Original Douay Rheims Bible (1582 & 1610)

The Actes of the Apostles

Hauing visited the Churches of Macedonia and Achaia (as he purposed Act. 19) and now about to saile from Corinth toward Hierusalem, because of the Iewes lying in wait for him, he is contrained to returne into Macedonia. 6. And so at Philipphis taking boat, commeth to Troas, where vpon the Sunday, with a sermon, and a miracle, he greatly confirmeth that Church. 13. Thence comming to Miletum, 17. he sendeth to Ephesus for the Clergie of those partes: to whom he maketh a Pastoral sermon, committing vnto their charge the flocke begun him there, and now like to be seen of him no more, considering the troubles that by reuelation he looketh for at Hierusalem.
1. AND after that the tumult was ceased, Paul calling the Disciples, and exhorting them, tooke his leaue, and set forward to goe into Macedonia. 2. And when he had walked through those parts, & had exhorted them with much speach, he came to Greece: 3. where when he had spent three moneths, the Iewes laid wait for him as he was about to saile into Syria: and he had counsel to returne through Macedonia. 4. And there accompanied him Sopater of Pyrrhus, of Berœa: and of Thessalonians, Aristarchus, and Secundus: and Caius of Derbe, and Timothee: and of Asia, Tychicus and Trophimus. 5. These going before, staied for vs at Troas: 6. But we sailed after the daies of Azymes from Philippi, and came to them vnto Troas in fiue daies where we abode seuen daies. 7. And in the first of the Sabboth when we were assembled to S. Paul did here breake bread on the Sunday as it is broken in the Sacrament of the body of Christ and had both before & after the celebrating of the Sacrament a sermon to the people. Aug. ep. 86. ad Casulanu. Vener. Beda, in 20. Act. breake bread, Paul disputed with them, being to depart on the morow: and he continued the sermon vntil mid-night. 8. And there were a great number of lampes in the vpper chamber where we were assembled. 9. And a certaine yong man named Eutychus, sitting vpon the window, whereas he was oppressed with heauy sleep: (Paul disputing long) driuen by sleep, fel from the third loft downe, and was taken vp dead. 10. To whom when Paul was gone downe, he lay vpon him: and embracing him he said: Be not troubled, for his soule is in him. 11. And going vp and breaking bread and tasting, and hauing talked sufficiently to them vntil day light, so he departed. 12. And they brought the youth aliue, & were not a litle comforted. 13. But we going vp into the ship, sailed to Asson, from thence meaning to receiue Paul; for so he had ordained, himself purposing to iourney by land. 14. And when he had found vs in Asson, taking him with vs we came to Mitylene. 15. And sailing thence, the day following we came ouer against Chios: and the other day we arriued at Samos: and the day following we came to Miletum. 16. For Paul had purposed to saile leauing Ephesus, lest any stay should be made him in Asia. For he hastned, if it were possible for him, to keep the day of Pentecost.
The Christian Pentecost.
Though the Apostles might desire to come to the Iewes Festiuities, by reason of the general concourse of people to the same, the better to deale for their saluation & to spread the Ghospel of Christ, yet it is like that they now kept solemnly the Christian Pentecost or whitsuntide, for memorie of the Holy Ghost, and that S. Paul went to that Feast of the Christians rather then the other of the Iewes.
And Ven. Bede saith here: The Apostle maketh hast to keepe the fiftith day, that is, of remission and of the holy Ghost. For, that the Christians already kept the eight day, that is, the Sunday of our Lordes day, & had altered already the ordinarie Sabboth into the same, it is plaine by Scriptures (1. Cor. 16,2. Apoc. 1,10. & by antiquitie. Iustin. Mart. Apolog. ad Anton. Pium in fine.) And it is as like that they changed the Iewes Pasche and Pentecost as that; specially when it is euident that *these Festiuities be kept by Apostolike tradition, and approued by the vse of al ancient Churches and Councels.
*Aug. ep. 118. c. 1.
Pentecost at Hierusalem. 17. The Epistle for S. Steuen Pope Aug. 2. And sending from Miletum to Ephesus, he called the πρεσβυτέρους
That is, Priests as Act. 15,4. See the marginal annot. here.
Ancients of the Church. 18. Who being come to him, and assembled together, he said to them: You know from the first day that I entred into Asia, in what manner I haue been with you al the time, 19. seruing our Lord with al humilitie and teares, and tentations that did chance to me by the conspiracies of the Iewes: 20. How I haue withdrawen nothing that was profitable, but that I preached it to you, and taught you openly and from house to house, 21. testifying to Iewes and Gentils Apostolike preaching commendeth not faith only, but penance also to the people. penance toward God, and faith in our Lord Iᴇꜱᴠꜱ Cʜʀɪꜱᴛ. 22. And now behold, being bound by the Spirit, I goe to Hierusalem; not knowing what things shal befal me in it, 23. but that the Holy Ghost through out al cities doth protect to me saying: that bands and tribulations abide in me at Hierusalem. 24. But I feare none of these things, neither doe I make my life more pretious then my self, so that I may consummate my course & ministerie which I receiued of our Lord Iᴇꜱᴠꜱ, to testifie the Ghospel of the grace of God. 25. And now behold I doe know, that you shal no more see my face al you, through whom I haue passed preaching the Kingdom of God. 26. Wherefore I take you to witnesse this present day that I am cleere from the bloud of al. 27. For I haue not spared to declare vnto you al the counsel of God. 28. Take heed to your selues and to the whole flocke wherein the Bishops or Priests (for then these names were sometime vsed indifferently) gouernours of the Church of God, & placed in that roome & high function by the Holy Ghost. Holy Ghost hath placed you Bishops, to rule the Church of God which he hath purchased with his owne bloud. 29. I know that after my departure there wil Rauening wolues.
Rauenings wolues are the Heretikes of al Age.
The Gouernours of the Church are foretold of the great danger that should fal to the people by wolues, that is to say, by Heretikes, whose cruelty toward the Catholikes is noted by this terme. They be knowen by the forsaking the vnitie of the Church wherof they were before, by going out and drawing many Disciples after them, and by their peruerse doctrine. Such wolues came afterward indeed in diuers Ages; Arius, Macedonius, Nestorius, Eutyches, Luther, Caluin, great bloud-sucking wolues, & wasters of the flocke of Christ.
rauening wolues enter in among you, not sparing the flocke. 30. And out of your owne selues shal arise men speaking peruerse things, to draw away Disciples after themselues. 31. For the which cause be vigilant, keeping in memorie that for three yeares night & day I ceased not with teares to admonish euery one of you. 32. And now I commend you to God and to the word of his grace, who is able to edifie, and to giue inheritance in al the sanctified. 33. No mans siluer and gold or garment haue I coueted. 34. Your selues know that for such things as were needful for me and them that are with me, these hands haue ministred. 35. I haue shewed you al things, that so labouring, you must receiue the weake, and remember the word of our Lord Iᴇꜱᴠꜱ, because he said: It is a More blessed to giue.
Christs speaches not written in the Ghospel.
Among many other infinit goodly things and speaches which Christ spake and be not written in the Ghospels, this sentence is one: which S. Paul heard of some of the Apostles daily conuersant with him, or els learned of Christ himself, or of the Holy Ghost.
Great almesmen blessed.
And it signifieth, that whereas the world commonly counteth him happie that receiueth any benefit, as almes either temporal or spiritual, yet indeed he that giueth or bestoweth, is more happie. Which if the world did wel consider, men would giue almes faster then they doe, if it were but for their owne benefit.
more blessed thing to giue rather then to take. 36. And when he had said these things, falling in his knees he praied with al them. 37. And there was great weeping made of al; and falling vpon the necke of Paul, they kissed him, 38. being sorie most of al for the word which he had said, that they should see his face no more. And they brought him going vnto the ship.