S. Matthewes Ghospel may be wel diuided into fiue partes. The first parte, as touching the
Infancie of our Lord Iesus: Chap. 1. and 2.
The second, of the preparation that was made to his manifestation: chap. 3. and a piece of
the 4.
The third, of his manifesting of him selfe by preaching and miracles, and that in Galilee:
the other piece of the 4. chap. vnto the 19.
The fourth, of his comming into Iurie, toward of his Passion: chap. 19. and 20.
The fifth, of the Holy weeke of his Passion in Hierusalem: chap. 21. vnto the end of the
OF S. Matthew we haue Mat. 9. Mar. 2. Luc. 5. How being before a Publican, he was called of our
Lord, and made a Disciple. Then Luk. 6. Mar. 3. Mat. 10. How out of the whole number of the
Disciples he was chosen to be one of the twelue Apostles. And out of them againe he was
chosen (and none but he and S. Iohn) to be one of the foure Euangelistes. Among them foure also,
he was the first that wrote, about 8. or 10. yeares after Christes Ascension.