Original Douay Rheims Bible (1582 & 1610)


that is to say,


1. Aleph. HOW is VVheras the Temple before glistered with gold, now there appeared burnt smokie walles, & pittiful ruines. the gold darkned, the best colour changed, the stones of the sanctuarie dispersed in the head of al streetes?
2. Beth. The noble children of Sion, & they that were clothed with the principal gold: how are they reputed as earthen vessels, the worke of the potters handes?
3. Ghimel. Yea euen Lamia hath a face like a woman, a body as other brutish beastes, is cruel to others, yet kind to her owne broode: but women of Ierusalem in extreme distresse were cruel to their owne children. the lamiaes haue opened their breast, they haue geuen sucke to their yong, the daughter of my people is cruel, as as the ostrich forsaking her egges. the ostrich in the desert.
4. Daleth. The tongue of the suckling hath clouen to the roofe of his mouth for thirst: the litle ones haue asked bread, and there was none that brake it vnto them.
5. He. They that fed voluptuously, haue dyed in the wayes: they that were brought vp in scarlet, haue embraced the dung.
6. Vau. And the iniquitie of the daughter of my people is become greater then the sinne of Sodom: which was ouerthrowen in a moment, and handes tooke nothing in her.
7. Zain. Her Nazareites whiter then snow, purer then milke, ruddier then the old yuorie, fayrer then the sapphire.
8. Heth. Their face is made blacker then coales, and they are One could not know an other, though they were acquainted before. not knowne in the streetes: their skinne hath clouen to their bones, it is withered, and is made as wood.
9. Teth. It was better with them that were slaine with the sword, then with them that were killed by famine: because these pyned away consumed by the barrennes of the countrie.
10. Iod. The handles of VVemen being by nature pitiful, were cruel to their owne children pitiful women haue fodden their owne children: they were made their meate In the siege of Ierusalem. in the destruction of In Hebrew phrase cities are called the daughters of the countrie. the daughter of my people.
11. Caph. Our Lord hath accomplished his furie, he hath powred out the wrath of his indignation: and he hath kindled a fyre in Sion, and it hath deuoured the fundations therof.
12. Lamed. The kinges of the earth, and al the inhabitants of the world did not beleue, that the aduersarie and the enemie should enter in by the gates of Ierusalem.
13. Mem. For the sinnes of her False prophetes were called by the name of prophetes, as they semed in the world to be. prophets, and the iniquities of her priestes, which haue shed the bloud of iust men in the middes of her.
14. Nun. The blind wandered in the streetes, they were polluted with bloud: and when they could not, they held their skirts.
15. Samech. Depart ye polluted, they cryed to them: depart, get ye hence, touch not: for they brawled, & were moued: they said among the Gentiles: He wil adde no more to dwel among them.
16. Phe. The face of our Lord hath diuided them, he wil not adde to respect them: they haue not reuerenced the faces of the priests, neither had they pitie on the ancients.
17. Ain. Whiles we yet stood, our eyes fayled towards our vaine helpe, when we looked attentiue to a nation, that was not able to saue.
18. Sade. Our steppes slipped in the way of our streetes, our end draweth nere: our dates are accomplished, because our end is come.
19. Coph: Our persecuters were swifter then the eagles of the heauen: vpon the mountaines they pursued vs, in the desert they lay in waite against vs.
20. Res. The spirit of our mouth This perteineth either to king Iosias slaine by the Ægyptians. 2. Par. 35 or to Sedeciastaken by the Chaldees. Mystically of Christ our Sauiour. Is. 53 v. 5. S. Aug. li. 18. c. 33. de ciu. Christ our Lord is taken in our sinnes: to whom we haue said: In thy shadow shal we liue among the Gentiles.
21. Sin. Reioyce, and be glad ô daughter of Edom, which dwellest in the Land of Hus: to thee also shal the cuppe come, thou shalt be made drunken, and naked.
22. Thau. Thine iniquitie is accomplished ô daughter of Sion, he wil adde no more to transport thee: he hath visited thine iniquitie ô daughter of Edom, he hath discouered thy sinnes.