Original Douay Rheims Bible (1582 & 1610)

The Epistle of Saint Pavl to the Colossians

THE Epistle to the Colossians is not only in sense, but almost in vvordes also, all one vvith the Epistle to the Ephesians, and vvas sent also by the same messenger Tychicus. c. 4▪ •. 7. And in it he maketh like mention of his bandes and sufferings. c. 1. v. 24. and c. 4. v. 3, 18. And therfore no doubt is vvas vvritten at Rome at the same time, to vvitte, in his last apprehension, yet before he knevv of his martyrdom. This difference there is, that he had himself preached to the Ephesians, but vvith the Colossians he had neuer bene, as he signifieth c. 2. v. 1. Therefore although in matters of exhortation he be here briefer then to the Ephesians, yet in matters of doctrine be is longer. And generally he assureth them, that to be the truth, vvhich their Apostle Epaphras had taught them, but namely he giueth them vvarning both of the Iudaical False-apostles, vvho sought to corrupt them vvith some ceremonies of Moyses lavv: and also of the Platonike Philosophers, vvho reiected Christ (vvho is in deede the head of the Church and Mediator to bring vs to God) and in steed of him, brought in certaine Angels as more excellēt then be, vvhom they termed, Minores dij, teaching the people to sacrifice vnto them (calling that, humilitie) that they might bring them to the great God. Vvith vvhich falsehood the heresie of Simon Mague a long time deceiued many, as vve reade in Epiph. har. 21. Against such therefore S. Paul telleth the Colossians, that Christ is the Creator of all the Angels, God in person, the head of the Church, the principall in all respects: that he is the Redeemer, Mediator, and pacifier betvvene God and men, and therefore by him vve must goe to God, so that vvhether vve pray our selues, or desire any other in earth or in heauen to pray for vs, al must be done (as the Cath. Church in euery Collect doth) Per Christum dominum nostrum, that is, through Christ our Lord. or, per Do. nostrum Iesum Christum filium tuum, qui tecum viuit & regnat, &c. Vvhereby the Church professeth cōtinually against such seductions, both the Mediator ship, and the Godhead of Christ.