After two yeares emprisonment the Iewes continue their sute against him, soliciting the new
President Festus, 6. first at Hierusalem, then at Cæsarea: 9. where through the Iewes
partialitie ge is faine to appeale vnto the Emperour: 13. and is the meane time brought forth by
Festus (giuing him good testimonie, notwithstanding the exclamations of the Iewes against him) vnto
King Agrippa and his Queene Bernice.
1. FESTVS therfore when he was come into the prouince, after three daies went vp
to Hierusalem from Cæsarea.
2. And the cheefe Priests, and principal men of the Iewes went vnto him
against Paul: and they desired him,
3. requesting fauour against him, that he would command him to be brought to
Hierusalem, laying wait for to kil him in the way.
4. But Festus answered, that Paul is kept in Cæsarea: and that he would very shortly
goe thither.
5. They therfore, saith he, that are of abilitie among you, going downe with me,
if there be any crime in the man, let them accuse him.
6. And hauing taried among them not aboue eight or ten daies, he went downe to
Cæsarea, and the next day he sate in the iudgement seat: and he commanded Paul to be brought.
7. Who being brought, there stood about him the Iewes that were come downe from
Hierusalem, obiecting many and greuious
crimes as v. 27.
causes which they could not proue;
8. Paul making answer, That neither against the law of the Iewes, nor against the
Temple, nor against Cæsar haue I any thing offended.
9. But Festus willing to shew the Iewes a pleasure, answering Paul, said: Wilt
thou goe vp to Hierusalem, and there be iudged of these things before me?
10. And Paul said: At Cæsar's iudgement seat doe I stand, where I ought to be iudged:
the Iewes I haue not hurt, as thou very wel knowest.
11. For if I haue hurt them, or done any thing worthie of death, I refuse not to die.
But if none of those things be, whereof these accuse me, no man can giue me to them.
If S. Paul both to saue himself from whipping and from death sought by the
Iewes, doubted not to crie for succour of the Romane lawes, and to
appeale to Cæsar the Prince of the Roman's not yet Christened: how much more
may we cal for aide of Christian Princes and their lawes, for the punishment of
Heretikes, and for the Churches defense against them? S. Augustine ep. 50.
I appeale
to Cæsar.
12. Then Festus hauing conferred with the Councel, answered: Hast thou appealed to
Cæsar? to Cæsar shalt thou goe.
13. And when certaine daies were passed, King Agrippa & Bernice came downe to Cæsarea
to salute Festus.
14. And as they taried there a good many daies, Festus signified to the King, of
Paul saying: A certaine person was left prisoner by Felix,
15. concerning whom, when I was at Hierusalem, the cheefe Priests and the Ancients
of the Iewes came vnto me, desiring condemnation against him.
16. To whom I answered: That it is not the Romanes custome to yeald vp any man before
that he which is accused haue his accusers present, and take place to make his answer for to
cleere himself of the crimes.
17. When they therfore were assembled hither, without any delaie, the day following,
sitting in the iudgement seat, I command the man to be brought.
18. Of whom, when the accusers stoof vp, they brought no cause which I thought il of:
19. but certaine questions of their owne superstition they had against him, and of
This whom he termeth by contempt, one IESVS, hath now made al the Romane
Emperours & Princes of the world to know him, and hath giuen the seat of
the Cæsars to his poore seruants, Peter & his Successours.
one Iᴇꜱᴠꜱ deceased, whom Paul affirmed to liue.
20. Doubting therfore of this kind of question, I said, whether he would goe to
Hierusalem, & there be iudged of these things.
21. But Paul appealing to be kept vnto the knowledge of Augustus, I commanded him
to be kept, til I send him to Cæsar.
22. And Agrippa said to Festus: My self also would heare the man. To morow, said
he, thou shalt heare him.
23. And the next day when Agrippa and Bernice were come with great pompe, and had
entred into the hal of audience with the Tribunes and principal men of the citie, at Festus
commandement Paul was brought.
24. And Festus saith: King Agrippa, and al ye men that are present together with vs,
you see this man, concerning whom al the multitude of the Iewes called vpon me at Hierusalem,
requesting and crying out that he ought not to liue any longer.
25. Yet I haue found nothing that he hath committed worthie of death. But forasmuch
as he himself appealed to Augustus, I haue determined to send him.
26. If whom what to write for certaintie to my Lord, I haue not. For the which
cause I haue brought him forth to you, and especially to thee, King Agrippa, that examination
being made, I may haue what to write.
27. For it seemeth to me without reason, to send a prisoner, & not to signifie
τὰς κατ’ αὐτοῦ αἰτίας.
his causes.