Original Douay Rheims Bible (1582 & 1610)

The Epistle of Saint Pavl to the Ephesians

OF S. Paules first comming to Ephesus, and short abode there, vve reade Act. 18. And immediatly Act. 19. of his returning thither according to his promise. vvhat time he abode there three moneths, speaking to the Ievves in the Synagogue. Act. 19. v. 8. and aftervvard apart from them (because they vvere obstinate) tvvo yeres in a certaine schoole, so that al that dvvelt in Asia, heard the vvord of our Lord, Ievves and Gentiles. Act. 19. v. 10. The vvhole time himself calleth three yeres, in his exhortation at Milétum to the Cleargie of Ephesus. Act. 20. v. 31. After all this he vvriteth this Epistle vnto them from Rome (as it is said) being then prisoner and in chaines. and that as it seemeth, not the first time of his being in bonds there, vvhereof vve reade Act. 28: but the second time, vvhereof vve reade in the Ecclesiasticall Stories aftervvard: because he saith in this Epistle c. 6. v. 21. Tychicus vvil certifie you of al things, vvhom I haue sent to you. Of vvhom againe in the 2. to Tim. c. 4. v. 12. he saith: Tychicus I haue sent to Ephesus, And the said, 2. Epistle to Timothee (no doubt) vvas vvritten very litle before his death: for in it thus he saith: I am euen novv to be sacrificed, & the time of my resolution is at hand. 2. Tim. 4, 6. In the three first chapters, he commendeth vnto them the grace of God, in caling of the Gentiles no lesse then the Ievves, and making one blessed Church of both. Vvherein his intention is to moue them to perseuêre (for othervvise they should be passing vngratefull) and specially not to be moued vvith his trouble, vvho vvas their Apostle: knovving (belike) that it vvould be a great tentation vnto them, if they should heare soone after, that he vvere executed: therfore also arming them in the end of the Epistle, as it vvere in complete harnesse. In the other three chapters he exhorteth them to good life, in all pointes, and all states, as it becommeth Christians: and afore all other things, that they be most studious to continue in the vnitie of the Church, and obedience of the pastors thereof, vvhom Christ hath giuen to continue and to be our stay against all Heretikes, from his Ascension, euen to the full building vp of his Church in the end of the vvorld.