Original Douay Rheims Bible (1582 & 1610)



1. IF any man steale an oxe or a sheepe, and kil or sel it: he shal restore fiue oxen for one oxe, and foure sheepe for one sheepe. 2. If the theefe be found breaking vp the house or vndermining it, and taking a wound die: the striker shal not be guiltie of bloud. 3. But if he doe this when the sunne is risen, he hath committed manslaughter, and himself shal die. If he haue not wherwith to make restitution for the theft, himselfe shal be sold. 4. If that which he stole, be found with him, aliue, either oxe, or asse, or sheepe: he shal restore duble. 5. If anie man hurt a field or a vineyard, and let goe his beast to feede vpon that which is other mens: the best of whatsoeuer he hath in his owne field, or in his vineyard, he shal restore according to the estimation of the damage. 6. If fire breaking forth light vpon the thornes, and catch stackes of corne, or corne standing in the fieldes, he shal render the damage that kindled the fire. 7. If a man committe money, or vessel vnto his frend to keepe, and they be stolen away from him, that receaued them: if the theefe be found, he shal restore duble: 8. if the theefe be not knowen, the maister of the house shal be brought to the goddes, and shal sweare that he did not extend his hand vpon his neighbours good, 9. to doe any fraud, as wel in oxe as in asse, and sheepe and rayment, and whatsoeuer may bring damage: the cause of both parties shal come to the goddes: and if they geue iudgement, he shal restore duble to his neighbour. 10. If a man committe asse, oxe, sheepe, or any beast, to his neigbours custodie, and it die, or be hurt, or be taken of enemies, and no man saw: 11. there shal be an oath betwen them, that he did not put forth his hand to his neighbours good: and the owner shal admitte the oath, and he shal not be compelled to make restitution. 12. But if it were taken away by stelth, he shal restore the damage to the owner. 13. If it were eaten of a beast, let him bring vnto him that which was slaine, and he shal not make restitution. 14. He that asketh of his neighbour to borow any of these thinges, and it be hurt or dead the owner being not present, he shal be compelled to make restitution. 15. But if the owner be present, he shal not make restitution, especially if it were hired and came for the hire of the same. 16. If a man seduce a virgin being not yet despoused, and lie with her: he shal endowe her, and haue her to wife. 17. If the virgins father wil not geue her, he shal geue money according to the maner of the dowrie, which virgins are wont to receaue. 18. Inchanters thou shalt not suffer to liue. 19. He that lieth with a brute beast, dying let him die. 20. He that sacrificeth to goddes, shal be put to death, but to the Lord only. 21. Thou shalt not molest a stranger, nor afflict him: for your selues also were strangers in the Land of Ægypt. 22. A widow and an orphane you shal not hurt. 23. If you hurt them, they wil crie out to me, and I wil heare their crie: 24. and my furie shal take indignation, and I wil strike you with the sword, and your wiues shal be widowes, and your children orphanes. 25. If thou lend money to my people being poore, that dwelleth with thee, thou shalt not vrge them as an exactour, nor oppresse them with vsuries. 26. If thou take of thy neighbour a garment in pledge, thou shalt geue it him againe before sunne sette. 27. For that same is the onlie thing, wherwith he is couered, the clothing of his bodie, neither hath he other to sleepe in: if he crie to me, I wil heare him, because I am merciful. 28. Thou shalt not detract from the goddes, and the prince of thy people thou shalt not curse. 29. Thy tithes and thy first fruites thou shalt not slacke to pay, the firstborne of thy sonnes thou shalt geue me. 30. Of thy oxen also & sheepe thou shalt doe in like maner: seuen dayes let it be with the damme, the eight day thou shalt render it to me. 31. Holie men you shal be to me: the flesh that beastes haue tasted of before, you shal not eate, but shal cast it to the dogges.