Original Douay Rheims Bible (1582 & 1610)

The Booke of Wisdom

1. BVT al men be vaine, in Whom there is not the knowledge of God: and of these good thinges, which are sene, they could not vnderstand him that is, neither attending to the workes haue they agnised who the workeman:
2. but either the fyre, or the wind, or the swift ayre, or a circle of starres or exceding much water, or the sunne and the moone, they thought to be goddes, rulers of the world.
3. With whose beautie if being delighted, they thought them goddes: let them know how much the Lord of them is more beautiful then they. For the author of beautie made al those thinges.
4. Or if they merueled at their vertue, & operations, let them vnderstand by them, that he which made these, is stronger then they:
5. for by the greatnes of the beautie, and of the creature the creator of them may be sene, to be knowen therby.
6. But not withstanding there is yet in these lesse complainte. For they also perhaps erre, seeking God, and desirous to finde him.
7. For wheras they conuerse in his workes, they enquire: & they are perswaded that the thinges be good which are seene.
8. But againe neither ought these to be pardoned.
9. For if they could know so much, that they were able to estimate the world: how did they not more easely find the Lord therof?
10. But they are vnhappie, & their hope is among the dead, who haue called the workes of mens handes goddes, gold and siluer, the inuention of art, and the similitudes of beastes, or an vnprofitable stone the worke of an old hand.
11. Or if an artificer a carpenter, cut streight timber out of the wood, & pare of al the barke therof cunningly, and vsing his art, diligently frameth a vessel profitable for the common vse of this life,
12. and vseth the chippes of that worke to dresse his meate:
13. and maketh that which is left therof, which is for no vses, but being a crooked peece of wood, and ful of knobes, carueth it diligently in the holownes therof, and by the skil of his art fashioneth it, and maketh it like to the image of a man,
14. or compareth it to some beast, straking it ouer with redde, and with paynting making the colour therof ruddie, and layeth a colour ouer euerie spot that is in it:
15. and maketh a worthie habitation for it, and setting it in a wal, and fastening it with yron;
16. lest perhaps it fal, prouiding for it, knowing that it can not helpe it selfe: for it is an image, and it nedeth help.
17. And concerning his substance, & his children, & for mariage, making a vow he seeketh to it. He is not ashamed to speake with him, that is without soule:
18. and for health certes he besecheth the weake, and for life asketh the dead, and for helpe innocateth him that is vnprofitable:
19. and for a iourney asketh him, that can not walke: and for getting, and for working, and for the euent of al thinges he asketh him, that in al is vnprofitable.