Original Douay Rheims Bible (1582 & 1610)

The Catholike Epistle of Saint Iames the Apostle

By concupiscence and loue of this world, we are made enemies to God: but we should rather humble vs to him, punishing our selues for our sinnes. 11. Against detraction & rash iudging, 13. To remember alwaies the vncertaintie of our life.
1. FROM whence are warres and contentions among you? Are they not hereof? of your concupiscences which warre in your members? 2. You couet, & haue not. You kil, and enuie; and can not obtaine. You contend and warre: and you haue not, because you aske not. 3. You aske, and receiue not: because you aske amisse: that you may consume it on your concupiscences. 4. Aduouterers, know you not the the * 1. Io. 2,15. freindship of this world, is the enemie of God? Whosoeuer therfore wil be a freind of this world, is made an enemie of God. 5. Or doe you thinke that the Scripture saith in vaine: To enuie doth the spirit couet which dwelleth in you? 6. And The boldnes of Heretikes adding here the word, Scripture, to the text this, And the Scripture giueth greater grace. giueth greater grace. For the which cause it saith, * Prou. 3,35.
1. Pet. 5,5.
God resisteth the proud and giueth grace to the humble. 7. Be subiect therfore to God, but resist the Diuel, and he wil fly from you. 8. Free-wil and man's owne endeauour necessarie in comming to God. Approch to God, & he wil approch to you. Cleanse your hands, ye sinners: and purifie your harts, ye double of mind. 9. Be miserable, and mourne, & weep: let your laughter be turned into mourning; and ioy, into sorrow. 10. * 1. Pet. 5,6. Be humbled in the sight of our Lord, and he wil exalt you. 11. μὴ καταλαλεῖτε ἀλλήλων
He forbideth detraction, euil speaking, and slandering.
Detract not one from another, my Brethren. He that detracteth from his Brother, or he that iudgeth his Brother, detracteth from the Law, and iudgeth the Law. But if thou iudge the Law, thou art not a doer of the Law, but a Iudge. 12. For there is one Lawmaker, and Iudge that can destroy and deliuer. 13. But thou, * Ro. 14,4. what art thou that iudgest thy neighbour? Behold now you that say, To day or to morrow we wil goe into that citie, and there certes wil spend a yeare, and wil traffike, and make our gaine 14. (who are ignorant what shal be on the morrow. For what is your life? It is a vapour appearing for a litle while, and afterward it shal vanish away) 15. for that you should say, Al promises and purposes of our worldly affaires are to be made vnder condition of God's good liking & pleasure: and it be commeth a Christian man to haue vsually this forme of speach in that case, If God wil, if God otherwise dispose not. If our Lord wil: and, if we shal liue, we wil doe this or that. 16. But now you reioyce in your arrogancies. Al such reioycing is wicked. 17. To one therfore knowing to doe good, and not doing it: to him it is sinne.
ANNOTATIONS. Cʜᴀᴘ. IIII. 8. Purifie your harts.) Man (we see here) maketh himself cleane and purgeth his owne hart. Which derogateth nothing to the grace of God being the principal cause of the same. Yet Protestants thinke we derogate from Christ's Passion, when we attribute such effects to our owne workes, or to other secundarie helps and causes.