1. THɪꜱ also is the lawe of an hoste for an offence, the most Holie:
2. therfore where the holocaust is immolated, the victime also for an offence shal be
slaine: the bloud therof shal be poured round about the altar.
3. They shal offer therof the rumpe and the fatte that couereth the entralles:
4. the two little kidneys, and the fatte that is beside the guttes, and the caule of the
lyuer with the two litle kidneys.
5. And the priest shal burne them vpon the altar: it is the burnt sacrifice of our Lord
for an offence.
6. Euerie male of the priests stocke, in a holie place shal eate this flesh, because it
is most Holie.
7. As the hoste for sinne is offered, so also that for an offence: the lawe of
both hostes shal be one: to the priest that offereth it, it shal pertaine.
8. The priest that offereth the victime of holocaust, shal haue the skinne therof.
9. And euerie sacrifice of flowre, that is baked in the ouen, and whatsoeuer is prepared
vpon the grediron, or in the frying panne, it shal be that priestes by whom it is offered.
10. Whether they be tempered with oyle, or drie, to al the sonnes of Aaron equal measure
shal be diuided to euerie one.
11. This is the law of the hoste of pacifiques that is offered to our Lord.
12. If the oblation be for thankes geuing, they shal offer loaues without leauen tempered
with oyle, and wafers vnleauened laid ouer with oyle, and fryed floure, and manchets tempered
with the mingling of oyle:
13. loaues also leauened with the hoste of thankes, which is offered for pacifiques:
14. wherof one for first fruites shal be offered to our Lord, and shal be the
priests that shal poure out the bloud of the hoste.
15. the flesh wherof shal be eaten the same day, neither shal anie of it remaine vntil
16. If anie man by vowe, or of his owne accorde offer an hoste, it shal in like maner be
eaten the same day: but if ought remaine vntil the morrow, it is lawful to eate it:
17. but whatsoeuer the third day shal find, fire shal consume it.
18. If anie man eate of the flesh of the victime of pacifiques the third day, the oblation
shal be of none effect, neither shal it profite the offerer: yea rather whatsoeuer soule shal
defile it selfe with such meate, shal be guiltie of preuarication.
19. The flesh that hath touched any vncleane thing, shal not be eaten, but shal be burnt
with fire: he that is cleane, shal eate therof.
20. A soule being polluted that eateth of the flesh of the hoste of pacifiques, which is
offered to our Lord, shal perish from his people.
21. And that which hath touched the vncleannes of man, or of beast, or of anie thing that
can pollute, and eateth of such kind of flesh, shal perish from his people.
22. And our Lord spake to Moyses, saying:
23. Speake to the children of Israel: The fatte of a sheepe, and of an oxe, and of a goate
you shal not eate.
24. The fatte of the carcasse of cartaine, and of the beast, that was caught of an other
beast, you shal haue for diuers vses.
25. If anie man eate the fatte, that should be offered for the burnt sacrifice of our
Lord, he shal perish out of his people.
26. The bloud also of whatsoeuer beast you shal not take in meate, aswel of birdes as of
27. Euerie soule that eateth bloud, shal perish out of his people.
28. And our Lord spake to Moyses, saying:
29. Speake to the children of Israel, saing: He that offereth a victime of pacifiques to
our Lord, let him offer therwith a sacrifice also, that is, the libaments therof.
30. He shal hold in his handes the fatte of the hoste, and the brest: and when he hath
offered and consecrated both to our Lord, he shal deliuer them to the priest,
31. who shal burne the fatte vpon the altar, but the breast shal be Aarons, and his sonnes.
32. The right shoulder also of the pacifique hostes shal fal for first fruites of the
33. He of the sonnes of Aaron, that offereth the bloud, and the fatte, him selfe shal
haue the right shoulder also for his portion.
34. For the brest of eleuation and the shoulder of seperation I haue taken of the children
of Israel, from their pacifique hostes, and haue geuen them to Aaron the priest, and to his
sonnes, by a lawe for euer, of al the people of Israel.
35. This is the anoynting of Aaron and his sonnes, in the ceremonies of our Lord, in the
day when Moyses offered them, that they might doe the function of priesthood,
36. and the thinges that our Lord commanded to be geuen them of the children of Israel,
by a perpetual religion in their generations.
37. This is the lawe of holocauste, and of the sacrifice for sinne, and for an offence,
and for consecration, and the victimes of pacifiques:
38. Which our Lord apointed to Moyses in mount Synai when he commanded the children of
Israel, that they should offer their oblations to our Lord in the desert of Synai.