Original Douay Rheims Bible (1582 & 1610)

The Epistle of Saint Pavl the Apostle to the Hebrews

In the old Testament, that secular sanctuarie had two partes: the one signifying that time, with the ceremonies therof for the emundation of the flesh: the other signifying heauen, which then was shut, vntil our High Priest Chrsit entred into it, & that with his owne bloud, shed for the emundation of our consciences. Whereupon he concludeth the excellencie of his tabernacle and host aboue to old. 25. Noting also the difference, that he entred but once (so effectual was that one bloudy offering himself, for euer) whereas the Leuitical High Priest entred euery yeare once.
1. The Epistle vpon Imber saturday in Sept. THE * Exo. 25.26. 1,36. former also indeed had iustifications λατϱειας. of seruice, and a secular sanctuarie. 2. For the tabernacle was made, the first, wherein were the candlestickes, and the table, and the proposition of loaues, which is called Holy. 3. But after the second veile, the tabernacle, which is called Sancta Sanctorum: 4. hauing a golden censar, and the arke of the Testament couered about on euery part with gold, in the which was A golden pot.
They continue without putrefaction.
The Protestants count it superstitious to keepe with honour and reuerence the holy memories or monuments of Gods benefites and miracles, or the tokens of Christes Passion, as his Crosse, garments, or other things appertaining to him or his Saincts, and thinke it impossible that such things should dure so long: when they may here see the reuerent and long reseruation of Manna, which of it self was most apt to putrifie, and of Aarons rodde, onely for that it sodenly florished by miracle, the tables of the Testament &c. See a notable place in S. Cyril li. 6 cont. Iulian.
The holy CROSSE.
where he defendeth against Iulian the Apostataes blasphemie, the keeping and honouring of that Crosse or wood which Christ died on.
The sepulchres of Christ and his Saints.
See also S. Paulinus ep. 11. and what reuerence S. Hierom and the faithful of his time did to the sepulchres of Christ and his Martyrs, and to their relikes. We reuerence and worship (saith he) euery where Martyrs sepulchres, and putting the holy ashes to our eies, if we may, we touch it with our mouth also: and do some thinke, that the monument wherein our Lord was buried, is to be neglected? But our Protestants can not skill of this, they had rather folow Vigilantius, Iulianus the Apostata, and such Maisters, then the holy Doctors and euident practise of the Church in al ages.
Ep. 17. c. 5.
a golden pot hauing Manna, and the rod of Aaron that had blossomed, and * 3. Reg. 8.
2. Par. 5
the tables of the Testament, 5. and ouer it were * Exo. 25,22. the Cherubins.
Images in Salomons temple commanded by God.
You see it is a fond thing, to conclude vpon the first or second commaundement, that there should be no sacred images in the Church, when euen among these people that were most prone to idolatrie, and grosse in imagination of spiritual things such as Angels are, and to whom the precept was specially giuen, the same God that forbade them grauen idols, did commaund these images of Angels to be made and set in the soueraine holiest place of al the Tabernacle or Temple. By which it is plaine, that much more the images of Christ and his B. mother and Saincts, that may be more truely pourtered then mere spiritual substances can be, are not contrarie to Gods commaundement, nor against his honour, or repugnant to any other Scripture at all, which condemne onely the Idols or pourtraitures of the Heathen made for adoration of false Gods.
Cherubins of glorie ouer-shadowing the propitiatorie, of which thing it is not needful to speake now particularly. 6. But these things being so ordered, in the first tabernacle indeed the Priests alwaies entred, accomplishing offices of the Sacrifices. 7. But in the second, * Exo. 30,10.
Leu. 16,2. 30.
once a yeare the high Priest only: not without bloud which he offereth for his owne and the peoples ignorance: 8. the Holy Ghost signifying this, that the way of the Holies was The way to heauen was not open before Christs passion; & therfore the Patriarches & good men of the old Testament were in some other place of rest vntil then. not yet manifested, the former tabernacle as yet standing. 9. Which is a Al things done in the old Testament and priesthood were figures of Christes actions. parable of the time present: according to which are offered guifts and hosts, which can not concerning the conscience make perfect τόν λατϱευοντα. him that serueth, 10. only in meats and in drinkes, and diuerse baptismes, and iustices of the flesh laid on them vntil the time of correction. 11. But The Epistle vpon Passion Sunday. Christ assisting an high Priest of the good things to come, by a more ample and more perfect tabernacle not made with hand, that is, not of this creation: 12. neither by the bloud of goats or of calues, but by his owne bloud entred in once into the Holies, eternal redemption being found. 13. For * Leu. 9,8. 16,6. 14
Nu. 19.
if the bloud of goats and oxen and the ashes of an heifer being sprinkled, sanctifieth the polluted to the cleansing of the flesh, 14. how much more shal. hath the bloud of Christ who by the Holy Ghost offered himself vnspotted vnto God, cleanse. cleansed our conscience from dead workes, to serue the liuing God? 15. And therfore he is the Mediatour of the new Testament: that death being a meane, vnto the redemption of these preuarications which were vnder the former Testament, they that are called may receiue the promise of eternal inheritance. 16. For * Gal., 3,15. where there is a testament: the death of the testatour must of necessitie come between. 17. For a Testament is confirmed in the dead: otherwise it is yet of no value, whiles the testatour liueth. 18. Whereupon neither was the first certes dedicated without bloud. 19. For al the commandement of the Law being read of Moyses to al the people: he taking the bloud of calues and goats with Here we may learne that the Scriptures conteine not al necessarie rites or truths, when neither the place to which the Apostle alludeth, nor any other, mentianeth half these ceremonies, but he had them by tradition. water and scarlet wool and hyssop, sprinkled the very book also it self and al the people, 20. saying, * Exo. 24,8. This is the bloud of the Testament, which God hath commanded vnto you. 21. The tabernacle also & al the vessel of the ministerie he in like manner sprinkled with bloud. 22. And al things almost according to the law are cleansed with bloud: and without sheading of bloud there is not remission. 23. It is necessarie therfore that the examplers of the celestials be cleansed with these: but the celestials themselues with better hosts then these. 24. For Iᴇꜱᴠꜱ is not entred into Holies made with hand, examplers of the true: but into Heauen it-self, that he may appeare now to the countenance of God for vs. 25. Nor that he should offer himself often, as the high Priest entreth into the Holies, euery yeare in the bloud of others: 26. otherwise he ought to haue suffered often from the beginning of the world: but now once in the consummation of the worlds, to the destruction of sinne, he hath appeared by his owne host. 27. And as it is appointed to men to die once, and after this, the iudgement: 28. so also Christ was offered once ad exhaurienda peccata.
By this word which signifieth to empie or draw out of euen to the bottom, is declared the plentiful and perfect redemption of sinne by Christ.
to exhaust the sinnes of many. The second time he shal appeare without sinne to them that expect him, vnto saluation.