Original Douay Rheims Bible (1582 & 1610)

The Holy Ghospel of Iesvs Christ According to Saint Iohn

Leauing Iewrie because of the Pharisees, in the way to Galilee he talketh with a Samaritane woman, telling her that he wil giue water of euerlasting life, 16. shewing himself to know mens secrets, 19. preferring the Iewes religion before the Samaritanes, but ours (the Christian Catholike religion) before them both, 25. and vttering vnto her that he is Christ. 28. which by her testimonie and his preaching very many Samaritanes doe beleeue: he in the meane time foretelling his Disciples, of the haruest he wil send them into. 45. The Galilæans also receiue him, where againe he worketh his second miracle. 1. WHEN Iᴇꜱᴠꜱ therfore vnderstoof that the Pharisees heard the Iᴇꜱᴠꜱ maketh moe Disciples, and baptizeth, then Iohn, 2. (Howbeit He did not baptize ordinarily: yet that he baptized his Apostles, S. Aug. thinketh it very probable, ep. 108. Iᴇꜱᴠꜱ did not baptize, but his Disciples) 3. he left Iewrie, and went againe into Galilee. 4. And he had of necessitie to passe through Samaria. 5. The Ghospel vpon Friday in the 3. weeke in Lent. He commeth therfore into a citie of Samaria which is called Sichar; * Gen. 48,22. beside the Manour that Iacob gaue to Ioseph his sonne. 6. And there was there the fountaine of Iacob. Iᴇꜱᴠꜱ therfore wearied of his iourney, sate so vpon the fountaine. It was about the sixt houre. 7. There commeth This woman is a figure of the Church, not yet iustified, but now to be iustified. Aug. tract. 15. in Ioan. a woman of Samaria to draw water. Iᴇꜱᴠꜱ said to her: Giue me to drinke. 8. For his Disciples were gone into the citie, to buie meates. 9. Therfore that Samaritane woman saith to him: How doest thou being a Iewe, aske of me to drinke, which am a Samaritane woman? For the Iewes There were many other causes why the faithful Iewes could not abide the Samaritans, but their precise abstaning from their companie and conuersation, was their Schismatical Temple and Seruice in mount Garizim. doe not communicate with the Samaritanes. 10. Iᴇꜱᴠꜱ answered, and said to her: If thou didst know the guift of God, and who he is that saith vnto thee, Giue me to drinke; thou perhpas wouldest haue asked of him, and he would haue giuen the He speaketh of his baptizing in the Holy Ghost. see Io. c. 7,39. liuing water. 11. The woman saith to him: Sir, neither hast thou wherein to draw, and the well is deep; whence hast thou liuing water? 12. art thou greater then our Father Iacob, who gaue vs the wel, & himself dranke of it, and his children, and his cattel? 13. Iᴇꜱᴠꜱ answered, and said to her: Euery one that drinketh of this water, shal thirst againe; but he that shal drinke of the water that I wil giue him, shal not thirst for euer, 14. but the water that I wil giue him, shal become in him a fountaine of water springing vp into life euerlasting. 15. The woman saith to him: Lord giue me this water, that I may not thirst, nor come hither to draw. 16. Iᴇꜱᴠꜱ saith to her: Goe, cal thy husband and come hither. 17. THe woman answered and said: I haue no husband. Iᴇꜱᴠꜱ said to her: Thou hast said wel, that I haue no husband. 18. For thou hast had fiue husbands; and he whom thou now hast, is not thy husband. This thou hast said truely. 19. The woman saith to him: Lord, I perceiue that thou art a Prophet. 20. Our Fathers adored in this mountaine, and you say * Deu. 12,6.
Psal. 121,13.
that at Hierusalem is the place where men must adore. 21. Iᴇꜱᴠꜱ saith to her: Woman beleeue me, that the houre shal come, when you shal neither in this mountaine, nor in Hierusalem adore the Father. 22. * 4. King. 17,20. 18,36. You adore that you know not: we adore that we know; for saluation is of the Iewes. 23. But the houre commeth, and now it is, when the true adorers shal adore the Father in spirit and veritie. For the Father also seeketh such to adore him. 24. God is a Spirit, and they that adore him, must adore in spirit and veritie. 25. The woman saith to him: I know that Mᴇꜱꜱɪᴀꜱ commeth, (which is called Cʜʀɪꜱᴛ) therfore when he commeth, he wil shew vs al things. 26. Iᴇꜱᴠꜱ saith to her: I am he, that spake with thee. 27. And incontinent his Disciples came: and they maruelled that he talked with a woman. No man for al that said: What seekest thou, or why talkest thou with her? 28. The woman therfore left her water-pot: and she went into the citie, and saith to those men: 29. Come, and see a man that hath told me al things whatsoeuer I haue done. Is not he Cʜʀɪꜱᴛ? 30. They went forth therfore out of the citie, and came to him. 31. In the meane time the Disciples desired him, saying: Rabbi eate. 32. But he said to them: I haue meate to eate which you know not. 33. The Disciples therfore said one to another: Hath any man brought him for to eate? 34. Iᴇꜱᴠꜱ saith to them: My meate is to doe the il of him that sent me, to perfit his worke. 35. Doe not you say that yet there are foure moneths, and haruest commeth? Behold I say to you, lift vp your eyes, and see the Countries, that they are white already to haruest. 36. And he that reapeth, receiueth hire, and gathereth fruit vnto life euerlasting: that both he that soweth, and he that reapeth, may reioyce together. 37. For in this is the saying true: that it is one man that soweth, and it is another that reapeth. 38. I haue sent you to reape that which you laboured not: others haue laboured, & you haue entred into their labours. 39. And of that citie many beleeued in him of the Samaritans, for the word of the This woman mystically being the Church, it is here signified that they which at the first beleeue because the Church teacheth so, afterward be much confirmed, finding it in the Scripture also, and by other instructions. woman giuing testimonie, that he told me al things whatsoeuer I haue done. 40. Therfore when the Samaritans were come to him, they desired him that he would tarie there. And he taried there two daies. 41. And many moe beleeued for his owne word. 42. And they said to the woman, That now not for thy saying doe we beleeue; for our selues haue heard, and doe know that this is the Sauiour of the world indeed. 43. And after two daies he departed thence; and went into Galilee. 44. For Iᴇꜱᴠꜱ himself gaue testimonie that a Prophet hath not honour in his owne countrie: 45. Therfore * Mat. 4,12.
Mark 1,14.
Luke 4,14.
when he was come into Galilee, the Galilæans receiued him, whereas they had seen al things that he had done at Hierusalem in the festiual day: for themselues also came to the festiual day. 46. The Ghospel vpon the 20. Sunday after Pentecost. He came againe therfore into Cana of Galilee, * Iohn 2,9. where he made water wine. And there was a certaine Lord whose sonne was sick at Capharnaum. 47. He hauing heard that Iᴇꜱᴠꜱ came from Iewrie into Galilee, went to him, and desired him that he would come downe and heale his sonne, For he began to die. 48. Iᴇꜱᴠꜱ therfore said to him: Vnlesse you see signes and wonders, you beleeue not. 49. The Lord saith to him: Lord, come downe before that my sonne die. 50. Iᴇꜱᴠꜱ saith to him: Goe, thy sonne liueth. The man beleeued the word that Iᴇꜱᴠꜱ said to him, and went. 51. And as he was now going downe, his seruants met him: and they brought word, saying, That his sonne liued. 52. He asked therfore of them the houre, wherein he was amended. And they said to him, That yesterday at the seauenth houre the feuer left him. 53. The father therfore knew that it was in the same houre wherein Iᴇꜱᴠꜱ said to him: Thy sonne liueth, and himself beleeued and his whole house. 54. This againe the * Iohn 2,11. second signe did Iᴇꜱᴠꜱ, when he was come from Iewrie into Galilee.
ANNOTATIONS. Cʜᴀᴘ. IV. 20. Our Fathers adored.) The Schismatical Temple contendeth against the true Temple.
*By adoration is meant doing of Sacrifice. For other offices of Religion might be done in any place. The Samaritanes to defend their adoring in Garizim, pretended their worshiping there to be more ancient then the Iewes in Hierusalem, referring it to Iacob: whereas indeed that Patriarch adoring there before the Temple was appointed, or the Law giuen, made nothing for their Schisme: which was begun by Manasses a fugitiue Priest, only to hold his vnlawful wife thereby, and to obtaine Superioritie in Schisme: which he could not doe in the vnitie of his brethren; long after the Temple of Hierusalem from which the reuolt was made. Therfore Christ giueth sentence for the Iewes and the Temple of Hierusalem, affirming that they had a good ground thereof, but the Samaritans none at al.
The true Temple preuaileth.
Iosephus **also recordeth how the Samaritans demanded of Alexander the Great, the like priuiledges and immunities as he had granted to the high Priest and Temple of Hierusalem, pretending their Temple to be as great and as worthy, and themselues to be Iewes as the other, and to worship the same God. But their Schismatical hypocrisie was easily spied and dimissed with nothing. Another time the Iewes and Samaritanes (as the same writer testifieth) made a great sturre in Alexandria about the truth and antiquitie of the Schismatical Temple and seruice in Garizim, and the other true Temple of Salomon: in so much that the matter was put to arbitrement by Ptolomæus the Kings commandement, only to trie whether of the two was first. And the Schismatikes (as their custome is) per saltum can make their Church or seruice as old as they list, referring it to the Patriarches, as our Schismatikes do now to Christ and the Apostles. But when the trial was made, only they of Hierusalem did inuincibly proue by continual succession of their Priests, and by the iust note of the time when the Schismatikes went out from them, that theirs was the lawful, and the other the false Temple and false adoration.
The true Temple is proued by continual succession.
And so it was iudged, and the Samaritanes put to silence. Afterward the said Schismatikes (which is lightly the end of al Schismes) reuolted quite from the Iewes religion, and dedicated their temple in Garizim to Iupiter Olympius, as Caluins supper and his bread and wine is like at length to come to the sacrifice of Ceres and Bacchus.
*Ioseph. l. antiq. 11. c. 8.
**Ioseph. l. 13. anti. c. 6.
23. In Spirit and veritie.) Christian adoration throughout al Nations in euery place, in spirit and veritie: that is in the Sacraments and Seruice of the new law, ful of spirit and grace: in the veritie of things before prefigured, specially the true Sacrifice of Christs body and bloud.
Our Sauiour foretelleth her that the end & ceasing of their Sacrifice and adoration in both the Temples should shortly be, and euen then was begun to be fulfilled: instructing her in three things concerning that point. First, that the true Sacrifice should be tied no more to that one place or Nation, *but that true adoration should be throughout al Nations according to the Prophecie of Malachie. Secondly, that the grosse and carnal adoration by the flesh and bloud of beastes and other external terrene creatures not hauing in them grace, spirit, and life, should be taken away, and another Sacrifice succeed, which should be in itself inuisible, celestial, diuine, ful of life, Spirit and grace. And thirdly, that this adoration and Sacrifice should be the veritie itself whereof al the former Sacrifices and Hostes were but shadowes and figures. And he calleth that here spirit and truth, **which in the first Chapter is called grace and truth. Al which is no more but a prophecie and description of the Sacrifice of the faithful Gentils in the bodie and bloud of Christ: not that it is not by external meanes giuen to vs (for otherwise we being men consisting of flesh and bloud could not be capable thereof) but that it is spirit and life in itself, being the flesh of the WORD of God. And if a man enlarge the word of Adoration, (which here as is said, signifieth properly the worship of God by Sacrifice) to al the Sacraments of the new Law, they al likewise be spirit and grace, the Holy Ghost working inuisibly and internally vpon our soules by euery one of them. Whereupon our Baptisme, is water and the Holy Ghost: our Penance, the word of absolution and the Holy Ghost: our Confirmation, oile and the Holy Ghost by imposition of handes: finally, al the adoration of the Catholike Church, is properly spiritual, though certaine external creatures for our natures, state and necessitie, be ioyned thereunto. Take heed therfore thou gather not of Christs wordes, that Christian men should haue no vse of external office towards God: for that would take away al Sacrifice, Sacraments, Prayers, Churches, and societie of men in his Seruice.
*Mal. 11.
**Iohn 1,17.