1. THᴇɴ sang Moyses and the children of Israel this song to our Lord, and said: Let vs
sing to our Lord: for he is glouriously magnified, the horse and the rider he hath throwen into
the sea.
2. My strength, and my praise is our Lord, and he is made vnto me a saluation: this is my
God, and I wil glorifie him: the God of my father, and I wil exalt him.
3. Our Lord is a man of warre, omnipotent is his name.
4. Pharaoes chariottes and his armie he hath cast into the sea: his chosen princes are
drowned in the red sea.
5. The depthes haue ouerwhelmed them, they are sonke into the botome like a stone.
6. Thy right hand ô Lord is magnified in strength: thy right hand, ô Lord, hath striken
the enimie.
7. And in the multitude of thy glorie thou hast put downe thy aduersaries: thou hast sent
thy wrath, which hath deuoured them like stuble.
8. And in the spirite of thy furie were the waters gathered together: the flowing water
stoode, the depthes were gathered together in the middes of the sea.
9. The enimie said: I wil pursew and ouertake, I wil diuide the spoiles, my soule shal
haue his fil: I wil draw forth my sword, my hand shal kil them.
10. The spirit blewe and the sea ouerwhelmed them: they sanke as lead in the vehement
11. Who is like to thee, among the strong ô Lord? who is like to thee, magnifical in
sanctitie, terrible and laudable, doing meruailes?
12. Thou didst stretch forth thy hand, and the earth deuoured them.
13. Thou hast in thy mercie bene a guide to the people which thou hast redemed: and in
thy strength thou hast caried them vnto thy holie habitation.
14. Nations rose vp, and were angrie: sorowes possessed the inhabiters of Philisthijm.
15. Then were the princes of Edom trubled, trembling ceazed on the sturdie of Moab: al
the inhabiters of Chanaan were starke.
16. Let feare and dread fal vpon them, in the greatnes of thy arme: let them become
vnmoueable as a stone, vntil thy people ô Lord shal passe, vntil thy people shal passe, this
which thou hast possessed.
17. Thou shalt bring them in, and plant them in the mountaine of thy inheritance, in
thy most firme habitation, which thou hast wrought ô Lord: thy sanctuarie Lord, which thy handes
haue confirmed.
18. Our Lord shal reigne for euer and euermore.
19. For Pharao on horsebake entred in with his chariottes and horsemen into the sea:
and our Lord brought backe vpon them the waters of the sea: but the children of Israel walked
on drie ground in the middes therof.
20. Marie therfore the prophetesse, Aarons sister, tooke a tymbrel in her hand: and al
the wemen went forth after her with tymbrels and daunces,
21. to whom she beganne the song, saying: Let vs sing to our Lord, for he is gloriously
magnified, the horse and his rider he hath cast into the sea.
22. And Moyses remoued Israel from the red sea, and they went forth into the desert Sur:
and they walked three dayes through the wildernesse, and found not water.
23. And they came into Mara, neither could they drinke the waters of Mara, because they
were bitter: wherupon he gaue a name also agreable to the place, calling it Mara, that is,
24. And the people murmured against Moyses, saying: What shal we drinke?
25. But he cried to our Lord. who did shew him a peece of woode: which when he had cast
into the waters, they were turned into swetenesse. There he appointed him precepts, and
iudgements, and there he proued him,
26. saying: If thou wilt heare the voice of the Lord thy God, and doe that is right before
him, and obey his commandementes, and keepe al his preceptes, none of the maladies, that I layd
vpon Ægypt, wil I bring vpon thee: for I am the Lord God thy curer.
27. And the children of Israel came into Elim, where there were twelue fountaines of
water, & seuentie palme trees: and they camped byside the waters.