1. THᴇꜱᴇ are the iudgements which thou shalt propose to them.
2. If thou bye an Hebrew seruant, six yeares shal he serue thee: in the seuenth he
shal goe out free gratis.
3. With what rayment he entred in, with the like let him go out: if hauing a wife,
his wife also shal goe out with him.
4. But if his lord geue him a wife, and she beare sonnes & daughters: the woman and her
children shal be her lordes: but himselfe shal goe out with his rayment.
5. And if the seruant say: I loue my lord and wife & children, I wil not goe out free:
6. his lord shal present him to the goddes, and he shal be sette to the dore and
the postes, and he shal bore his eare through with an awle: and he shal be his bondman for euer.
7. If any man sel his daughter to be a seruant, she shal not goe out, as bondweman are
wont to goe out.
8. If she mislike the eyes of her maister to whom she was deliuered, he shal dismisse her:
but he shal not haue authoritie to sel her vnto a strange people, if he despise her.
9. But if he despouse her to his sonne, he shal doe to her after the maner of daughters.
10. And if he take an other wife for him, he shal prouide her a mariage, and rayment, and
the price of her chastitie he shal not denie.
11. If he doe not these three thinges, she shal goe out gratis without monie.
12. He that striketh a man wilfully to kil him, dying let him die.
13. But he that did not lye in waite for him, but God deliuered him into his handes: I
wil appoint thee a place whereunto he ought to flee.
14. If a man of sette purpose kil his neighbour, and by lying in waite for him: thou
shalt plucke him out from mine Altare, that he may die.
15. He that striketh his farher or mother, dying let him die.
16. He that shal steale a man, and sel him, being conuicted of the trespasse, dying let
him die.
17. He that curseth his father, or mother, dying let him die.
18. If men fal at wordes, and the one strike his neighbour with a stone or with his fist,
and he die not, but lye in his bedde:
19. if he rise, and walke abrode vpon his state, he that did strike shal be quitte, yet so
that he make restitution for his worke, and for his expenses vpon the phisicians.
20. He that striketh his man or mayde seruant with a rodde, and they die in his handes, he
shal be guiltie of the crime.
21. But if the partie remayne aliue a day or two, he shal not be subiect to punishment,
because it is his money.
22. If certaine fal at wordes, and one strike a woman with child, and she in deede aborte,
but her selfe liue: he shal be subiect to so much damage as the womans husband shal require, and
as arbiters shal award.
23. But if her death doe ensue thereupon, he shal render life for life,
24. eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foote for foote,
25. adustion for adustion, wound for wound, stripe for stripe.
26. If any man strike the eye of his manseruant of maidseruant, and leaue them but one eye,
he shal make them free for the eye which he put out.
27. Also if he strike out a tooth of his manseruant or maydseruant he shal in like maner
make them free.
28. If an oxe with his horne strike a man or a woman, and they die, he shal be stoned:
and his flesh shal not be eaten, the owner also of the oxe shal be quitte.
29. But if the oxe were wont to strike from yesterday and the day before, and they warned
his maister, neither did he shutte him vp, and he kil a man or a woman: both the oxe shal be
stoned, and they shal put to death his owner also.
30. And if they sette a price vpon him, he shal geue for his life whatsoeuer he is asked.
31. Also if with his horne he strike a sonne, or a daughter, he shal be subiect to the
like sentence.
32. If he inuade a bondman or bondwoman, he shal geue thirtie sicles of siluer to their
maister, but the oxe shal be stoned.
33. If a man open a cesterne, and digge one, and doe not couer it, an oxe or an asse fal
into it,
34. the owner of the cesterne shal pay the price of the beastes: and that which died, shal
be his owne.
35. If one mans oxe gore an other mans oxe, and he die; they shal sel the oxe that liueth,
and shal diuide the price, and the carcasse of that which died they shal parte betwen them.
36. But if he knew that his oxe was wont to strike from yesterday and the day before, and
his maister did not keepe him in: he shal render oxe for oxe, and shal take the carcasse whole.