Original Douay Rheims Bible (1582 & 1610)


that is to say,


1. Aleph. THE man Ieremie him self felt his part of this affliction. that see my pouertie in the rod of his indignation.
2. Aleph. He hath led me, and brought me into darknes and not into light.
3. Aleph. Only against me he hath turned and hath conuerted his hand al the day.
4. Beth. He hath made my skinne old and my flesh, he hath broken my bones.
5. Beth. He hath built round about me, and he hath compased me with Ierusalem was ransacked by Nabuchodonosor, gaul, and and worse by Nabuzardan labour.
6. Beth. In darke places he hath placed me as the euerlasting dead.
7. Ghimel. He hath built round about against me, that I goe not forth: he hath aggrauated my fetters.
8. Ghimel. Yea and when I shal crie, and aske, he hath excluded my prayer.
9. Ghimel. He hath shut vp my wayes with square stones, he hath subuerted my pathes.
10. Daleth. He is become vnto me a beare lying in waite: a lyon in secret places.
11. Daleth. He hath subuerted my pathes, and hath broken me, he hath made me desolate.
12. Daleth. He hath bent his bow, and set me as a marke for the arrow.
13. He. He hath shot in my reines the daughters of his quiuer.
14. He. I am made a derision to al my people, their songue al the day.
15. He. He hath replenished me with bitternes, he hath inebriated me with wormwood.
16. Vau. And he He describeth his greuous paines, as if his teeth were broken one by one. hath broken my teeth by number, he hath fed me with ashes.
17. Vau. And my soule is repelled from peace, I haue forgotten good thinges.
18. Vau. And I sayd: Mine end is The end of my life is come. perished, and mine hope from our Lord.
19. Zain. Remember my pouertie, and transgression, the wormwood, and the gual.
20. Zain. Remembering I wil be mindful, and my soule shal languish in me.
21. Zain. Recording this thing in my hart, therfore wil I hope.
22. Heth. The mercies of our Lord that we are not consumed: because his commiserations haue not fayled.
23. Heth. New in the morning, Gods mercies are euerie day renewed. great is thy fidelite.
24. Heth. Our Lord is my portion, says my soule: therfore wil I expect him.
25. Teth. Our Lord is good to them that hope in him, to the soule that seeketh him.
26. Teth. It is good to waite with silence for the saluation VVhich God wil geue. of God.
27. Teth. It is good for a man, when he beareth the yoke from his youth.
28. Iod. He shal sit solitaire, and hold his peace: because he hath lifted himselfe aboue himself.
29. Iod. He shal put his mouth in the dust, if perhaps there be hope.
30. Iod. He Especially vnderstood of Christ. Mat. 26. shal geue the cheeke to him that striketh him, he shal be filled with reproches.
31. Caph. Because our Lord wil not reiect for euer.
32. Caph. Because if he hath reiected, he wil also haue mercie, according to the multitude of his mercies.
33. Caph. For he hath not humbled God punisheth his seruantes not to hurt them but for their good. from his hart, and cast of the children of men.
34. Lamed. To stamp vnder his fete al the prisoners of the earth.
35. Lamed. To auert the iudgement of a man before the face of the Highest.
36. Lamed. To peruert a man in his iudgement The speech of such as denie Gods prouidence. our Lord hath not knowne.
37. Mem. Who is this, that hath commanded it to be done, our Lord not commanding it?
38. Mem. Out of the mouth of the Highest, there shal not procede neither euil things, The speech of such as denie Gods prouidence. nor good.
39. Mem. What hath the liuing man murmured, man for his sinnes?
40. Nun. Let vs search our wayes, & seeke, and returne to our Lord.
41. Nun. Let vs lift vp our hartes with our handles to our Lord into the heauens.
42. Nun. We haue done wickedly, and prouoked to wrath: therfore thou art inexorable.
43. Samech. Thou has couriered in furie, and hast spoken vs: thou hast killed, and not spared.
44. Samech. Thou hast sette a cloude before thee, thay prayer may not passe.
45. Samech. Thou hast made me to be rooted out, and abiect in the middes of the peoples.
46. Phe. Al the enemies haue opened their mouth vpon vs.
47. Phe. Prophecie Preaching of false prophets hath brought these euils vpon vs. is made vnto vs, feare, and snare, and destruction.
48. Phe. Myne eye hath shed streamers of waters, in the destruction of the daughter of my people.
49. Ain. Myne eye is afflicted, neither hath it bene quiet, because there was no rest.
50. Ain. Til our Lord regarded and looked from the heauens.
51. Ain. Mine eye hath spoiled my soule for al the daughters of my citie.
52. Sade. Myne enemies in hunting haue caught me as a birde, without cause.
53. Sade. My life is fallen into the lake, and they haue layd a stone vpon me.
54. Sade. The water haue flowed water ouer my head: I says: I am vndone.
55. Coph: I haue inuocated thy name ô Lord from the lowest lake.
56. Coph: Thou hast heard my voice: turne not away thine eare from my sobbings, and cries.
57. Coph: Thou didst approach in the day, when I inuocated thee: thou hast says: Feare not.
58. Res. Thou hast iudged ô Lord the cause of my soule, redeemer of my life.
59. Res. Thou hast seene ô Lord their iniquitie against me: Iudge thou that which they haue iudged vniustly. iudge my iudgement.
60. Res. Thou hast seene al their furie, al their cogitations against me.
61. Sin. Thou hast heard their reproch ô Lord, al their cogitations against me.
62. Sin. The lippes of them that rile vp against me; and their cogitations against me al the day.
63. Sin. See their sitting downe, and their rysing vp, I am their psalme.
64. Thau. Thou shalt render them a recompense, ô Lord, according to the workes of their handes.
65. Thau. Thou shalt geue them Geue them the paine of hartie sorow: a shild of hart VVherwith thou afflictest the wicked. thy labour.
66. Thau. Thou shalt persecute in furie, and shalt destroy them from vnder the heauens ô Lord.