Original Douay Rheims Bible (1582 & 1610)



1. THᴇʀꜰᴏʀᴇ al the multitude of the children of Israel setting forward from the desert Sin, by their mansions, according to the word of our Lord, camped in Raphidim, where there was no water for the people to drinke. 2. Who chiding against Moyses, said: Geue vs water, that we may drinke. To whom Moyses answered: Why chide you against me? Wherfore doe you tempt our Lord? 3. The people therfore was thirstie there for lacke of water, and murmured against Moyses, saying: Why didst thou make vs goe forth out of Ægypt, to kil vs, and our children, and our beastes with thirst. 4. And Moyses cried to our Lord, saying: What shal I doe to this people? Yet a litle while, and they wil stone me. 5. And our Lord said to Moyses: Goe before the people, and take with thee of the ancients of Israel: and the rodde wherwith thou didst strike the riuer, take in thy hand, and goe. 6. Behold I wil stand there before thee, vpon the rocke Horeb: and thou shalt strike the rocke, and water shal goe out therof, that the people may drinke. Moyses did so before the ancientes of Israel: 7. and he called the name of that place, Temptation, because of the chiding of the children of Israel, and for that they tempted our Lord, saying: Is the Lord amongst vs or not? 8. And Amalec came, and fought against Israel in Raphidim. 9. And Moyses sayd to Iosue: Choose out men: and goe forth and fight against Amalec: to morow I wil stand in the toppe of the hil, hauing the rodde of God in my hand. 10. Iosue did as Moyses had spoken, and he fought against Amalec: but Moyses and Aaron and Hur went vp vpon the toppe of the hil. 11. And when Moyses lifted vp his hands, Israel ouercame: but if he did lette them downe a little, Amalec ouercame. 12. And the handes of Moyses were heauie: therfore they tooke a stone, and putte vnder him, wherupon he sate: and Aaron and Hur staied vp his handes on both sides. And it came to passe that his handes were not wearie vntil sunne sette. 13. And Iosue put Amalec to flight, & his people by the edge of the sword. 14. And our Lord said to Moyses: Write this for a monument in a booke, & deliuer it to the eares of Iosue: for I wil destroy the memorie of Amalec from vnder heauen. 15. And Moyses builded an Altar: and called the name therof, Our Lord my exaltation, saying: 16. Because the hand of our Lords throne, and the warre of our Lord shal be against Amalec, from generation vnto generation.