He inferreth of the foresaid, that it shal be incomparably more damnable for them to neglect
the new Testament then the old, 3 considering the irrefragable authoritie of the Apostles also. 5
Then he prosecuteth the excellencie of Christ aboue the Angels, 9 who neuertheles, was made lesser
then Angels, to suffer and die for men to destroy the dominion of the Diuel, 15 to deliuer men from
feare of death, 17 and be a fit Priest for men.
1. THERFORE more aboundantly ought we to obserue those things which we haue heard:
μὴ ποτε παϱαῤῥυωμεν
As that which runneth out of a broken vessel, or that runneth by, is lost.
perhaps we runne out.
2. For if the word that was spoken by Angels, became sure, and al preuarication and
disobedience hath receiued a iust retribution of reward:
3. how shal we escape if we neglect so great saluation? which when it was begun to
be declared by our Lord, of them that heard was confirmed on vs,
Mar. 16,20.
God withal testifying by signes, and wonders, and diuers miracles, and distributions
of the Holy Ghost according to his wil.
5. For not to Angels hath God made subiect the world to come, whereof we speake.
6. But one hath testified in a certaine place, saying:
Ps. 8,5.
What is man, that thou art
mindful of him: or the sonne of man, that thou visitest him?
7. Thou didst minish him litle lesse then Angels: with glorie and honour thou
hast crowned him, and constituted him ouer the workes of thy hands.
1 Cor. 15
Eph. 1.
Al things hast thou made subiect vnder his feete. For in that he subiected al
things to him, he left nothing not subiect to him. But now we see not as yet al things subiect
to him.
9. But
Philip. 2,8.
him that was a litle lessened vnder the Angels, we see Iᴇꜱᴠꜱ,
This proueth against the Caluinists that Christ by his Passion merited his owne
glorification: which they would not for shame deny of Christ, but that they are
at a point to deny al meritorious workes, yea euen in Christ also. And therfore
they translate also this sentence heretically, by transposing the words. In
the Bible printed the yeare 1579.
of the passion of death, crowned with glorie and honour: that through the grace of God he might
tast death for al.
10. For it became him for whom al things, and by whom al things, that had brought
many children into glorie, to consummate the Authour of their saluation, by his passion.
11. For he that sanctifieth, and they that be sanctified; al of one. For the which cause
he is not ashamed to cal them Brethren,
12. saying,
Ps. 21,23.
I wil declare thy name to my Brethren: in the middes of the Church
wil I praise thee.
13. And againe,
Ps. 17,3.
I wil haue affiance in him. And again,
Es. 8,18.
Behold here am I & my
children: whom God hath giuen me.
14. Therfore because the children haue communicated with flesh and bloud, himself also
in like manner hath been partaker of the same: that
Ose. 13,14.
1 Cor. 15,54.
by death he might destroy him that had the
empire of death, that is to day, the Diuel:
15. and might deliuer them that by the feare of death through al their life were
subiect to seruitude.
16. For no where doth he take Angels: but
The dignitie of man, in that Christ tooke our nature vnto his Person in Deitie,
and not the nature of Angels.
the seed of Abraham be taketh.
17. Wherevpon he ought in al things to be like vnto his brethren: that he might become
a merciful and faithful high Priest before God, that he might repropitiate the sinnes of the people.
18. For in that wherein himself suffered and was tempted: he is able to help them
also that are tempted.