Original Douay Rheims Bible (1582 & 1610)

The Holy Ghospel of Iesvs Christ According to Saint Lvke

He teacheth the rich to procure Heauen with their riches. 14. And being therfore derided of the couetous Pharisees (who saw temporal riches promised in the letter of the Law) he sheweth that now is come the preaching of the Kingdom of God, howbeit the Law for al that in no iot shal be frustrat. 19. foretelling them also, that the couetous Iewes shal be denied of their father Abraham, when poore Lazarus (the penitent Gentil) shal rest in his bosome.
1. The Ghospel vpon the 8. Sunday after Pentecost. AND he said to his Discipels: There was a certaine rich man that had a οἰκονόμον. bailife: & he was il reported of vnto him, as he that had wasted his goods. 2. And he called him, and said to him: What heare I this of thee? render account of thy όικονομίας . bailifhip: for now thou canst no more bailife. 3. And the bailife said within him self: What shal I doe, because my Lord taketh away from me the bailifhip? dig I am not able, to beg I am ashamed. 4. I know what I wil doe, that when I shal be remoued from the bailifhip, they may receiue me into their houses. 5. Therfore calling together euery one of his Lords debters, he said to the first: How much doest thou owe my Lord? 6. But he saith: An hundred pipes of oile. And he said to him: Take thy bil and sit downe, quickly write fiftie. 7. After that he said to an other: But thou, how much doest thou owe? Who said: An hundred quarters of wheat. He said to him: Take thy bil, and write eightie. 8. And the Lord praised the bailife of iniquitie, because he had done wisely: for the children of this world, are wiser then the children of light in their generation. 9. And I say to you: Make vnto you freinds of the Mammon (saith S. Hierom q. 6. ad Algas.) in the Syriake tongue signifieth riches. Mammon of iniquitie, because they are often il gotten, or il bestowed, or occasion of euil, or at the least worldly and false, and not the true heauenly riches. mammon of iniquitie that when you faile, they may receiue you into the eternal tabernacles. 10. He that is faithful in the least, is faithful in the greater also: and he that is vniust in ltle, is vniust in the greater also. 11. If then you haue not been faithful in the vniust mammon, with that which is the true who may credit you? 12. And if you haue not been faithful in other mens, that which is yours, who wil giue you? 13. * Mat. 6,24. No seruant can serue two maisters; for either he shal hate the one, and loue the other; or cleaue to one, and contemne the other. You can not serue God and mammon. 14. And the Pharisees which were couetous, heard al these things: and they derided him. 15. And he said to them: You are they that iustifie your selues before men, but God knoweth your hartes, because that which is high to men, is abomination before God. 16. * Mat. 11,12. The Law and the Prophets, vnto Iohn. From that time the Kingdom of God is euangelized, and euery one doth force toward it. 17. * Mat. 5,18.
Mat. 5,31. 19,9.
And it is easier for Heauen and earth to passe, then one tittle of the Law to fal. 18. * Mark 1,11.
1. Corinth. 7,11.
Euery one that dimisseth his wife, and marieth another, commiteth aduoutrie: and he that marieth her that is dimissed from her husband, commiteth aduoutrie. 19. The Ghospel vpon Thursday in the 2. weeke of Lent. There was a certaine rich man, & he was clothed with purple and silke: and he fared euery day magnifically. 20. And there was a certaine begger called Lazarus, that lay at his gate, ful of sores: 21. desiring to be filled of the crummes, that fel from the rich mans table, and no man did giue him. but the dogges also came, and licked his sores. 22. And it came to passe that the begger died, and was caried of the Angels into Abrahams bosome. And the riche man also died: and he was buried in Hel. 23. And lifting vp his eyes, when he was in torments, he saw Abraham a farre off, Lazarus in Abrahams bosome, and rest, but both in hel, and not in the Kingdom of Heauen before Christ. Hiero. ep. 3. Epithoph, Nepot. and Lazarus in his bosome: 24. and he crying said: Father Abraham, haue mercie on me, and send Lazarus that he may dip the tip of his finger into water for to coole my tongue, because I am tormented in this flame. 25. And Abraham said to him: Sonne, remember that thou didst receiue To be in continual pleasures, ease, wealth, peace, and prosperity in this world, is perilous, and a signe of paines in the next. S. Hiero. good things in thy life time, and Lazarus likewise euil: but not he is comforted, and thou art tormented. 26. And beside al these things, between vs and you there is fixed a great χάδμα.
a horrible distance.
chaos: that they which wil passe from hence to you, may not, neither goe from thence hither. 27. And he said: Then, father, I beseech thee that thou wouldest send him vnto my fathers house, for I haue fiue brethren, 28. for to testifie vnto them, lest they also come into this place of torments. 29. And Abraham said to him: Abraham had knowledge of things in earth which were not in his time; as that they had Moyses and the Prophets bookes which he neuer saw. August. de cura pro mor. c. 14. They haue Moyses and the Prophets: let them heare them. 30. But he said: No, father Abraham, but if some man shal goe from the dead to them, they wil doe penance. 31. And he said to him: If they heare not Moyses and the Prophets, neither if one shal rise againe from the dead, wil they beleeue.
ANNOTATIONS. Cʜᴀᴘ. XVI. 8. The Lord praised.) Good workes.
This mans deceiuing his maister is not praised, nor we warranted by his fact to gaine vniustly for to haue wherewith to giue almes: but his prudence, in that he prouided so substantially for him selfe whilest his maisters goods were in his handes, is commended, not for a vertue, but for a worldly pollicie: and proposed as an example of the careful prouision that rich men (who are Gods stewards in earth) should make for their soules, against they be put out of their bailiship and be called to account, which is the day of their death: and for a condemnation of faithful mens folly and negligence, that being assured they shal out of their offices, and well knowing they might gaine saluation by their money, haue so litle regard thereof.
9. They may receiue.) Almes meritorious.
A great comfort to al great almes-men, and a wonderful force and vertue in almes, which beside the merit of the worke of mercie, which (as in other places of Scripture is said*) purgeth sinne and gaineth Heauen, pocureth also not only the prayers of their beadsmen in earth, but their patronage in Heauen also.
The Saints doe pray for vs.
Whereby also the prayers of Saints for the liuing, and namely for them to whom they were beholding in their life, are proued. Yea and that they be in such fauour with God, that they may and doe receiue their freinds which were once their benefactours, into their mansions in Heauen, no lesse then the farmers whom the il steward pleasured, might receiue their freind into their earthly houses. Which also insinuateth to vs, that almes bestowed specially vpon holy men, who by their merites and prayers are great in Gods grace, may much more helpe vs then our charitable deedes done vpon vulgar men in necessitie, though that be of exceeding great merite also. See al this in these Doctours following. Hiero. quæst. 6. Algas. tom. 3. Ambros. in Luc. August. serm. 35 de verb. Do. c. 1. Gregor. moral. li. 21. c. 14. August. li. 2 qu. Euang. qu. 34. Chrys. ho. 33. ad Po. Antioch. to. 5. * Tob. 12,9. Mat. 25.
18. And marieth.) Mariage after diuorce vnlawful.
The good of Mariage throughout al Nations and men, is in issue and fidelitie of chastitie, but among the people of God it consisteth also in holines of Sacrament: whereby it commeth to passe that is a heinous crime to mary againe, though there be a diuorce made, so long as the parties liue. Aug. de bono coniug. c. 24 to. 6. See the Annotations vpon Marke 10,11.
22. Of the Angels.) Vnmerciful rich men.
Angels carie good mens soules to Heauen now, as they did then his to Abrahams bosome. See the reward of pouerty, affliction, and patience: and on the contrarie, the end and reward of wealth ioyned with vnmercifulnes. Note also here that at the day of euery mans death there is a particular iudgement, and therfore the soule sleepeth not, nor hangeth in suspense til the general iudgement.
22. Abrahams Bosome.) Abrahams bosome.
The Bosome of Abraham is the resting place of al them that died in perfect state of grace before Christs time, Heauen before being shut from men.
Limbus Patrum.
It is called in Zacharie, *a lake without water, and sometimes a prison, but most commonly of the Diuines Limbus Patrum, for that it is thought to haue been the higher part or brimme of Hel, the places of punishment being far lower than the same, which therfore be called Infernum inferius **the lower hel. Where this mansion of the fathers stood, or whether it be any part of Hel, S. Augustine doubted: but that there was such a place, he nor no Catholike man euer doubted: as al the Fathers make it most certaine, that our Sauiour descending to Hel, went thither specially, and deliuered the said Fathers out of that mansion.
Christ descended into Hel, & deliuered the Fathers.
Iren. li. 4. c. 19. Euseb. Demonst. Euang. li. 10. c. 8 sub finem. Nazian. orat. 2 de Pasch. Chrysost. to. 5 in demonst. Quod Christus sit Deus, paulo post initium. Epipha. in heres. 26 Taatini. Ambros. de myst. Pasch. c. 4. Hiero. in 9 Zachariæ. August. ep. 99 & li. 20. de Ciuit. c. 15. Paulinus in Panegyrico Celst. Cyrillus in Io. li. 12 c. 36. ad illud, Inclinato capite. Gregor. li. 6 ep. 179. which truth and place though of al the ancient writers confessed and proued by this and other Scriptures: yet the Aduersaries deny it (as they doe Purgatorie) most impudently.
*Zach. 9,11. Isai. 42,7.
**Aug in Ps. 85, Ep. 99.
26. A great chaos.) Purgatorie.
A great distance betwixt Abrahams bosome and the inferiour Hel. Some iudge Purgatorie to be placed there, from whence (no doubt) Christ also deliuered some at his descending to Hel. For, these in Abrahams bosome were not in paines: and S. Augustine saith *the Scriptures be plaine that he tooke some out of the places of punishment, and yet none out of the Hel of the damned. What other place then can that be but Purgatorie?
*Aug. ep. 99.
28. Lest they also.) Saints doe hear our praiers & haue care of vs.
If the damned had care of their freindes aliue, how and for what cause soeuer, much more haue the Saints and saued persons. And if those in Hel haue meanes to expresse their cogitations and desires, and to be vnderstood of Abraham so far distant both by place and condition, much rather may the liuing pray to the Saints and be heard of them: betwixt earth (that is to say) the Church militant and Heauen, being continual passage of soules, and *Angels ascending and descending by Iacobs ladder.
Caluins blasphemie.
Men must not for al that be curious to search how the soules of the deceased expresse their mindes, and be heard one of another, and so fal to blasphemie, as Caluin doth, **asking whether their eares be so long to heare so far off, and wickedly measuring al things by mortal mens corporal grosse manner of vttering conceits one to another. Which was not here done by this damned nor by Abraham, with corporal instruments of tongue, teeth, and eares: though for the better expressing of the damneds case, Christ vouchsafed to vtter it in termes agreeing to our capacitie.
*Gen. 32.
**Cal. li. 2. Instit. c. 22. sect. 24.