Original Douay Rheims Bible (1582 & 1610)



1. VVHᴇɴ a soule shal offer an oblation of sacrifice to our Lord, fine flowre shal be his oblation. and he shal poure oyle vpon it, and put franckincense, 2. and shal carie it to the sonnes of Aaron the priests: of whom one shal take a handful of the flowre, and the oile, and al the franckincense, and shal put it a memorial vpon the Altar for a most sweete sauour to our Lord. 3. And that which shal be left of the sacrifice, shal be Aarons, and his sonnes, Holie of holies among the oblations of our Lord. 4. But when thou offerest a sacrifice baked in the ouen: of flowre, to wit, loaues without leauen, tempered with oyle, and wafers vnleauened layd ouer with oyle. 5. If thine oblation be of the frying panne, of flowre tempered with oyle, and without leuen, 6. thou shalt diuide it into litle peeces, & shalt poure oyle vpon it. 7. And if the sacrifice be from the gridiron, in like maner the flowre shal be tempered with oyle, 8. which offering to our Lord, thou shalt deliuer to the handes of the priest. 9. Who hauing offered it, shal take a memorie of the sacrifice, & burne it vpon the altar for a swete sauour to our Lord, 10. and whatsoeuer is left, shal be Aarons, and his sonnes, Holie of holies among the oblations of our Lord. 11. Euerie oblation, that is offered to our Lord, shal be made without leauen, neyther shal any leauen and honie be burned in the sacrifice of our Lord. 12. The first fruites only of them and the giftes you shal offer: but vpon the altar they shal not be put, for a sauour of swetnes. 13. What sacrifice soeuer thou offerest, thou shalt season it with salt neither shalt thou take away the salt of the couenant of thy God from thy sacrifice. In euerie oblation thou shalt offer salt. 14. But if thou offer a gyfte of the first fruites of thy corne to our Lord, of the eares being yet greene, thou shalt drie it at the fire, and bruise it in maner of meale, and so shalt thou offer thy first fruites to our Lord, 15. powring oyle vpon it, and putting on franckincense, because it is the oblation of our Lord. 16. Wherof the priest shal burne for memorie of the gift, part of the meale bruised, and of the oile, and al the frankincense.