1. ANᴅ our Lord said to Moyses, and Aaron in the Land of Ægypt:
2. This moneth, shal be to you the beginning of monethes: it shal be the first in the
monethes of the yeare.
3. Speake yee to the whole assemblie of the children of Israel, & say to them: The
tenth day of this moneth let euerie man take a lambe by their families and houses.
4. But if the number be lesse then may suffice to eate the lambe, he shal take vnto him
his neighbour that ioyneth to his house, according to the number of soules which may suffice to
the eating of the lambe.
5. And it shal be a lambe without spotte, a male, of a yeare old: according also to
which rite you shal take a kidde.
6. And you shal kepe him vntil the fourtenth day of this moneth: and the whole multitude
of the children of Israel shal sacrifice him at euen.
7. And they shal take of the bloud therof, and put vpon both the postes, and on the
vpper-dore-postes of the houses, wherin they shal eate him.
8. And they shal eate the flesh that night rosted at the fire, and vnleauened bread with
wilde lettice.
9. You shal not eate therof any thing raw, nor boyled in water, but only rosted at the
fire: the head with the feete and entralles therof you shal deuoure.
10. Neither shal there remaine any thing of him vntil morning. If there be any thing
left, you shal burne it with fire.
11. And thus you shal eate him: you shal gird your reynes, and you shal haue shoes on
your feete, holding staues in your handes, and you shal eate speedely: for it is the Phase
(that is the Passage) of the Lord.
12. And I wil passe through the Land of Ægypt that night, and wil strike euery first
begotten in the Land of Ægypt from man euen vnto beast: and in al the goddes of Ægypt I
wil doe iudgements, I the Lord.
13. And the bloud shal be vnto you for a signe in the houses where you shal be: and I
shal see the bloud, and shal passe ouer you: neither shal there be among you a destroying
plague when I shal strike the Land of Ægypt.
14. And you shal haue this day for a moniment: and you shal celebrate it solemne to the
Lord in your generations with an euerlasting obseruation.
15. Seuen dayes shal you eate azimes: in the first day there shal be noe leauen in your
houses: whosoeuer shal eate leauen, that soule shal perish out of Israel, from the first day
vntil the seuenth day.
16. The first day shal be holie and solemne, and the seuenth day with the like
festiuitie shal be venerable: no worke shal you doe in them, except those thinges, that
pertaine to eating.
17. And you shal obserue the azymes: for in the selfe same day I wil bring forth your
armie out of the Land of Ægypt, and you shal keepe this day vnto your generations with a
perpetual rite.
18. The first moneth, the fourtenth day of the moneth at euen you shal eate azymes
vntil the one and twentith day of the same moneth at euen.
19. Seuen dayes there shal not be found leauened in your houses: he that shal eate
leauened, his soule shal perish out of the assemblie of Israel, as wel of strangers as of them
that are borne in the land.
20. Nothing leauened shal you eate: in al your habitations you shal eate azymes.
21. And Moyses called al the Ancients of the children of Isael, and said to them: Goe
take a lambe by your families, and sacrifice the Phase.
22. And dippe a bunche of hyssope in the blould that is at the doore, and
sprinkle the vppertransome of the doore therwith, and both the doore cheekes: let none of you
goe out of the doore of his house til morning.
23. For our Lord wil passe striking the Ægyptians: and when he shal see the bloud on the
vppersil, and on both the postes, he wil passe ouer the doore of the house, and not suffer the
striker to enter your houses and to hurt.
24. Keepe this thing as a law to thee and thy children for euer
25. And when you are entred into the Land, which our Lord wil geue you as he hath
promised, you shal obserue these ceremonies.
26. And when your children shal say to you: What is this religion?
27. you shal say to them: It is the victime of our Lords passage, when he passed ouer
the houses of the chidlren of Israel in Ægypt striking the Ægyptians, and deliuering our
houses. And the people bowing them selues adored.
28. And the children of Israel going forth did as our Lord had commanded Moyses and
29. And it came to passe at midnight, our Lord stroke euerie first-begotten in
the Land of Ægypt, from the first-begotten of Pharao, who sate in his throne, vnto the
first-begotten of the captiue woman that was in the prison, and euerie first-begotten of
30. And Pharao arose in the night, and al his seruantes, and al Ægypt: and there arose
a great crie in Ægypt: for neither was there a house wherin there lay not a dead one.
31. And Pharao calling Moyses and Aaron, in the night, said: Arise and goe forth from
my people, you and the children of Israel: goe, sacrifice to the Lord as you say.
32. Your sheepe and heardes take you as you demanded, and departing blesse me.
33. And the Ægyptians vrged the people to goe forth out of the land quickly, saying:
We shal al die.
34. The people therfore tooke dough before it was leauened: and trying it in their
clokes, put it vpon their shoulders.
35. And the children of Israel did as Moyses had commanded: and they asked of the
Ægyptians vessels of siluer and gold, and very much rayment.
36. And our Lord gaue grace to the people before the Ægyptians that they did lend
them: and they spoyled the Ægyptians.
37. And the children of Israel sette forward from Ramesse into Socoth, almost
six hundred thousand of foote men, beside litle ones.
38. But also the common people of al sortes innumerable went vp with them, sheepe and
heardes and beastes of diuerse kindes exceding manie.
39. And they baked the meale, which a litle before they had taken out of Ægypt
tempered: and made hearth cakes vnleauened: for it could not be leauened the Ægyptians vrging
them to depart, & not suffering them to make any tarriance: neither did they thinke vpon
preparing any meate.
40. And the dwelling of the children of Israel that they abode in Ægypt, was
foure hundred thirty yeares.
41. The which being expired, the same day al the armie of our Lord went forth out of
the Land of Ægypt.
42. This is the obseruable night of our Lord, when he brought them forth out of the
Land of Ægypt: this night al the children of Israel must obserue in their generations.
43. And our Lord said to Moyses and Aaron: This is the religion of the Phase: No
aliene shal eate of it.
44. And euerie bought seruant shal be circumcised, and so shal eate.
45. The stranger and the hireling shal not eate therof.
46. In one house shal it be eaten, neither shal you carrie forth of the flesh therof
out of the house, neither shal you breake a bone therof.
47. Al the assemblie of the children of Israel shal make it.
48. And if any of the soiourners be willing to dwel among you, and make the Phase of
the Lord, first al the male that he hath shal be circumcised, and then shal he celebrate it
according to the rite: & he shal be as he that is borne in the land: but if there be any man
vncircumcised, he shal not eate therof.
49. Alone law shal be to him that is borne in the land and to the prose lyte that
soiourneth with you.
50. And al the children of Israel did as our Lord had commanded Moyses and Aaron.
51. And the same day our Lord brought forth the children of Israel out of the Land
of Ægypt by their troupes.