on the earth: because of the rest
of the voices of the three Angels which were to sound with the trompet.