Immediatly after his Sermon (to confirme his doctrine with a miracle) he cureth a Leper. 5. But
aboue him and al other Iewes, he commendeth the faith of the Centurion, who was a Gentil, and
foretelleth by that occasion, the vocation of the Gentiles, and reprobation of the Iewes. 14. In
Peters house he sheweth great grace. 18. In the way to the sea he speaketh with two, of folowing him:
23. and vpon the sea commandeth the tempest: 28. and beyond the sea he manifesteth the Deuils malice
against man, in an heard of swine.
The Ghospel on the 3 Sunday after the Epiphanie.
AND when he was come downe from the mountaine, great multitudes folowed him:
Mark 1,40.
Luke 5,12.
And behold a Leper came and adored him saying: Lord, if thou wilt, thou canst make
me cleane.
3. And Iᴇꜱᴠꜱ stretching forth his hand, touched him, saying: I wil. Be thou made cleane
And forthwith, his leprosie was made cleane.
4. And Iᴇꜱᴠꜱ saith to him: See thou tel no body: but go,
Leu. 14,2.
shew thy self to the Priest, and
offer the guift which Moyses commanded for a testimonie to them.
The Ghospel vpon the thursday after Ashwensday. And also in Masse for the sicke.
Luke 7,1.
when he was entred into Capharnaum, there came to him a Centurion, beseeching him,
6. and saying: Lord my boy lieth at home sick of the palsey, and is sore tormented.
7. And Iᴇꜱᴠꜱ saith to him: I wil come, and cure him.
8. And the Centurion making answer, said: Lord, I am not worthie that thou shouldest enter
vnder my roofe: but only say the word, & my boy shal be healed.
9. For I also am a man subiect to authoritie, hauing vnder me souldiars; and I say to
this goe, and he goeth, and to an other, come, and he cometh; and to my servant, doe this, and he doth it.
10. And Iᴇꜱᴠꜱ hearing this, marueled: and said to them that folowed him: Amen I say to you,
I haue not found so great faith in Israel.
11. And I say to you that manie shal come from the East and West, and shal sit downe with
Abraham, and Isaac, & Iacob in the Kingdom of Heauen:
12. but the children of the Kingdom shal be cast out into the exteriour darknesse: there
shal be weeping and gnashing of teeth.
13. And Iᴇꜱᴠꜱ said to the Centurion: Goe, and as thou hast beleeued, be it done to thee.
And the boy was healed in the same houre.
14. And
Mark 1,29.
Luke 4,38.
when Iᴇꜱᴠꜱ was come into Peters house, he saw his wiues mother layd, and in a fit
of a feuer:
15. and he touched her hand, and the feuer left her, and she arose, and ministred to him.
16. And when euening was come, they brought to him manie that had Diuels: and he cast out
the Spirits with a word: and al that were il at ease he cured:
17. that it might be fulfilled, which was spoken, by Esay the Prophet, saying:
Isai. 53,4.
1 Peter 2,24.
tooke our infirmities, and bare our diseases.
18. And Iᴇꜱᴠꜱ seeing great multitudes about him, commanded to goe beyond the water.
19. And a
Luke 9,57.
certaine Scribe came, and said to him: Master, I wil folow thee whithersoeuer
thou shalt goe.
20. And Iᴇꜱᴠꜱ saith to him: The foxes haue holes, and the foules of tha ayre nestes: but
the Sonne of man hath not where to lay his head.
21. And
Luke 9,59.
an other of his Disciples said the him: Lord, permit me first to goes and burie
my Father.
22. But Iᴇꜱᴠꜱ said to him: Folow me, and let the dead burie the dead.
The Ghospel on the 4 Sunday after the Epiphanie.
Mark 4,36.
Luke 8,22.
when he entered into the boat, his Disciples folowed him:
24. and loe a great tempest arose in the sea, so that the boat was couered with waues,
but he slept.
25. And they came to him, and raised him, saying: Lord, saue vs, we perish.
26. And he saith to them: Why are you fearful, O ye of litle faith? Then rising vp he
commanded the windes, and the sea, and there ensued a great calme.
27. Moreouer the men marueled, saying: What an one is this, for the windes and the sea
obey him.
28. And
Mark 5,1.
Luke 8,26.
when he was come beyond the water, into the countrey of the Gerasens, there
met him two that had Diuels, coming forth out of the sepuclres, exceeding fierce, so that none could
pass by that way.
29. And behold they cried saying: What is betweene vs & thee Iᴇꜱᴠꜱ the Sonne of God?
art thou come hither to torment vs before the time.
30. And there was nor farre from them an heard of many swine feeding.
31. And the Diuels besought him saying: If thou cast vs out, send vs into the heard of
32. And he said to them: Goe. But they going forth went into the swine, and behold
the whole heard went with a violence, headlong into the sea: and they dyed in the waters.
33. And the swineheards fled: and comming into the citie, told al, and of them that
had been possessed of Diuels.
34. And behold the whole citie went out to meete Iᴇꜱᴠꜱ, and when they saw him, they
besought him that he would passe from their quarters.
Cʜᴀᴘ. VIII.
4. Priests.)
Priests forgiue sinnes.
The Priests of the old law (saith S. Chrisostom) had authoritie and priuilege only to discerne
who were healed of leprosie, and to denounce the same to the people: but the Priests of the
new law, have power to purge in very deed, the filth of the soule. Therfore whosoeuer despiseth
them, is more worthie to be punished, then the rebel Dathan, and his complices.
S. Chryso. li. 3 de Sacred.
4. Guift.]
Our Sauiour willeth him to goe, and offer his guift or sacrifice, according as Moyses
prescribed in that case, because the other sacrifice, being the holiest of al holies,
which is his bodie, was not yet begune. So saith S. Aug. li. 2 q. Evang. q. 3 &
Con. Adver. leg. & Proph. li. 1 c. 19, 20.
8. Not worthie.)
DOMINE, non sum dignus.
Orig. ho. 5 in divers. When thou eatest (saith he) and drinkest the bodie & blood of
our Lord, he entreth vnder thy roofe. Thou also therfore humbling thyself, say: Lord I am
not worthie, &c. So said *S. Chrysostom in his Masse, and so doth the Cath. Church use at
this day in every Masse, See S. Augustine ep. 118. ad Ianu.
*Liturg. Græc sub. finem.
14. His wiues mother.]
Priests mariage.
Of Peter specially among the rest, it is euident, that he had a wife, but (*as S. Hierom
saith) after they were called to be Apostles, they had no more carnal companie with their
wiues, as he proueth there by the very words of our Sauiour: **He that hath left wife,
&c. And so in the Latin Church hath been alwayes vsed, that maried men may be, and
are daily made Priests, either after the death of the wife, or with her consent, to live
in perpetual continencie. And if the Greeks have Priests that doe otherwise, ***S.
Epiphanius a Greek Doctour telleth them, that they doe it against the ancient Canons;
and ****Paphnutius plainly signifieth the same in the first Councel of Nice.
*****But this is most plaine, that there was neuer either in the Greek Church or the
Latin, authentical example of any that married after holy Orders.
*Lib. 1 adv. Iou. c. 14.
**Mat. 19,29.
***Epiph ha. 59.
****Sozom. l. 1 c. 22.
***** Socrat. li. 1 c. 8.
22. Let the dead.]
By this we see that not only no worldly or carnal respect, but no other laudable dutie toward
our parents, ought to stay vs from folowing Christ, and choosing a life of greater perfection.
26. He commanded.)
The Church (here signified by the boate or ship) and Catholikes, are often tossed with stormes
of persecution, but Christ who seemed to sleepe in the meane time, by the Churches prayers
awaketh, and maketh a calme.