Original Douay Rheims Bible (1582 & 1610)

The Holy Ghospel of Iesvs Christ According to Saint Iohn

Againe in the Temple (absoluing an aduoutresse after his merciful manner, & yet withal declaring against his enemies that he is not a fauourer of sinne, no more then Moyses) 12. he teacheth openly, and is not for al that apprehended: telling them both of his Godhead, 21. and of their reprobation, 28. of his exaltation also by their Crucifying of him: 31. exhorting the beleeuers to perseuer, 33. and shewing them that seeke his death, that they are neither free, 39. nor of Abraham, 41. nor of God, 44. but of the Diuel. 45. But that himself is of God, 52. and greater and ancienter then Abraham. 59. For the which they goe about to stone him, but in vaine. 1. The Ghospel vpon Saturday the 3. weeke of Lent. AND Iᴇꜱᴠꜱ went into the Mount-oliuet: 2. and early in the morning againe he came into the Temple, and the people came to him, and sitting he taught them. 3. And the Scribes and Pharisees bring a woman taken in aduoutrie; and they did set her in the middes, 4. And said to him: Maister, this woman was euen now taken in aduoutrie. 5. And * Leu. 20,10. in the Law Moyses commanded vs to stone such. What saiest thou therfore? 6. And this they said tempting him, that they might accuse him. But Iᴇꜱᴠꜱ bowing himself downe, with his finger wrote in the earth. 7. When they therfore continued asking him, he lifted vp himself, and said to them: We can not conueniently reprehend or condemne other mens faults, if our selues be guilty of the same or other greater. Cyril in Io. See Anno. Mt. 7, 1. He that is without sinne of you, let him first throw the stone at her. 8. And againe bowing himself, he wrote in the earth. 9. And they hearing, went out one by one, beginning at the Seniours: and Iᴇꜱᴠꜱ alone remained, and the woman standing in the middes. 10. And Iᴇꜱᴠꜱ lifting himself, said to her: Woman, where are they that accused thee: hath not man condemned thee? 11. Who said: No man, Lord. And Iᴇꜱᴠꜱ said: Neither wil I condemne thee. Goe, and now sinne no more. 12. The Ghospel vpon Saturday the 4. weeke of Lent. Againe therfore Iᴇꜱᴠꜱ spake to them, saying: I am the light of the world: he that followeth me, walketh not in darkenesse, but shal haue the light of life. 13. The Pharisees therfore said to him: Thou giuest testimonie of thy self; thy testimonie is not true. 14. Iᴇꜱᴠꜱ answered, and said to them: Although I doe giue testimonie of my self, my testimonie is true: because I know whence I came, & whither I goe: but you know not whence I come, or whither I goe. 15. You iudge according to the flesh: I doe not iudge any man. 16. And if I doe iudge, my iudgement is true: because I am not alone, but I and he that sent me, the Father. 17. And in your law it is written, that * Deu. 17,6. 19,15. the testimonie of two men is true. 18. I am he that giue testimonie of my self: and he that sent me, the Father, giueth testimonie of me. 19. They said therfore to him: Where is thy Father. If you did know me, perhaps you might know my Father also. 20. These words Iᴇꜱᴠꜱ spake in the Treasurie, teaching in the Temple, and no man apprehended him, because his houre was not yet come. 21. The Ghospel vpon Munday the 2. weeke of Lent. Againe therfore Iᴇꜱᴠꜱ said to them: I goe, and you shal seeke me, and shal die in your sinne.Whither I goe, you can not come. 22. The Iewes therfore said: Why, wil he kil himself, because he saith: Whither I doe, you can not come? 23. And he said to them: You are from beneath, I am from aboue. You are of this world, I am not of this world. 24. Therfore I said to you that you shal die in your sinnes. For if you beleeue not that I am he, you shal die in your sinne. 25. They said therfore to him: Who art thou? Iᴇꜱᴠꜱ said to them: So read S. Cyril, & S. Ambrose, and S. Augustine: expounding it of Christes Person, that he is the beginning of al creatures. The Beginning who also speake to you. 26. Many things I haue to speake and iudge of you. But he that sent me, is true: and what I haue heard of him, these things I speake in the world. 27. And they knew not that he said to them that his Father was God. 28. Iᴇꜱᴠꜱ therfore said to them: When you shal haue exalted the Sonne of man, then you shal know that I am he, and of my self I doe nothing, but as the Father hath taught me, these things I speake: 29. and he that sent me, is with me: and he hath not left me alone, because the things that please him I doe alwaies. 30. When he spake these things many beleeued in him. 31. Iᴇꜱᴠꜱ therfore said to them that beleeued him, the Iewes: If you Only faith is no sufficient without perseuerance or abiding in the keeping of his commandements. abide in my word, you shal by my Disciples indeed. 32. And you shal know the truth, and the truth shal make you free. 33. They answered him: We are the seed of Abraham, and we neuer serued any man: how saiest thou, You shal be free? 34. Iᴇꜱᴠꜱ answered them: Amen, amen I say to you, that * Rom. 6,16.
2. Pet. 2,19.
euery one which committeth sinne, is the seruant of sinne. 35. And the seruant abideth not in the house for euer: the sonne abideth for euer. 36. If therfore the Sonne make you free, you shal be Man was neuer without free wil: but hauing the grace of Christ, his wil is truly made free (as S. Augustine saith) from seruitude of sinne also. tract 41. in Euang Io. free indeed. 37. I know that you are the children of Abraham: but you seeke to kil me, because my word taketh not in you. 38. I speake that which I haue seen with my Father: and you doe the things that you haue seen with your Father. 39. They answered, and said to him: Our Father is Abraham. Iᴇꜱᴠꜱ saith to them: If you be the children of Not only faith but good workes also make men the children of Abraham according as S. Iames also speaketh of Abrahams workes. c. 2. Abraham, doe the workes of Abraham. 40. But now, you seeke to kil me, a man that haue spoken the truth to you, which I haue heard of God. This did not Abraham. 41. You doe the workes of your Father. They said therfore to him: We were not borne of fornication. We haue one Father, God. 42. Iᴇꜱᴠꜱ therfore said to them: If God were your Father, verily you would loue me. For from God I proceeded, and came: for I came not of my self, but he sent me: 43. Why doe you not know my speach? Because you can not heare my word. 44. You are of your Father the Diuel, & the desires of your father you wil doe. He was a S. Augustin compareth Heretikes in their spiritual murder by driuing Christian men out of the Church to the diuel that droue our parents out of Paradise Cont lit. Petil. li. 2. c. 13. man-killer from the beginning, & he stood not in the veritie; because veritie is not in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his owne, because veritie is not in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his owne, because he is a lyer, & the father thereof. 45. But because I say the veritie, you beleeue me not. 46. Which of you shal argue me of sinne? If I say the veritie, why doe you not beleeue me? 47. He that is of God, heareth the wordes of God. Therfore you heare not, because you are not of God. 48. The Iewes therfore answered, and said to him: Doe not we say wel that thou art a Samaritane, and hast a Diuel? 49. Iᴇꜱᴠꜱ answered: He denieth not that he is a Samaritane, because he is our keeper or protectour, as the word signifieth; and because he is indeed that merciful Samaritane in the parable of the wounded man. Luc. 10,33 Augu. tract. 43 in Ioan. I haue no Diuel: but I doe honour my Father, and you haue dishonoured me. 50. but I seeke not mine owne glorie. There is that seeketh and iudgeth. 51. The Ghospel vpon Passion Sunday. Amen, amen I say to you: If any man keep my word, he shal not see death for euer. 52. The Iewes therfore said: Now we haue knowen that thou hast a Diuel. Abraham is dead, and the Prophets; and thou saiest: If any man keep my word, he shal not tast death for euer. 53. Why, art thou greater then our father Abraham, who is dead? and the Prophets are dead. Whom doest thou make thy self? 54. Iᴇꜱᴠꜱ answered: If I doe glorifie my self, my glorie is nothing. It is my Father that glorifieth me, whom you say that he is your God. 55. And you haue not knowen him, but I know him. And if I shal say that I know him not, I shal be like to you, a lyer. But I doe know him, and doe keep his word. 56. Abraham your father reioyced that he might see my day: and he saw, and was glad. 57. The Iewes therfore said to him: Thou hast not yet fiftie yeares and hast thou seen Abraham? 58. Iᴇꜱᴠꜱ said to them: Amen, amen I say to you, before that Abraham was made I am. 59. They tooke stones therfore to cast at him. But Iᴇꜱᴠꜱ hid himself, and went out of the temple.
ANNOTATIONS. Cʜᴀᴘ. VIII. 34. Amen, amen.) Why Amen, amen, is not translated.
What is it (saith S. Augustine vpon this place) when our Lord said, Amen, amen? He doth much commend and vrge the thing that he so vttereth, doubling it. It is a certaine othe of his, if a man may so say: for Amen in Hebrew signifieth verum, a truth. Yet is it not translated, whereas it might haue been said, verum, verum dico vobis, but neither the *Greeke interpreter durst doe it, nor the Latin, the Hebrew word hath remained stil, that so it might be the more esteemed. Tract. 41 in Ioan. By which wordes and the like **recorded in other places of this new Testament, the Reader may see great reason, why we also say, Amen, amen, and durst not translate it and such like wordes into our English tongue.
*Αμήν, ἀμὴν .
**See the preface, and the annotation in Apoc. c. 19,4.