Original Douay Rheims Bible (1582 & 1610)

The Booke of Wisdom

1. GOD of my fathers, and Lord of mercie, which madest al thinges with thy word,
2. and by thy wisdom didst appoint man, that he should haue dominion of the creature, that was made by thee,
3. that he should dispose the roundworld in equitie and iustice, and execute iudgement in direction of hart:
4. geue me wisdom the assistant of thy seates, and repel me not from thy children:
5. because I am thy seruant, and the sonne of thy handmaise, a weake man, and of smal time, and lesse to the vnderstanding of iudgement and lawes.
6. And if one be perfect among the children of men, and thy wisdom be absent from him, he shal be counted for nothing.
7. Thou hast chosen me king to thy people, and iudge of thy sonnes, and daughters:
8. and badst me build a temple in thy holie mount, and an altar in the citie of thy habitation, a similitude of thy holie tabernacle, which thou didst prepare from the beginning:
9. and thy wisdom with thee, which knew thy workes, which then also was present when thou madest the roundworld, and knew what was pleasing to thyne eyes, and what was direct in thy precepts.
10. Send her from thy holy heauens, and from the seate of thy greatnes, that she may be with me, and may labour with me, that I may know what is acceptable with thee:
11. for she knoweth al thinges, & vnderstandeth, and shal conduct me in my workes soberly, & shal keepe me with her might.
12. And my workes shal be acceptable, and I shal gouerne thy people iustly, and shal be worthie of the seates of my father.
13. For who of men is able to know the counsel of God? or who can thinke what God wil? For the cogitations of mortal men be fearful, and our prouidences vncertaine.
14. For the bodie, that is corrupted burdeneth the soule, and the earthlie habitation presseth downe the vnderstanding that thinketh manie thinges.
15. For the bodie, that is corrupted burdeneth the soule, and the earthlie habitation presseth downe the vnderstanding that thinketh manie thinges.
16. And we doe hardly coniecture the thinges that are in the earth: and the thinges that are in sight, we finde with labour. But the thinges that are in sight, we finde with labour. But the thinges that are in the heauens who shal search out?
17. And thy sense who shal know, vnles thou geue wisdom, and send thy holie spirit from on high:
18. and so the pathes of them, that are on the earth may be corrected, and men lerne the thinges that please thee?
19. For by wisdom they were healed, whosoeuer haue pleased thee o Lord from the begynning.