HOLY weeke.
He foretelleth to the Iewes in a parable their reprobations most worthy, and the vocation of
the Church of the Gentils in their place: 10. himselfe being the headstone thereof. 13. He
defeateth the snare of the Pharisees and Herodians, about paying tribute to Cæsar: 18. answereth also
the inuention of the Sadducees against the Resurrection: 28. also the opposition of a Scribe. 35. And
so hauing put al the busie Sectes to silence, he turneth and poseth them on the side, because they imagined
Christ should be no more but a man 38. Bidding the people to beware of the Scribes, being ambitious and
Hypocrites. 41. He commendeth the poore widow for her two mites, aboue al.
Isai. 5,1.
Mat. 21,33.
Luke 20,9.
AND he began to speake to them in parables:
This man, is God the Father; this vineyard, is (as Esay saith 5,1.) the
house of Israel. The seruants sent, are Moyses and the Prophets, whom the
Iewes did diuersely afflict and persecute.
A man planted a vineyard and made a hedge
about it, and digged a trough, and built a towre, and let it out to husbandmen; and went forth into
a strange countrie.
2. And sent to the husbandmen in season a seruant, to receaue of the husbandmen,
of the fruit of the vineyard.
3. Who apprehending him, beatt him; and sent him away emptie.
4. And againe he sent to them another seruant; and him they wounded in the head, and
vsed him reprochfully.
5. And againe he sent another, & him they killed: and many other, beating certaine, and
killing others.
6. Therefore hauing yet one
His Sonne is Christ our Sauiour, whom the Iewes crucified out of the
citie of Ierusalem, as it were casting him out of the vineyard.
sonne most deare; him also he sent vnto them last saying:
That they wil reuerence my sonne.
7. But the husbandmen said one to an other. This is the heire; come, let vs kil him;
and the inheritance shal be ours.
8. And apprehending him, they killed him, and cast him forth out of the vineyard.
9. What therfore wil the Lord of the vineyard doe?
The Iewes and their guides to whom the vineyard was set, destroied: and Gods
vineyard giuen to the Apostles and their Successours in the Gentils.
He wil come and destroy the husbandmen;
and wil giue the vineyard to others.
10. Neither haue you read this scripture,
Psa. 117,22.
Christ is become the corner stone of the Synagogue and the Church in
which the faithful both of the Iewes and Gentils are conteined.
stone which the builders reiected;
the same is made the head of the corner:
11. By our Lord was this done, and it is maruelous in our eyes?
12. And they sought to lay hands on him, and they feared the multitude. For they knew
that he spake this parable to them. And leauing him they went their way.
Mat. 22,15.
Luke 26,20.
And they send to him certaine of the Pharisees and of the Herodians; that they
should entrap him in his word.
14. Who comming, say to him: Maister, we know that thou art a true speaker, and carest
not for any man; for thou doest not look vpon the person of men, but teachest the way of God in truth.
Is it lawful to giue tribute to Cæsar; or shal we not giue it?
15. Who knowing their subteltie, said to them: Why tempt you me? bring me a penie that
I may see it.
16. But they brought it him. And he saith to them: Whose is this image, and inscription;
They say to him, Cæsars.
17. And Iᴇꜱᴠꜱ answering, said to them: Render therfore the things that are Cæsars, to
Cæsar; and that are Gods, to God. And they marueled at him.
18. And
Mat. 22,23.
Luke 20,27.
Act. 23,6.
there came to him the Saducees that say there is no resurrection; and they asked
him saying: Maister,
Deu. 25,5.
Moyses wrote vnto vs, that is any mans brother die, and leaue his wife, and leaue
no children, his brother shal take his wife and raise vp seed to his brother.
20. There were therfore seauen brethren; and the first took a wife, and died leauing
no issue.
21. And the second took her, and died: and neither this left issue. And the third in
like manner.
22. And the seauen took her in like fort; and did not leaue issue. Last of al the
woman also died.
23. In the resurrection therfore when they shal rise againe, whose wife shal she be
of these? for the seauen had her to wife.
24. And Iᴇꜱᴠꜱ answering, said to them: Doe ye not therefore erre,
not knowing the
scriptures, nor the power of God?
25. For when they shal rise againe from the dead, they shal neither marie, nor be maried,
but are as the Angels in Heauen.
26. And as concerning the dead, that they doe rise againe, haue you not read in the booke
of Moyses, how in the bush God spake to him, saying:
Exo. 3,6.
I am the God of Abraham, and the God of Isaac,
and the God of Iacob?
27. He is not the God of the dead, but of the liuing. You therfore are much deceaued.
28. And
Mat. 22,34.
there came one of the Scribes that had heard them questioning, and seeing that he
had wel answered them, asked him which was the first commandement of al.
29. And Iᴇꜱᴠꜱ answered him: That the first commandement of al is, Heare Israel: the
Lord thy God is one God.
Deu. 6,5.
And thou shalt loue the Lord thy God from thy whole hart, and with thy whole soul,
and with thy whole mind, and with thy whole power. This is the first commandement.
31. And the second is like to it:
Leu. 19,18.
Thou shalt loue thy neighbour as thy self. And
other commandement greater then these there is not.
32. And the Scribe said to him: Wel Maister, thou hast said in truth, that there is one
God, and there is none other besides him.
33. And that he be loued from the whole hart, and with the whole vnderstanding, and with
the whole soule, and with the whole strength: and
This excellencie of Charitie teacheth vs that faith only is not sufficient.
to loue his neighbour as himself, is a greater thing
then al Holocausts and Sacrifices.
34. And Iᴇꜱᴠꜱ seeing that he had answered wisely, said to him: Thou art not farre from
the Kingdom of God. And no man now durst aske him.
35. And
Mat. 22,41.
Luke 20,41.
Iᴇꜱᴠꜱ answering, said, teaching in the temple: How doe the Scribes say, that
Christ is the sonne of Dauid?
36. For Dauid himself saith in the Holy Ghost:
Psa. 109,41.
Our Lord said to my Lord, sit on my
right hand, vntil I put thine enemies the foote stoole of thy feete.
37. Dauid therfore himself calleth him Lord, and whence is he his sonne? and a great
multitude heard him gladly.
38. And he said to them in his doctrine: Take heed of the Scribes that wil walke in long
robes, and be saluted in the market-place,
39. And sit in the first chaires in the Synagogues, and loue the highest places at suppers:
40. Which deuoure widowes houses vnder the pretence of long prayer: these shal receaue larger
Luke 21,2.
And Iᴇꜱᴠꜱ sitting ouer against the treasurie, beheld how the multitude did cast
money into the treasurie, and many rich men did cast in much.
42. And when there came a certaine poore widow, she cast in two mites, which is a farthing.
43. And calling his Disciples together, he saith to them: Amen I say to you,
that this poore widow hath cast in
God doth accept almes that are correspondent to euery mans abilitie:
and the more able, the more must a man giue.
more then al that haue cast into the treasurie.
44. For al they of their aboundance haue cast in; but she, of her penurie hath cast in al that
she had, her whole liuing.
Cʜᴀᴘ. XII.
17. To God.)
God first to be serued & then the Prince.
These men were very circumspect and wary to doe al duties to Cæsar, but of
their dutie to God they had no regard. So Heretikes, to flatter temporal Princes,
and by them to vphold their Heresies, doe not only inculcate mens dutie to the
Prince, dissembling that which is due to God; but also giue to the Prince more
then due, and take from God his right and dutie. But Christ alowing Cæsar his
right, warneth them also of their dutie toward God. And that is it which
Catholikes inculcate: Obey God, doe as he commandeth; Serue him first, and then
the Prince.
19. His brother shal take.)
Marying the brothers wife.
Marke wel here, that the Law which saith, Thou shalt not marie thy brothers wife,
is not such as admitteth no dispensation, as though this mariage were against
nature. For here the same Law saith, that in some case, the brother not only might
but then was bound to marry his brothers wife.
Leu. 18,16.
Deu. 25,5.
24. Not knowing the Scriptures.)
Many truths deduced out of scripture which Heretikes see not.
Who would haue thought that by this place of Scripture alleaged by Christ, the
Resurrection were proued? and yet we see that Christ doth hereby deduce it, and
chargeth these great Doctours and Maisters (which arrogated to them selues the
knowledge of Scriptures) that it is their ignorance, that they knew not so to
deduce it. No maruel then if the Holy Doctours and Catholike Church make the
like deduction sometime and proofes, where the Heretike doth not or wil not
see so much, therfore no doubt, because he knoweth not the Scriptures, whereof
he boasteth so much, nor the sense of the holy Ghost in them. For example, when
of that place, It shal not be forgiuen in this world nor in the world to
come, ancient Fathers deduce, that there are sinnes remitted after this
life in Purgatorie. See Mat. 12,32.
24. The power of God.)
Heretikes ignorant and without faith.
Euen so doe heretikes erre two waies: because they know not the Scriptures, which
they interpret contrarie to the sense of the whole Church and of al the ancient
Fathers, and because they know not the power of God, that as he is able to raise
the selfe same bodies againe, so he can make his body present in many places: but
being altogether faithlesse and not beleeuing his power, they dispute of al such
matters, only by reason and their owne imagination.