Original Douay Rheims Bible (1582 & 1610)

The Epistle of Saint Pavl to the Philippians

HOVV S. Paul vvas called by a vision into Macedonia, vve reade Act. 16. and hovv he came to Philippi being the first citie thereof, and of his preaching, miracles, and suffering there. And againe Act. 19. Paul purposed in the Spirit, vvhen he had passed through Macedonia and Achaia, to goe to Hierusalem, saying: After I haue been there, I must see Rome also. Vvhich purpose he executed Act. 20. taking his leaue at Ephesus. And being aftervvard come into Achaia, he had counsel to returne through Macedonia, and so at length from Philippi he began his nauigation tovvard Hierusalem, and from Hierusalem being caried prisoner to Rome (Act. 28.) he vvrote from thence this Epistle to the Philippians: or rather in his second apprehension, about 10 yeres after the first. In it he confirmeth them (as he did * the Ephesians also about the same time) against the tentatiō that they might haue in hearing that he vvere executed. therfore he first saith: And I vvil haue you knovv brethren, that the things about me, are come to the more furtherance of the Gospel: so that my bandes vvere made manifest in Christ in al the Court &c. Secondly he signifieth that his desire is, to he dissolued and to be vvith Christ. but yet (lest they should be discomforted) that he hopeth to come againe to them. Vvhereof notvvithstanding, that he hath yet no certaintie, he signifieth in saying: I hope to send Timothee vnto you, immediatly as I shal see the things that concerne me. Thirdly therefore he prepareth them against the vvorst, saying: I hope to come againe to you: but and if I be immolated, vpon the sacrifice and seruice of your faith, I reioyce and congratulate vvith you al, and the self same thing do you also reioyce and congratulate vvith me. Moreouer he partly vvarneth them (as he had done before) of those Iudaical False-apostles vvho preached circumcision & Moyses lavv to the Christian Gentils: partly he exhorteth them to suffer persecution, to liue vvel, and specially to humble them selues one to an other, rather then by any pride to breake the peace & vnitie of the Church.