Original Douay Rheims Bible (1582 & 1610)


that is to say,


The The prophet foreseing in spirite their future state as if it had bene present, prayed in the same maner, as the whole people should pray when they were in such calamitie. prayer of Ieremie the Prophet.

1. REmember ô Lord what is fallen to vs: behold, and regard our reproch.
2. Our inheritance is turned to aliens: our houses to strangers.
3. We are made Manie were orphanes with our fathers, & al were depriued of their king, who was as a father of al the people. pupils without father: our mothers are as it were widowes.
4. Our water we haue drunke for money: our wood we haue bought for a price.
5. We were led by our neckes, no rest was geuen to the wearie.
6. We VVe haue put ourselues to worke and trauel in strange countries to gette bread to eate. haue geuen our hand to Ægypt, and to the Assyrians, that we might be filled with bread.
7. Our fathers haue sinned, and they are not:& we haue borne their iniquities.
8. Seruantes haue ruled ouer vs: there was none that would redeme vs out of their hand.
9. in peril of our liues did we fetch vs bread, *in danger of the svvord. at the face of the sword in the desert.
10. Our skinne was burnt as an ouen, by reason of the tempests of famine.
11. They humbled the women in Sion, and the virgins in the cities of Iuda.
12. The princes were hanged vp by the hand: they did not reuerence the faces of the ancients.
13. Yongmen they abused And beaten with staues. vnchastly: and the children fel They were made to grind naked in the mille: in wood.
14. The ancients decayed out of the gates: the yongmen out of the quier of the singers.
15. The ioy of our hart hath fayled, our quyre is turned into mourning.
16. The They lost the glorie of a kingdom, and were subiect to strange and barbarous nations. crowne of our head is fallen: wo to vs, because we haue sinned.
17. Therfore is our hart made sorowful, therfore are our eyes darkned.
18. For mount Sion, because it is perished, foxes haue walked on it.
19. But thou o Lord shalt remaine for euer, thy throne in generation and to generation.
20. Why wilt thou for euer be forgetful of vs? Wilt thou forsake vs in length of daies?
21. As Iere. 31. V. 18 and S. Augustin li. De Gratia. lib. arb. c. 2. 4. &c. Conuert vs o Lord to thee, and we shal be conuerted: renew our dayes, as from the beginning.
22. But reiecting thou hast reiected vs, Hauing so seuerely punished vs, we beseech thee now to cease from more. thou art angrie against vs excedingly.