Original Douay Rheims Bible (1582 & 1610)



1. ANᴅ after this he said: Cut thee two tables of stone like vnto the former, and I wil write vpon them the wordes, which the tables had, which thou hast broken. 2. Be readie in the morning, that thou maiest forwith go vp into the mount Sinai, and thou shalt stand with me vpon the toppe of the mount. 3. Let no man go vp with thee, neither let anie man be sene throughout the whole mount: the oxen also and the sheepe let them not feede ouer against. 4. He cut out therfore two tables of stone, such as had bene before: aud rising very early he went vp into mount Sinai, as our Lord had commanded him, carying with him the tables. 5. And when our Lord was descended in a cloude, Moyses stoode with him, calling vpon the name of our Lord. 6. Who passing before him, he said: Dominatour Lord God, merciful and clement, patient and of much compassion, and true, 7. Which keepest mercie vnto thousandes: which takest away iniquitie, and wicked factes, and sinnes, and no man of him selfe is innocent before thee. Which doest render the iniquitie of the fathers to the children, and to the nephewes vnto the third and fourth generation. 8. And Moyses making hast, bowed flatte vnto the earth, and adoring 9. he said: If I haue found grace in thy sight o Lord, I beseech thee that thou wilt goe with vs (for it is a stiffe necked people) and take away our iniquities and sinnes, and possesse vs. 10. Our Lord answered: I wil make a couenant in the sight of al, I wil do signes that were neuer sene vpon the earth, nor in anie nations: that this people may see, in the middes of whom thou art, the terrible worke of the Lord which I wil doe. 11. Obserue al thinges which this day I command thee: I my self wil cast out before thy face the Amorrheite, and Chananeite, and Hetheite, the Pherezeite also, and Heueite, and Iebuseite. 12. Beware thou neuer ioyne amitie with the inhabitants of that land, which may be thy ruine: 13. but destroy their altars, breake their statues, and cut downe their groues: 14. adore not a strange God. The Lord his name is Ielouse, God is an emulatour. 15. Enter no traffick with the men of those regions: lest, when they haue fornicated with their goddes, and haue adored their idols, some man cal thee to eate of the thinges immolated. 16. Neither shalt thou take a wife for thy sonnes of their daughters: lest after them selues haue fornicated, they make thy sonnes also to fornicate with their goddes. 17. Molten goddes thou shalt not make to thee. 18. Thou shalt keepe the solemnitie of the azymes. Seuen dayes shalt thou eate azymes, as I haue commanded thee, in the time of the moneth of new corne: for in the moneth of spring time thou didst goe out of Ægypt. 19. Al of the male kind, that openeth the matrice, shal be mine. Of al beastes as wel oxen as of sheepe, it shal be mine. 20. The firstborne of an asse thou shalt redeeme with a sheepe: but if thou wilt not giue a price for it, it shal be slaine. The first borne of thy sonnes thou shalt redeeme: neither shalt thou appeare emptie in my sight. 21. Six dayes shalt thou worke, the seuenth day thou shalt cease to eare, and reape. 22. The solemnitie of weekes thou shalt make to thee, in the first fruites of corne of thy wheate haruest, and the solemnitie, when the time of the yeare returneth that al thinges are laid vp. 23. Three tymes of the yeare al thy male shal appeare in the sight of the omnipotent Lord God of Israel. 24. For when I shal haue taken away the nations from thy face, and shal haue dilated thy borders, no man shal lie in wayte against thy land, when thou doest goe vp, and appeare in the sight of the Lord thy God thrise in a yeare. 25. Thou shalt not immolate the bloud of my hoste vpon leauen: neither shal there remaine in the morning of the victime of the solemnitie of the Phase. 26. The first of the fruites of thy ground thou shalt offer in the house of the Lord thy God. Thou shalt not boile a kidde in the milke of his damme. 27. And our Lord said to Moyses: Write thee these wordes, in which I haue made a couenant both with thee and with Israel. 28. Therfore he was there with our Lord fourtie dayes and fourtie nightes: he did not eate bread, and he dronke no water, and he wrote in the tables the wordes of the couenant, tenne. 29. And when Moyses came downe from the mount Sinai, he held the two tables of testimonie, and he knew not that his face was horned by the conuersation of the talke of our Lord. 30. And Aaron and the children of Israel seing the face of Moyses horned, they were afraid to come neere. 31. And being called of him, they returned as wel Aaron as the princes of the synagogue. And after that he spake to them, 32. al the children of Israel also came to him: whom he commanded al thinges that he had heard of our Lord in mount Sinai. 33. And hauing ended his talke, he put a veile vpon his face. 34. Which going in to our Lord, and speaking with him, he toke away vntil he went forth, and then he spake to the children of Israel al thinges that had bene commanded him. 35. Who saw that the face of Moyses coming forth was horned, but he couered his face againe, if at anie time he spake to them.