HOLY weeke.
They being sad, because he said that he must goe from them, he comforteth them many waies as
putting them in hope to follow him vnto the same place, so that they keepe his commandements.
Where he telleth them, that himself is the way thither according to his Humanitie, and also the end
according to his Diuinitie, no lesse then his Father, because he is consubstantial, 15. promising also
to send vnto them (that is, to his Church) the Holy Ghost to be after his departure with them for euer.
8. And saying that it is his promotion (according to his Humanitie) to goe to the Father, for whose
obedience this his death shal be, & not for any guilt of his owne.
The Ghospel vpon SS. Philip and Iacobs day Maij. 1.
LET not your hart be troubled. You beleeue in God, beleeue in me also.
2. In my Fathers house there be
These mansions signifie differences of glorie in Heauen. Hiero. li. 2.
adu. Iouin.
many mansions. If not, I would haue told you,
Because I goe to prepare you a place.
3. And if I goe, and prepare you a place: I come againe and wil take you to my
self, that where I am, you also may be.
4. And whither I goe you know, and the way you know.
5. Thomas saith to him: Lord, we know not whither thou goest; and how can we know
the way?
6. Iᴇꜱᴠꜱ saith to him: I am the way, and the veritie, and the life. No man
commeth to the Father; but by me.
7. If you had knowne me, my Father also certes you had knowen: and from hence forth
you shal know him, and you haue seen him.
8. Philippe saith to him: Lord shew vs the Father, and it sufficeth vs.
9. Iᴇꜱᴠꜱ saith to him: So long time I am with you; & haue you not knowen me?
Philippe, he that seeth me, seeth the Father also. How saiest thou, Shew vs the Father?
'Doe ye not beleeue.'
Doest thou not beleeue that I am in the Father, & the Father in me? The wordes that
I speake to you, of my self I speake not. But my Father that abideth in me, he doeth the workes.
11. Beleeue you not, that I am in the Father and the Father in me? Otherwise for the
workes themselues beleeue.
12. Amen, amen I say to you, he that beleeueth in me, the workes that I doe, he also
shal doe, and greater then these shal he doe,
13. because I goe to the Father, & whatsoeuer you shal aske in my name, that wil I doe:
that the Father may be glorified in the Sonne.
The Ghospel vpon whitsuneue. And in a votiue Masse for the election of the
If you aske my any thing in my name, that wil I doe.
15. If you
It is then possible both to loue Christ & to keepe his commandements.
loue me, keepe my commandements.
16. And I wil aske the Father, and he wil giue you another
Paraclete by interpretation is either a comforter, or an aduocate:
and therfore to translate it by any one of them only, is perhaps to
abridge the sense of this place.
Paraclete, that he may
abide with you for euer,
17. the Spirit of truth, whom the world can not receiue, because it seeth him not,
neither knoweth him, but you
'shal know.'
know him: because he shal abide with you, and shal be in you.
18. I wil not leaue you orphanes: I wil come to you.
19. Yet a litle while: and the world seeth me no more. But you see me: because I
liue, and you shal liue.
20. In that day you shal know that I am in my Father, and you in me; and I in you.
21. He that hath my commandements, & keepeth them: he it is that loueth me. And he
that loueth me, shal be loued of my Father: and I wil loue him, and wil manifest my self to him.
The Ghospel vpon whitsunday. And in a votiue Masse of the Holy Ghost.
Iudas saith to him, not that Iscariote: Lord, what is done, that thou wilt manifest
thy self to vs, and not to the world?
23. Iᴇꜱᴠꜱ answered, and said to him: If any loue me, he wil keepe my worde, and
my Father wil loue him, and we wil come to him, and wil make abode with him.
24. He that loueth me not, keepeth not my wordes. And the word which you haue heard,
is not mine; but his that sent me, the Fathers.
25. These things haue I spoken to you abiding with you.
26. But the Paraclete the Holy Ghost, whom the Father wil send in my name, he shal
See the Annot. vpon the 16. Chap. vers. 12. & 13.
teach you al things, & suggest vnto you al things whatsoeuer I shal say to you.
27. Peace I leaue to you, my peace I giue to you; not as the world giueth, doe I giue
to you. Let not your hart be troubled, nor feare.
28. You haue heard that I said to you, I goe, and I come to you. If you loued me, you
would be glad verily, that I goe to the Father: because the Father is greater then I.
29. And now I haue told you before it come to passe: that when it shal come to passe,
you may beleeue.
30. Now I wil not speake many things with you. For the Prince of this world commeth,
and in me he hath not any thing.
31. But that the world may know that I loue the Father: and as the Father hath giuen
me commandements, so doe I: Arise, let vs goe hence.
Cʜᴀᴘ. XIV.
12. Greater then these.)
We may and must easily beleeue the miracles of Saints and of their relikes,
when Christ himself foretelleth they shal doe such wonderful things.
aS. Chrysostom in a whole book against the Pagans proueth that this was
fulfilled not only in Peters shadow, and Paules garments, which as we read
in the *Actes, healed infirmities: but also by the relics and monuments of
Saints, namely of St. Babylas, of whom he there treateth: thereby inferring that
Christ is God, who could and did perform these wonderful words, by the very ashes
of his seruants. The Protestants clean contrary, as patrons of the Pagans
infidelity, as though our Sauiour had promised these and the like miraculous works
in vain, either not meaning or not able to fulfill them, to do they discredit al
the approued histories of the Church concerning the miracles wrought by Saints,
namely that S. Gregorie Thaumaturgus **remoued a mountain, the miracles of
S. Paul the Eremite, and S. Hilarion written by S. Hierome,
the miracles of S. Martin written by Seuerus Sulpitius, the miracles
testified by S. Augustine de Ciuit Dei, the miracles approued by S.
Gregorie in his Dialogues, the miracles reported by S. Bede in his
Ecclesiastical story and liues of Saints: and al other miracles neuer so
faithfully recorded in Ecclesiastical writers.
The Heretikes as faithles in this point, as the old Pagans.
In al which things aboue their reach
of reason and nature, they are as litle persuaded and haue no more faith then had
the Pagans, against whom S. Chrysostom in the foresaid book, and S.
Augustine de Ciu. Dei li. 22 c. 2. and other Fathers heretofore haue written.
No man therefore needeth to maruel that the very image of Our Lady, and the like,
do miracles, euen as Peters shadow did: nor wonder, if such things seem stranger
and greater then those which Christ himself did: whereas our Sauiour to put vs out
of doubt, saith expressly, that his Saints shall do greater things then himself did.
aLi. de Babyla mart. to. 5.
*Act. 5,15. 19,12.
**See Anon. Mat. 17,20.
16. For euer.)
The Holy Ghost is promised to the Church for euer.
If the Holy Ghost had been promised only to the Apostles, their successors
and the church after them could not haue challenged it, but it was promised them for euer. Whereby we
may learn, both that the priuileges and promises made to the Apostles were not personal, but pertaining
their offices perpetually: and also that the Church and Pastors in all ages had and haue the same Holy
Ghost to gouern them, that the Apostles and primitiue Church had.
17. The Spirit of truth.)
The Spirit of truth shal assist the Church alwaies.
They had many particular gifts and graces of the Holy Ghost before,
and many virtues by the same, as al holy men haue at times: but the Holy Ghost here promised to the
Apostles and their successors for euer, is to this vse specially promised, to direct them in al truth and
verity: and is contrary to the spirit of error, heresy, and falsehood. And therefore the Church cannot fall
to Apostasy or Heresy, or to nothing, as the Aduersaries say.
28. Father greater then I.)
The Arians allege as plaine Scriptures as the Protestants.
There is no place of Scripture that seemeth anything so much to
make for the Sacramentaries, as this and other in outward show of words seemed to make for the
Arians, who denied the equality of the Son with the Father. Which words yet in deed rightly vnderstood
after the Churchs sense, make nothing for their false Sect, but only signify that Christ according to his
Manhood was inferior in deed, and that according to his Diuinity he came of the Father. And if the
heresy or disease of this time were Arianism, we should stand vpon these places and the like against the
Arians, as we now do vpon others against the Protestants, whose Sect is the disease and bane of this