1. ANᴅ our Lord said to Moyses: Behold I haue appointed thee the God of Pharao: and
Aaron thy brother shal be thy prophet.
2. Thou shalt speake to him al thinges that I command thee: and he shal speake to
Pharao, that he dismisse the children of Israel out of his land.
3. But I wil indurate his hart, and wil multiplie my signes and wonders in the Land of
4. and he wil not heare you: and I wil put in my hand vpon Ægypt, and wil bring forth my
armie and people the children of Israel out of the Land of Ægypt, by very great iudgements.
5. And the Ægyptians shal know that I am the Lord, which haue stretched forth my hand
vpon Ægypt, and haue brought forth the children of Israel out of the middes of them
6. Therfore Moyses and Aaron did as our Lord had commanded: so did they.
7. And Moyses was eightie yeares old, and Aaron eightie three, when they spake to Pharao.
8. And our Lord said to Moyses and Aaron:
9. When Pharao shal say vnto you, Shew signes: thou shalt say to Aaron: Take thy rodde,
and cast it before Pharao, and it shal be turned into a serpent.
10. Therfore Moyses and Aaron going in vnto Pharao, did as our Lord had commanded. And
Aaron tooke the rodde before Pharao and his seruantes, the which was turned into a serpent.
11. And Pharao called the wise men and the enchanters: and they also by Ægyptian
enchantments and certaine secrecies did in like maner.
12. And euery one did cast forth their roddes, the which were turned into dragons: but
Aarons rodde deuoured their roddes.
13. And Pharaos hart was indurate, and he heard them not, as our Lord had commanded.
14. And our Lord said to Moyses: Pharaoes hart is aggrauated, he wil not dismisse the
15. Goe to him in the morning, behold he wil goe forth to the waters: and thou shalt
stand to meete him vpon the banke of the riuer: and the rodde that was turned into a dragon,
thou shalt take in thy hand.
16. And thou shalt say to him: The Lord God of the Hebrewes sent me to thee, saying:
Dismisse my people to sacrifice vnto me in the desert: and vntil this present thou
wouldest not heare.
17. This therfore saith our Lord: In this thou shalt know that I am the Lord: behold I
wil strike with the rodde, that is in my hand, the water of the riuer, and it shal be turned
into bloud.
18. The fishes also, that are in the riuer, shal dye, and the waters shal putrifie, and
the Ægyptians shal be afflicted drinking the water of the riuer.
19. Our Lord also said to Moyses: Say vnto Aaron, Take thy rodde, and stretch forth thy
hand vpon the waters of Ægypt, and vpon their floudes, and riuers and pooles, and al the lakes
of waters, that they may be turned into bloud: and be there bloud in al the Land of Ægypt, as
wel in the vessels of wood as of stone.
20. And Moyses and Aaron did as our Lord had commanded: and lifting vp the rodde he
stroke the water of the riuer before Pharao and his seruantes: which was turned into
21. And the fishes, that were in the riuer, died: and the riuer, putrified, and the
Ægyptians could not drincke the water of the riuer, and there was bloud in the whole Land of
22. And the enchaunters of the Ægyptians with their enchantments did in like maner: and
Pharaoes hart was indurate, neither did he heare them, as our Lord had commaunded.
23. And he turned away him selfe, and went into his house, neither did he yet set his
hart to it this time also.
24. And al the Ægyptians digged round about the riuer for water to drinke: for they
could not drinke of the water of the riuer.
25. And seuen dayes were fully ended, after that our Lord stroke the riuer.