1. ANᴅ the tabernacle thou shalt make thus: Tenne curtines shalt thou make of twisted
silke, and hyacinth, and purple, and scarlet twise died, varied with imbrodered worke.
2. The length of one curtine shal haue twentie eight cubites: the bredth, shal be of
foure cubites. Al the curtines shal be of one measure.
3. Fiue curtines shal be ioyned one to an other, and the other fiue shal hang
together with the connexion.
4. Loupes of hyacinth thou shalt make in the sides and toppes of the certines, that
they may be compled one to an other.
5. Fiftie loupes shal euerie curtine haue on both sides, so set on, that one loupe may
be against another loupe, and one may be fitted to the other.
6. Thou shalt make also fiftie circles of gold wherwith the veiles of the curtines are
to be ioyned, that it may be made one tabernacle.
7. Thou shalt make also eleuen curtines of haire, to couer the toppe of the tabernacle.
8. The length of one haire curtine shal haue thirtie cubites: and the bredth, foure:
the measure of al the curtines shal be equal.
9. Of the which, fiue thou shalt ioyne apart, and the six thou shalt couple one to
an other, so that the sixt curtine in the front of the roofe thou shalt duble.
10. Thou shalt make also fiftie loupes in the edge of one curtine, that it may be
ioyned with the other: and fiftie loupes in the edge of the other curtine, that it may be
coupled with his felow.
11. Thou shalt make also fiftie buckles of brasse, wherwith the loups may be ioyned, that
of al there may be made one couering.
12. And that which shal remaine in the curtines, that are prepared for the roofe, to
witte, one curtine that is ouerplus, with the halfe therof thou shalt couer the backeside of
the tabernacle.
13. And there shal hang downe a cubite on the one side, and an other on the other side,
which is the ouerplus in the length of the curtines, fensing both sides of the tabernacle.
14. Thou shalt make also an other couer to the roofe of ramnes skinnes died redde: and
ouer that againe an other couer of ianthine skinnes.
15. Thou shalt make also the bordes of the tabernacle standing vpright of the wood setim,
16. of the which let euerie one haue ten cubites in length, and in bredth one and an
halfe a peece.
17. In the sides of the borde, shal be made two morteses, wherby one borde may be ioyned
to an other borde: and after this maner shal al the bordes be prepared.
18. Of the which twentie shal be in the south side that tendeth Southward.
19. For the which thou shalt cast fourtie feete of siluer, that there may two feete be
put vnder euerie borde at the two corners.
20. In the second side also of the tabernacle that looketh to the North, there shal be
twentie bordes,
21. hauing fourtie feete of siluer, two feete shal be put vnder euerie borde.
22. But on the west quarter of the tabernacle thou shalt make six bordes,
23. and againe other two which shal be erected in the corners at the backe of the
24. And they shal be ioyned together from beneth vnto the toppe, and one ioynture shal
hold them al. The like ioynture shal be kept for the two bordes also that are to be put in the
25. And they shal be in al eight bordes, their siluer feete sixtene, two feete accounted
for euerie borde.
26. Thou shalt make also fiue barres of the wood setim, to hold together the bordes on
the one side of the tabernacle,
27. and fiue others on the other side, and as manie at the west side:
28. which shal be put along by the middes of the bordes from one end to the other other.
29. The bordes also them selues thou shalt plate with gold, and shalt cast ringes of gold
to be sette vpon them, through which the barres may hold together the bordeworke: the which thou
shalt couer with plates of gold.
30. And thou shalt erect the tabernacle according to the paterne that was shewed thee in
the Mount.
31. Thou shalt make also a veile of hyacinth, and purple, and scarlet twise died, and
twisted silke, wrought with imbrodered worke and goodlie varietie:
32. which thou shalt hang before foure pillers of the wood setim, the which themselues
also shal be plated with gold, and shal haue foure heades of gold, but feete of siluer.
33. And the veile shal be hanged on with ringes, within the which thou shalt put the
arke of testimonie, with the which also the Sanctuarie, and the sanctuaries of the Sanctuarie,
shal be diuided.
34. Thou shalt set also the Propitiatorie vpon the arke of testimonie in the
Sancta sanctorum:
35. and the table without the veile: and ouer against the table the candlesticke in the
south side of the tabernacle: for the table shal stand in the north side.
36. Thou shalt make also a hanging in the entring of the tabernacle of hyacinth, and
purple, and scarlet twise died, and twisted silke, with imbrodered worke.
37. And fiue pillers of the wood setim thou shalt plate with gold, before the which the
hanging shal be drawen: whose heades shal be of gold, and feete of brasse.