Original Douay Rheims Bible (1582 & 1610)



1. OVʀ Lord also said to Moyses: Goe in to Pharo, and thou shalt say vnto him: This saith the Lord: Dismisse my people, for to sacrifice vnto me. 2. but if thou wilt not dismisse them, behold I wil strike al thy coastes with frogges. 3. And the riuer shal bubble with frogges: which shal come vp, and enter into thy house, and thy bed chamber, and vpon thy bedde, and into the houses of thy seruantes, and vnto thy people, and into thy ouens, and into the remaines of thy meates: 4. and vnto thee, & to thy people, and to al thy seruantes shal the frogges enter. 5. And our Lord said to Moyses: Say vnto Aaron: Stretch forth thy hand vpon the floudes, and vpon the riuers and the pooles, and bring forth frogges vpon the Land of Ægypt. 6. And Aaron stretched forth his hand vpon the waters of Ægypt, and the frogges came vp, and couered the Land of Ægypt. 7. And the enchanters also by their enchantments did in like maner, and they brought forth frogges vpon the Land of Ægypt. 8. And Pharao called Moyses & Aaron, and said to them: Pray ye to the Lord to take away the frogges from me & from my people: and I wil dismisse the people to sacrifice vnto the Lord. 9. And Moyses said to Pharao: Appoint me when I shal pray for thee, and for thy seruantes and for thy people, that the frogges may be driuen away from thee and from thy house, and from thy seruantes, and from thy people: and may remaine only in the riuer. 10. Who answered: To morow. But he said: According to thy word wil I doe: that thou maist know that there is not the like to the Lord our God. 11. And the frogges shal depart from thee, and from thy house, and from thy seruantes, and from thy people: and shal remaine only in the riuer. 12. And Moyses and Aaron went forth from Pharao: and Moyses cried to our Lord for the promise, concerning the frogges, which he had agreed to Pharao 13. And our Lord did according to the word of Moyses: and the frogges dyed out of the houses, and out of the villages, and out of the fieldes: 14. and they gathered them together into huge heapes, and the earth did rotte. 15. And Pharao seing that rest was geuen he hardned his owne hart, and heard them not, as our Lord had commanded. 16. And our Lord said to Moyses: Speake to Aaron: Stretch forth thy rodde, and strike the dust of the earth: and be there Sciniphes in the whole Lord of Ægypt. 17. And they did so. And Aaron streched forth his hand, holding the rodde: and he stroke the dust of the earth, and there were made sciniphes on men and on beastes: al the dust of the earth was turned into sciniphes through the whole Land of Ægypt. 18. And the enchaunters with their enchauntmentes practised in like maner, to bring forth sciniphes, and they could not: and there were sciniphes aswel on men as on beastes 19. And the enchaunters said to Pharao: This is the finger of God. And Pharaoes hart was indurate, and he heard them not as our Lord had commanded. 20. Our Lord also said to Moyses: Arise early, and stand before Pharao: for he wil goe forth to the waters: and thou shalt say to him: This saith our Lord: Dismisse my people to sacrifice vnto me. 21. And if thou wilt not dismisse them, behold I wil send in vpon thee, and vpon thy seruantes, and vpon thy people, and vpon thy houses al kind of flies: and the houses of Ægypt shal be filled with flies of diuers kindes, and the whole land wherein they shal be. 22. And I wil make the Land of Gessen merueilous in that day, wherin my people is, so that flies shal not be there: and thou shalt know that I am the Lord in the middes of the earth. 23. And I wil put a diuision betwene my people & thy people: to morow shal this signe be. 24. And Our Lord did so. And there came a very greuious flie into the houses of Pharao and of his seruantes, and into al the Land of Ægypt: and the Land was corrupted by such kind of flies. 25. And Pharao called Moyses and Aaron, and said to them. Goe and sacrifice to your God in this land. 26. And Moyses said: It can not so be done: for if we shal offer the abominations of the Ægyptians to the Lord our God: and we kil those thinges which the Ægyptians doe worshippe before them: they wil beate vs downe with stones. 27. We wil goe forth three dayes iourney into the wildernes: and we wil sacrifice vnto the Lord our God, as he hath commanded vs. 28. And Pharao said: I wil dismisse you to sacrifice to the Lord your God in the desert: but goe noe farder: pray for me. 29. And Moyses said: Being gone forth from thee, I wil pray to our Lord: and the flie shal depart from Pharao, and from his seruantes, and from his people to morow: but deceiue no more so, that thou wilt not dismisse the people to sacrifice vnto our Lord. 30. And Moyses being gone forth from Pharao, prayed our Lord. 31. Who did according to his word: and he tooke away the flies from Pharao, and from his seruants, and from his people: there was left not so much as one. 32. And Pharaoes hart was hardned, so that neither this time would he dismisse the people.