Original Douay Rheims Bible (1582 & 1610)

The Epistle of Saint Pavl to the Galatians

Against the lie of the false Apostles, he protecteth his mind of Circumcision; 13. and testifieth, that they are called to libertie. But yet lest any misconster Christian libertie, he telleth them that they shal not inherit the Kingdom, vnles they abstaine from the workes of the flesh, which are al mortal sinnes; and do the spiritual workes of the spirit, fulfilling al the commandements of the Law by Charitie.
1. STAND, and be not holden in againe with the yoke of seruitude.
2. Behold I Paul tel you that if you be circumcised, Christ shal profit you nothing.
3. And I testifie againe to euery man circumciding himself, that he is a debter to doe the whole Law.
4. You are euacuated from Christ, that are iustified in the Law: you are fallen from grace.
5. For we in spirit, by faith, expect the hope of iustice.
6. For in Christ Iᴇꜱᴠꜱ * Gen. 6,15. neither circumcision auaileth ought, nor prepuce: but Faith.
This is the faith working by charitie, which S. Paul meaneth els-where, when he saith that faith doth iustifie. And note wel that by these termes Circumcision and Prepuce not auailable to iustification, it is plaine that in other places he meaneth the workes of Circumcision and Prepuce (that is, of the Iewes and the Gentils) without faith, which auaile not, but faith working by charitie: as who should say, faith & good workes, not workes without faith.
Iustification by faith only, disproued by conference of Scriptures.
Againe note here, that if the Protestants who pretend conference of places to be the best or only way to explicate hard speaches of the holy Scriptures, had followed but their own rule, this one text would haue interpreted & cleared vnto them al other wherby iustice and saluation might seeme to be attributed to faith alone: the Apostle here so expresly setting downe, the faith which he commendeth so much before, not to be alone, but with charitie: not to be idle, but to be working by Charitie; as S. Augustin noteth. de fid. & op. c. 14
How the Protestants admit charitie and good workes to iustification.
Further the good Reader most obserue, that wheras the Protestants some of them confesse, that Charitie and good workes be ioyned and requisit also, and that they exclude them not, but commend them highly, yet so that the said Charitie or good workes are no part of our iustice or any cause of iustification, but as fruits and effects of faith only, which they say doth al, yea though the other be present: this false glosse also is reproued euidently by this place, which teacheth vs cleane contrarie: to wit, that faith hath her whole actiuitie and operation toward iustice and saluation, of charitie, and not contrariewise: without which it can not haue any act meritorious or agreable to God for our saluation. For which cause S. Augustin saith, li. 13. de Trin. c. 18. Fidem non facit vtilem nisi charitas nothing maketh faith profitable but charitie.
Charitie is more principal then faith in iustification.
But the Heretikes answer, that where the Apostle saith, faith worketh by charitie, he maketh charitie to be the instrument only of faith in wel working, and therfore the inferiour cause at the least. But this also is easily refuted by the Apostles plaine testimonie, affirming that charitie *is the greater vertue, & that if a man had al faith & lacked charitie, he were worth nothing. And againe, **that Charitie is the perfection and accomplishment of of the Law (as faith is not) which can not agree to the instrumental or inferiour cause.
*1. Cor. 13.
**Rom. 13.
1. Tim. 1.

How faith worketh by charitie.
And therfore when it is said that faith worketh by charitie, it is not as by an instrument, but as the body worketh by the soul, the matter by the forme, without which they haue no actiuitie. Wherupon the the Schooles cal Charitie, the forme or life of faith, that is to say, the force, actiuitie, and operatiue qualitie therof, in respect of merit and iustice. Which S. Iames doth plainely insinuate, when he maketh faith without Charitie, to be as a dead corps without soul or life, and therfore without profitable operation. c. 2. v. 26.
faith that worketh by charitie.
7. You ranne wel, who hath hindred you not to obey the truth?
8. The persuasion is not of him that calleth you. * 1. Co. 5,6.
9. A litle leauen corrupted the whole paste.
10. I haue confidence in you in our Lord, that you wil be of no other mind: but he that troubleth you, shal beare the iudgement, whosoeuer he be.
11. And as for me, Brethren, if as yet I preach circumcision, why doe I yet suffer persecution? then is the scandal of the crosse euacuated.
12. I would they were also cut-off that trouble you.
13. For you, Brethren, are called into libertie: only make not this Libertie an occasion.
True libertie, not carnal and fleshly.
They abuse the libertie of the Ghospel to the aduantage of their flesh, that vnder pretense therof, shake of their obedience to the lawes of man, to the decrees of the Church and Councels, that wil liue and beleeue as they list, and not be taught by their Superiours, but fornicate with euery Sect-maister that teacheth pleasant & licentious things: and al this vnder pretense of spirit, libertie, and freedom of the Ghospel. Such must learne that al heresies, schismes, and rebellions against the Church & their lawful Prelates, be counted heer among the workes of the flesh. See S. Augustin de fid. & op. c. 24. 29.
libertie an occasion to the flesh, but by charitie serue one another.
14. The Epistle vpon the 14. Sunday after Pentecost. For al the Law is fulfilled in one word: * Leu. 49,18. Thou shalt loue thy neighbour as thy self.
15. But if you bite and eate one another, take heed you be not consumed one of another.
16. And I say, walke in the spirit, and the lusts of the flesh you shal not accomplish.
17. For the flesh lusteth against the spirit, and the spirit against the flesh: for these are aduersaries one to another: Here men thinke (saith S. Augustin) the Apostle denieth that we haue free libertie of wil: not vnderstanding that this is said to them, if they wil not hold fast the grace of faith conceiued, by which only they can walke in the spirit, & not accomplish the concupiscences of the flesh. in c. 5. Gal. that not what things soeuer you wil, these you doe.
18. But if you be led by the spirit, you are not vnder the Law.
19. And the workes of the flesh be manifest, which are fornication, vncleannes, impudicitie, lecherie,
20. seruing of Idols, witch-crafts, enmities, contentions, emulations, angers, brawles, dissensions, sects,
21. enuies, murders, ebrieties, commessations, and such like. Which I fore-tel you, as I haue fore-told you, that they which doe S. Augustin sheweth hereby that not only infidelitie is a damnable sinne such things, shal not obteine the Kingdom of God.
22. But the fruit of the Spirit is, Charitie, ioy, peace, patience, benignitie, goodnes, longanimitie,
23. mildnes, faith, modestie, continencie, chastitie. Against such there is no law.
24. And they that be Christs, haue crucified their flesh with the vices and concupiscences.
25. The Epistle vpon the 15. sunday after Pentecost. If we liue in the spirit, in the spirit also let vs walke.
26. Let vs not be made desirous of vaine glorie, prouoking one another, enuying one another.