Original Douay Rheims Bible (1582 & 1610)

The Apocalypse of Saint Iohn the Apostle

The tree of life being watered with liuing water, yealdeth fruits euery moneth. 3. There is neither curse nor night in the citie. 9. The Angel that shewed Iohn al these things, refuseth to be adored of him. 14. Lastly, he protesteth and threatneth against them that shal presume to adde to this prophecie, or take away from the same.
1. AND he shewed me a riuer of ' water of life.. liuing water, cleere as crystal, proceeding from the seat of God and of the Lamb. 2. In the middes of the streat thereof, & on both sides of the riuer, Christ is our tree of life; in the Church, by the B. Sacrament; & in heauen, by his visible presence and influence of life euerlasting both to our bodies & soules: of whom Salomon saith, The tree of life to al that apprehend him. Prou. 3. the tree of life, yealding twelue fruits, rendring his fruit euery moneth, & the leaues of the tree for the curing of the Gentils. 3. And no curse shal be any more: & the seat of God & of the Lamb shal be in it, & his seruants shal serue him. 4. And they shal see his face: and his name in their foreheads. 5. And * Apo. 21.
Esa. 60.
night shal be no more: and they shal not need the light of the lamp, nor the light of the sunne, because our Lord God doth illuminate them, and they shal reigne for euer and euer. 6. THE CONCLVSION. And he said to me: These words are most faithful & true. And our Lord the God of the spirits of the Prophets, sent his Angel to shew his seruants those things which must be done quickly. 7. And behold I come quickly. Blessed is he that keepeth the words of the prophecie of this booke. 8. And I Iohn which haue heard, and seen these things. And * Apo. 19,10. after I had heard and seen, I fel downe You see it is al one to adore before the feet of the Angel, & to adore the Angel: though, to adore him, be not expressed as in the 19. chap. See the annotation there v. 10. to adore before the feet of the Angel which shewed me these things; 9. and he said to me: See thou doe not, for I am thy fellow-seruant, and of thy brethren the Prophets, and of them that keep the words of this booke. Adore God. 10. And he saith to me: Seale not the words of the prophecie of this booke. For the time is neer. 11. He that hurteth, let him hurt yet: and he that is in filth, let him be filthie yet: and he that is iust, Man by Gods grace & doing good workes, doth increase his iustice. let him be iustified yet: and let the holy be sanctified yet. 12. Behold I come quickly. And my reward is with me, * Ro. 2,6. to render to euery man Heauen is the reward, hire, & repaiment for good workes, in al the Scriptures, yet the aduersaries wil not see it. according to his workes. 13. I am * Apo. 21,6. 1,8. Alpha and Omega, the first and the last, the beginning and the end. 14. Blessed are they that wash their stoles: that their power may be in the tree of life, and they may enter by the gates into the citie. 15. Without are dogges and sorcerers, and the vnchast, and murderers, and seruers of Idols, & euery one that loueth and maketh a lie. 16. I Iᴇꜱᴠꜱ haue sent mine Angel, to testifie to you these things in the Churches. I am the root and stocke of Dauid, the bright and morning starre. 17. And the Spirit & the bride say, Come. And * Ps. 55,1. he that heareth, let him say, Come. And he that thirsteth, let him come: and he that wil, let him take the water of life gratis. 18. For I testifie to euery one hearing the words of the prophecie of this booke, If any man shal adde to these things, God shal adde vpon him the plagues written in this booke. 19. And if any man shal diminish of the words of the booke of this prophecie: God shal take away his part out of the booke of life, and out of the holy citie, and of these things that be written in this booke, 20. saith he that giueth testimonie of these things. Yea I come quickely: Amen. Come Lord Iᴇꜱᴠꜱ. 21. The grace of our Lord Iᴇꜱᴠꜱ Christ be with you al. Amen. ANNOTATIONS. Cʜᴀᴘ. XXII. 11. He that hurteth.) It is not an exhortation, but a commination or threatening, that how far soeuer the wicked increase in naughtines▪ God hath prouided answerable punishment for them. 18. If any man shal adde.) The author of the commentaries vpon this booke, bearing the name of S. Ambrose, saith thus of this point. He maketh not this protestation against the expositours of his prophecie, but against Heretikes, for the expositour doth add• or diminish nothing, but openeth: the obscuritie of the narration, or sheweth the moral or spiritual sense. He curseth therfore Heretikes, that vsed to adde somewhat of their owne that was false, and to take away other things that were contrarie to their heresies. So saith this auncient writer. And this was the propertie of them in al ages, and so is it of ours now, as we haue noted through the whole Bible, and as we haue in sundrie places set forth to the sight of al indifferent readers, in the new Testament, that al the world may see that the Apostles curse is fallen vpon them, and may beware of them. 20. Come Lord Iesus.) And now ô Lord Christ, most iust and merciful, we they poore creatures that are so afflicted for confession and defense of the holy, Catholike, and Apostolike truth, conteined in this thy sacred booke, and in the infallible doctrine of thy deere spouse our mother the Church, we crie also vnto thy Maiestie with tendernesse of our hartes vnspeakable, COME LORD IESVS QUICKLY, and iudge betwixt vs and our Aduersaries, and in the meane time giue patience, comfort, and constancie to al that suffer for thy name, and trust in thee. ô Lord God our onely helper and protector, tarie not long. AMEN.