Original Douay Rheims Bible (1582 & 1610)

The Holy Ghospel of Iesvs Christ According to Saint Lvke

Deuout women not finding his body in the Sepulchre, 4. Angels tel them that he is risen according to his owne prediction: 9. yet the Apostles wil not beleeue it. 12. But neither Peter findeth his body there. 13. He walketh with two Disciples, declaring al this vnto them out of the Scriptures, and is knowen of them by breaking of bread. 36. The same day he appeareth to the Apostles being together, is felt of them, and eateth with them. Finally teaching them out of the Scriptures not only of his Passion and Resurrection, 47. but also of his Catholike Church, 49. he promiseth the Holy Ghost to confirme them, 50. and so ascendeth into Heauen.
1. * Mat. 28,1.
Mark 16,1.
Iohn 20,1.
AND in the That is, first after the Sabboth, which is (saith S. Hiero. q. 4. ad Hedib.) dies Dominica our Lords day, wherein he arose. For the weeke is deuided into the Sabboth, and the 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. of the Sabboth. And the Apostle (1 Cor. 16,2) commanded a collection of money to be made on the first of the Sabboth. Whereby we learne, both the keeping of Sunday, and the Churches count of dayes by the 2. 3. 4. of the Sabboth, to be Apostolical. Which S. Syluester afterward named, 2. 3. 4. feriam, &c. Breuiar. Roman. Decemb. 31. first of the Sabboth very early they came to the monument, carying the spices which they had prepared. 2. And they found the stone roled backe from the monument. 3. And going in, they found not the body of our Lord Iᴇꜱᴠꜱ. 4. And it came to passe, as they were astonished in their mind at this, behold two men stood beside them in glistering apparel. 5. And when they feared and cast downe their countenance toward the ground, they said vnto them: Why seeke you the liuing with the dead? 6. he is not here, but is risen. Remember how he spake to you, when he yet was in Galilee, 7. saying: That the Sonne of man must be deliuered into the handes of sinners and be crucified, and the third day rise againe. 8. And they remembred his wordes. 9. And going backe from the monument, they told al these things to those eleuen, and to al the rest. 10. And it was Marie Magdalene, and Ioane, and Marie of Iames, and the rest that were them, which said these things to the Apostles. 11. And these wordes seemed before them as dotage, and they did not beleeue them. 12. But * Iohn 20,3. Peter rising vp ranne to the monument; and stouping downe he saw the linnen clothes lying alone, and went away maruelling with himself at that which was done. 13. The Ghospel vpon Munday in easter weeke. * Mark 16,22. And behold, two of them went the same day into a towne which was the space of sixtie furlongs from Hierusalem, named Emmaus. 14. And they talked betwixt themselues of al those things that had chanced. 15. And it came to passe, while they talked and reasoned with themselues, Iᴇꜱᴠꜱ also himself approching went with them. 16. But their eyes were held that they might not know him. 17. And he said to them: What these communications that you conferre one with another walking, and are sad? 18. And one whose name was Cleophas, answering, said to him: Art thou only a stranger in Hierusalem, and hast not knowen the things that haue been done in it, these daies? 19. To whom he said: What things? And they said, concerning Iᴇꜱᴠꜱ of Nazareth, who was a man a Prophet, mightie in worke and word before God and al the People. 20. And how our cheefe Priests and Princes deliuered him into condemnation of death, and crucified him. 21. But we hoped that it was he that should redeeme Israel: and now besides al this, to day is the third day since these things were done. 22. But certaine women also of ours, made vs afraid: who before it was light, were at the monument, 23. and not finding his body, came, saying that they saw a vision also of Angels, who say that he is aliue. 24. And certaine men of ours went to the monument: and they found it so as the woman said, but him they found not. 25. And he said to them: O foolish, and slow of hart to beleeue in al things which the Prophets haue spoken. 26. Ought not Christ to haue suffred these things, and so to enter into his glorie? 27. And beginning from Moyses and al the Prophets, he did interpret to them in al the scriptures the things that were concerning him. 28. And they drew nigh to the towne whither they went: and he made semblance to goe further. 29. And they forced him, saying: Tarie with vs, because it is toward night, and the day is now farre spent. And he went in with them. 30. And it came to passe, whiles he sate at the table with them, he tooke bread, and blessed and brake, and did reach to them. 31. And their eyes were opened, and they knew him: and he vanished out of their sight. 32. And they said one to the other: Was not our hart burnin in vs, whiles he spake in the way, and opened vnto vs the scriptures? 33. And rising vp the same houre they went backe into Hierusalem: and they found the eleuen gathered together, and those that were with them, 34. saying: That our Lord is risen indeed, and hath appeared to Simon. 35. And they told the things that were done in the way: and how they knew him in the breaking of bread. 36. The Ghospel vpon Tuesday in Easter weeke. * Mark 16,14.
Iohn 20,19.
And whiles they speake these things, Iᴇꜱᴠꜱ stood in the middes of them, and he saith to them: Peace be to you; it is I, feare not. 37. But they being troubled and frighted, imagined that they saw a Spirit. 38. And he said to them: Why are you troubled, and cogitations arise into your harts? 39. See my handes, and feet, that it is I my self: handle, and see: for a Spirit hath not flesh and bones, as you see me to haue. 40. And when he had said this, he shewed them his handes and feet. 41. But they yet not beleeuing and maruelling for ioy, he said: Haue you here any thing to be eaten? 42. But they offred him a peece of fish broiled, and a honie combe. 43. And when he had eaten before them, taking the remaines he gaue to them. 44. And he said to them: These are the wordes which I spake to you, when I was yet with you, that al things must needes be fulfilled, which are written in the law of Moyses, and the Prophets, and the Psalmes, of me. 45. Then he opened their vnderstanding, that they might vnderstand the Scriptures. 46. And he said to them: That so it is written, and so it behoued Christ to suffer, and to rise againe from the dead the third day: 47. As he shal be Anathema (saith S. Aug.) which preacheth that Christ neither suffered nor rose againe, because we learne by the Ghospel, That it behoued Christ to suffer and rise againe the third day: so he shal also be Anathema, whosoeuer preacheth the Church to be elswhere then in the communion of al Nations: because by the selfsame Ghospel we learne in the worde, next following, and pennance to be preached in his name and remission of sinnes throughout al Nations. August. ep. 48. and pennance to be preached in his name and remission of sinnes vnto al Nations, beginning from Hierusalem. 48. And you are witnesses of these things. 49. * Act. 1,8. 2,1. 10,41. And I send the promise of my Father vpon you: but you, tarie in the citie, til you be indowed with power from high. 50. Ascension day. And he brought them forth abrode into Bethania: and lifting vp handes he blessed them. 51. * Mark 16,19.
Act. 1,9.
And it came to passe whiles he blessed them, he departed from them, and was caried into Heauen. 52. And they adoring went backe into Hierusalem with great ioy: 53. and they were alwaies in the temple praising and blessing God. Amen.
ANNOTATIONS. Cʜᴀᴘ. XXIV. 30. Tooke bread.) The Fathers in diuers places take this to be meant of the B. Sacrament. Author operis imperf. ho. 17. S. Augustine li. 39 de consensu Euang. c. 25 & ser. 140 de temp. & ep. 59 ad Paulinum q. 8. Paulinus himself in the next epistle before that, among S. Augustines. Venerable Bede also vpon this place. Theophylact vpon this place. And that it should be meant of the holy Sacrament: the forme of solemne taking the bread into his handes, blessing it, breaking it, and reaching it to his Disciples (exceeding proper to the consecration, and common to none other vulgar benediction, nor any where vsed but in Christs miraculous multiplying the loaues) and the singular effect in notifying Christ vnto them, do proue.
The B. Sacrament in one kind.
And if it be the Sacrament (as it is most probable) then is it an euident example and warrant of ministration in one kind.
46. Pennance to be preached.) The Catholike or vniuersal Church.
He shewed vnto them out of the Scriptures, not only the things that were now accomplished in himself, but also that were yet to come about his Church: as, where it should begin, to wit, at Hierusalem and how farre it should goe, to wit, to al Nations: that he might not suffer vs (saith S. Augustine*) to erre neither in the bridegrome nor in the bride. For this maketh manifestly against al Heretikes and Schismatikes, that set vp new Churches in particular countries, drawing the people from the foresaid only true Church which from Hierusalem so groweth **ouer al Nations til the end of the world come.
*De vnit. Ec. c. 10.
**Mat. 24,14.
50. Blessed them.) Christ blessed diuers wayes.
Christ our high priest, *prefigured specially therein by Melchisedech, often gaue his blessing to his: somtimes by wordes, as, Peace be to you: ***somtimes by imposing his handes: and now hereby lifting vp his hands ouer his Disciples as it were for his farewel.
Blessing with the signe of the crosse.
In what forme, the Scripture doth not expresse, but very like it is that in forme of the crosse, as Iacob the Patriarcha blessed his nephews for signification of Christs benediction: for now the crosse began to be glorious among the faithful, and the Apostles (as it is most certaine bby the Fathers which call it an ancient tradition) vsed that signe for an external note of benediction. Yea S. Augustine saith (in Ps. 30. Con. 3) that Christ himself not without cause would haue his signe to be fixed in our foreheads as in the seat of shamefastness, that a Christian man should not be ashamed of the reproch of Christ. And what forme can a Christian man vse rather to blesse himself or others, then that which was dedicated in Christs death, and is a conuenient memoral of the same? Howsoeuer it be, that the Bishops and Priests of Gods Church blesse with an external signe, no man can reprehend, being warranted by Christs owne example and action.
*Heb. 7,6.
**Iohn. 20,21. 26
***Mark 10,16.
aGen. 48,14.
bTertu. de coron. milit. nu. 3. Basel. de Sp. sanct. 1, 27.